traction rates

Not enough detail Joe. £1 a mile for anything over 300 a day or over 1500 a week? Either way £1 is very poor.

You’re going to sit for half a day not earning anything because a ferry is delayed? No thanks.

Why is £1 a mile poor for additional miles? (over the 1500) It easily covers fuel costs plus a good £15 an hour for the driver.

If you sat in the docks you would get reduced payment as no fuel costs.

We were paying this to hauliers and they were happy with it.

I do traction out of felixstowe and have done for years and i get just a little fed up of people saying how bad the rates are and that it is a waste of time.There will never be a fortune to be made but as an owner driver i can make a decent living for my family and myself but i can see if i employed some one with the extra costs this would entail it would hardly be worth it. Before i get knocked down i will add i run new tackle and pay myself a good wage i do not kid myself and if the sums did not add up i would pack up and get a job as i am not a charity.I still like doing the job most of the time i can take a week off when ever i please the only person i have to answer to is the wife in a nut shell i am fairly pleased with my little lot, there will allways be people who say they earn more than me but all through my working life there allways have been i earn enough for me.One more thing to add its suprizing how many big boys gave traction ago when the recession started and there work dried up

Interesting comments Professor. We are a 4PL and did some traction only (probably for same firm as you) in the run up to Christmas. We paid our hauliers (not ODs) £450 a day and about £1.30 (I got it wrong on previous post) for all miles over 1500 a week. We have just asked them to do some more traction work for us and they said “no thanks it was ok when things were quiet” We are thinking of offering same to owner drivers, do you think it would be attractive?


I do traction out of felixstowe and have done for years and i get just a little fed up of people saying how bad the rates are and that it is a waste of time.There will never be a fortune to be made but as an owner driver i can make a decent living for my family and myself but i can see if i employed some one with the extra costs this would entail it would hardly be worth it. Before i get knocked down i will add i run new tackle and pay myself a good wage i do not kid myself and if the sums did not add up i would pack up and get a job as i am not a charity.I still like doing the job most of the time i can take a week off when ever i please the only person i have to answer to is the wife in a nut shell i am fairly pleased with my little lot, there will allways be people who say they earn more than me but all through my working life there allways have been i earn enough for me.One more thing to add its suprizing how many big boys gave traction ago when the recession started and there work dried up

Interesting comments Professor. We are a 4PL and did some traction only (probably for same firm as you) in the run up to Christmas. We paid our hauliers (not ODs) £450 a day and about £1.30 (I got it wrong on previous post) for all miles over 1500 a week. We have just asked them to do some more traction work for us and they said “no thanks it was ok when things were quiet” We are thinking of offering same to owner drivers, do you think it would be attractive?


we get £1.65 round trip traction only, all flat bed work

but then my motors will not move for anything less that £1.60

we get £1.65 round trip traction only, all flat bed work

but then my motors will not move for anything less that £1.60

Hi Si

Is that traction or with your own trailer?


In which case he would be a haulage provider and not “traction only” as he says. :wink:

Joe really with all your experience in the 4pl world you shouldnt really need to be asking this on a forum :wink: PPM is a hard one to work with as I explained in the past as its not as simple as that, as type of work weight being pulled comes into play, there is quite a bit of difference between working on the trollies for a day rate with a mileage cap and tramping for a day rate with an average weekly miles built in accross the week (pretty sure a lot of ODs that work with me would hate to be put on the trollies and are much happier on the distance 1 or 2 hits a day!)


I do traction out of felixstowe and have done for years and i get just a little fed up of people saying how bad the rates are and that it is a waste of time.There will never be a fortune to be made but as an owner driver i can make a decent living for my family and myself but i can see if i employed some one with the extra costs this would entail it would hardly be worth it. Before i get knocked down i will add i run new tackle and pay myself a good wage i do not kid myself and if the sums did not add up i would pack up and get a job as i am not a charity.I still like doing the job most of the time i can take a week off when ever i please the only person i have to answer to is the wife in a nut shell i am fairly pleased with my little lot, there will allways be people who say they earn more than me but all through my working life there allways have been i earn enough for me.One more thing to add its suprizing how many big boys gave traction ago when the recession started and there work dried up

Interesting comments Professor. We are a 4PL and did some traction only (probably for same firm as you) in the run up to Christmas. We paid our hauliers (not ODs) £450 a day and about £1.30 (I got it wrong on previous post) for all miles over 1500 a week. We have just asked them to do some more traction work for us and they said “no thanks it was ok when things were quiet” We are thinking of offering same to owner drivers, do you think it would be attractive?


Better than most of the ■■■■■ out the dock, DHL were paying £400 per day for approx 1500 mile per week on Nordic traction there not long ago. Total waste of time. Perhaps this is the OD ■■■■■■ rate & they pay big noise like Dunwell & Exceed man more when there’s no mugginses.

I’m sure you’ve been PM’d to infinity by our budding legion of newbies.

Why dont you go pulling steady eddies trailers out of Tesco Goole £600 per day

Lolz, you’ve nearly bounced me off the bunk with laughter at that, send some of what you’re smoking my way dude & now I’m out, goodnight fellow nutters.

The going rate is around £1.35 to £1.37 per mile from Uk ports at the moment

The going rate is around £1.35 to £1.37 per mile from Uk ports at the moment

No artic o/d would drive for that unless they don’t know how to use a calculator. Not going to make any profit whatsoever at those rates.

Could you please post your calculations to justify that sweeping statement. It would be interesting to compare with mine based on actual running costs.

Left hand down!:

The going rate is around £1.35 to £1.37 per mile from Uk ports at the moment

No artic o/d would drive for that unless they don’t know how to use a calculator. Not going to make any profit whatsoever at those rates.

If there are they must be running on red!! and if anyone on here is running at that sort of rate I would quite happily help them earn way more!! ( No I am not advertising!!)

Please tell more!!


Left hand down!:

The going rate is around £1.35 to £1.37 per mile from Uk ports at the moment

No artic o/d would drive for that unless they don’t know how to use a calculator. Not going to make any profit whatsoever at those rates.

If there are they must be running on red!! and if anyone on here is running at that sort of rate I would quite happily help them earn way more!! ( No I am not advertising!!)

Prey tell ?

Private messages may be best.

I am on 1.35 a mile from Pembroke Dock and a mate of mine is on the same working for Continental Cargo Carriers from Purfleet

I am on 1.35 a mile from Pembroke Dock and a mate of mine is on the same working for Continental Cargo Carriers from Purfleet

Fair enough, but some of us actually work to live, not be a charity.

What rates are other firms paying then ?

What would the critics of traction work accept as a profit, I have not seen any figures to justify claims that all us subbies on traction are charity cases.

By profit I mean revenue minus total operating costs not including a wage because as an OD my profit is my wage.

I know exactly what my operating costs are and I know what I make and am getting a little bit p*****d off with people who will not justify their claims saying that I am a charity case.

If someone will do me the courtesy of backing their statements up with some figures I will again post some figures to show what is possible at £1.35/mile.