
Harry Monk:
Is it this?

dailypost.co.uk/news/north-w … m-12329145

Hope you don’t mind me posting it, I’ll pull it if you do but it seemed such a warm tribute. I will just advise others that it is a very distressing read.

I think Harry that your posting is fitting , but as you said you would pull it if required to do so.

My thoughts are so much with this man and his family and I speak for many others on here.

This guy needs our unconditional support.

Lash, I am and was an agency driver when my wife became ill, I was off for around 18 months looking after her and the company i was working for on a long term contract let me work the odd day (About 6 in total) whenever I wanted to.
After she passed away I was welcomed back into the job and maintained my status (Last in first out) .
It’s coming up to 11 years ago now (May) and I can say that it does get easier but you will never forget.
A colleague quite soon after told me, “Your life with your wife can be put into a box and no-one can ever take that away and you can open that box anytime you wish”
I have been very lucky and have found that people are fantastic and you eventually find the reasons to carry on.
I hope you find the same support as I did, i’m sure you will.
best wishes mate


selby newcomer:
Company who I work for they let you take a Career Break, I’m not sure of how it works but I know of a couple of lads who are on them now and gone travelling for a year in australia.

As has been said the best people to talk to about it will be your HR dept.

Real sorry to hear about your loss, hope your company gives you the break you are looking for.

Just be aware (if it’s important to you) that most “career break” arrangements don’t offer any guarantee of there being a job for you when you return. What they effectively do is preserve your continuous service and pension entitlements (if any) so that if they take you on again the time spent away from the job is disregarded.

Hi Lash hgv…firstly can i offer my condolences to you and your family…your wife was so young at 38…but a tragic accident nontheless…I applaud what you and your wife did to home animals that needed a home, and at his hour in need, may i hope you can find homes for your animals.
Seeing that your company obviously know of your loss, and indeed know your circumstances, so i would go along the lines of explaining your predicament and asking either for some time off, or perhaps just to do a few days here and there, BUT depends on your financial circumstances…can you live on a few odd days…or maybe the SSP, is the route as you will at least have a regular income. i wont make any more suggestions at this time, but to wish you all the very best for whatever you decide…and please stay in touch via T/N to let us all know how you are coping, and if there is anything maybe we could offer apart from moral support. Good Luck bud.
