Too old for a career change?

My mate just passed his C test as 78 years old

I’m 49 next month, I have my Cat C test in July.

Age is just a number mate. I passed my C two weeks ago. Got three minors so I was well pleased. Doing my CPC this weekend and early next week. Doing my C+E in July. I’m 54 two weeks after doing it. Really looking forward to starting work doing whatever I can so as to get some experience under my belt. I’m not frightened of hard work so that shouldn’t be a problem. Reading some of the posts on this great site is really inspirational and gives the confidence the boost it needs.

Its never been harder for agencies to scrape the barrel recycle the barrel rent the barrel put option the barrel create a financial prospectus the barrel and pay their staff .its not easy to take away all your rights and pay you tuppence but the agency plagues achieved this .if only companies trained staff instead of buying timeshare offshore .they deserve screwing but not by their minion agency partners in crime .watch your backs .its a bumpy ride

This is also my first post, and I’m in a similar position to WonkerDude. I’m in my mid forties and the prospect of redundancy is looming, after 25 years in the electricity industry. I’d intended doing my class 1 over 20 years ago, but family and a mortgage prevented the funds being available. So now I’m considering applying to my other half for her blessing to complete cat C, then perhaps C + E. It’s much more interesting when you wait 20 years to pay for extras like rigid licence first, theory test, HPT, CPC, etc… :unamused:

I’ve frequently driven 8 wheelers on site, both tippers and tankers, so feel comfortable with the size of the vehicles. Although obviously there isn’t as much other traffic on site!

My big fear is the employment position isn’t too good in Northumberland, and it’s a lot of money to spend without a job at the end of it. Almost every advertised position requires experience. A friend has indicated he may be able to offer the odd day in his 8 wheeler when he wants some time off, so that’ll help a little.

I think there needs to be a long hard think about this…

Did my HGV class 3 test in the army in 1977
Did my PSV in 1979
In 1991 I stopped driving went and did a degree and had a 15 year IT career and let my medical lapse when I was 45
In Jan 2013 I did my D4 and medical and did a bit of muti drop class 2 (Class 3 conversion)
In August 2013 I took two weeks out and did CPC and Class 1
I am now 57 working agency

:smiley: :smiley:

Thanks again all for your comments - reassured that I’m looking at this the right way. I see many jobs being advertised for HGV and in the end, goods will still need moving from A to B.

My wife and I’s plan is to cash out from the South East and move back to either Northumberland (her home county) or across into SW Scotland around Dumfries area. With hopefully no mortgae and low outgoings, we can both look to do jobs we enjoy vs. needing to work like lunatics to pay the high mortgage and utilities as we currently do.

I read a lot on this forum about others enjoying their jobs (perhaps with newbie rose tinted glasses on granted!) and realise now that this is what I want to do. Not bothered about driving my current career into another BA job when I get redundant, more looking at reducing our debts, living away from the busy crowds of the South East and having a better time together. If we’re not earning same salaries (which we won’t!) that isn’t our priority.

Wow … passing at 78 … Kudos to your friend.

Thanks again one and all for your two pennies :sunglasses:

As others have said, 45 is not a problem at all. I know a driver from a different depot where I work that is 72, passes his medical every year and he doesn’t have any plans on retiring anytime soon!

Southwest Scotland is somewhere I’m wanting to move to myself - out in the sticks, around Port William, Bladnoch, Whithorn, etc. I’m looking at jobs based in Stranraer that would involve tramping to and from Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Good luck!

Thanks Endgame. Is there much work around Stranraer as a matter of interest?

Thanks Endgame. Is there much work around Stranraer as a matter of interest?

I’ve spoken to drivers in Cairnryan and majority of them are employed by Irish haulage firms (ideal) and they reckoned they had it really, really easy. Some of them just going over the Irish sea to drop/swap trailers then coming back. Basically getting paid for their trip there and back. Easy work.

Other drivers I have spoken to work out of Ayr and Kilmarnock and end up in Stranraer, usually trampers and trunkers. As far as work based in and around Stranraer, I’ve not come across much outside of class 2 work. Dumfries, however, does seem to have a fairly decent haulage hotspot. I’ve seen a few jobs for vacuum tanker drivers in Dumfries at water treatment sites. Infact, I’ve seen a company up there willing to pay for people’s HGV licences in return for a 12 month contract.

Your best bet is to Google search “HGV jobs, South West Scotland” then you can specify certain areas.

Thanks Endgame. I’ve been researching potential HGV firms so that if we go to SW Scotland, I’m not coming to the area cold. Any additional information is gratefully received. Safe trucking my friend :slight_smile:

I say go for it , I did my class c in November and my c+e in May and I’m 53