Tipper driving

Don’t let all the tipper jibes get you down paul261267! They’re commonplace around here! :unamused:

It’s probably down to all those miserable-faced artic bods jealous of the craic us tipper drivers have! Oh, and the fact that most of us are in our own beds at night - instead of freezing our Cojones off in some urine-infested layby! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Secretly they all want to be tipper drivers you know - many are called, but few are chosen! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp:

ahhh, its not the same these days on tippers… :laughing:

speed limiters, on call tyre fitters, hourly rate… :unamused:

i remember when flat out was 75mph on the m62 going down windy hill…holding onto the seat with your a***.

and every gaffer used to say “where the [zb] have you been !” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sir LANs-a-lot:
Don’t let all the tipper jibes get you down paul261267! They’re commonplace around here! :unamused:

It’s probably down to all those miserable-faced artic bods jealous of the craic us tipper drivers have! Oh, and the fact that most of us are in our own beds at night - instead of freezing our Cojones off in some urine-infested layby! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Secretly they all want to be tipper drivers you know - many are called, but few are chosen! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp:

I totally agree, was made redundant when the A30 was finished and couldn’t get another tipper job as everyone was cutting back. 4 months later after a spell on bendys I am desperate to get back on tippers

hopefully there will be something available


Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction

Right then son, forget indicators, mirrors and lane discipline. In fact just pretend there’s no one else on the road except for the other 3 that you’ll being following.

Induction over.

Sir LANs-a-lot:
Don’t let all the tipper jibes get you down paul261267! They’re commonplace around here! :unamused:

It’s probably down to all those miserable-faced artic bods jealous of the craic us tipper drivers have! Oh, and the fact that most of us are in our own beds at night - instead of freezing our Cojones off in some urine-infested layby! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Secretly they all want to be tipper drivers you know - many are called, but few are chosen! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :smiling_imp:

Im sure he was just having a laugh…

I do agree though, I dont understand all the problems people have with tipper drivers. their are a number of tipper drivers that give a bad name to the decent ones though and its wrong!
that can also be said about alot of other HGV drivers in a different side of the industry though, but i wouldnt judge them and say the rest are crap.

I drive my truck within the limits, i like to take pride in my truck and the way i drive!! I often get other tipper drivers racing past me, just so they can get to the quarry a couple of minutes ahead of me, if they want to look and drive like an idiot then upto them. :laughing:

I dont let it bother me what people say, end of the day each to their own opinion but i know im a safe driver thats all that matters to me. :smiley:

I just got a call at 9.45pm im required tomorrow as a drivers gone sick :smiley: Off to a quarry in Pontefract and running to Castleford all day bye the sounds of it - i love it so far :sunglasses:

I got the job!

Start Monday morning at 08.15 for an induction, then I’m told I’ll be off to Darrington quarry.

I’ll give it my best shot, see how it goes. I’m just grateful for getting offered a job so soon after getting my class 2. Light at the end of the tunnel for all newbies :smiley:

Next job is to buy a car just to use for work, I aint using my prized beemer 740 as I’m told its filthy work :wink:

Well done Paul :smiley:

I just got a call at 9.45pm im required tomorrow as a drivers gone sick :smiley: Off to a quarry in Pontefract and running to Castleford all day bye the sounds of it - i love it so far :sunglasses:

working for who? pattersons or the one you was with before?

glad things are working out for you

Yeah Matt working for the same guy as before :slight_smile: