Time to Tackle Ton-Up Truckers

American trucks are said to have very tall gearing. Perhaps they can achieve 100 mph.

They tend to cruise at 70-80, so yeah, “Hittin the gate at 98” is entirley possible.

Ton Up Truckers
For a minute then I thought it was about doo-gooders trying to ban pies & chips and breakfasts!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Phew, what a relief!


with you on that one mal,had to sit down and get over the shock :laughing: :laughing:

Here is the question I posed on the ■■■■■■■■ Camera forum and their response. Perhaps they ought to get with the times and refer to vehicles by their correct terms, after all its only been 10years since the law changed.

My attention was drawn to the site from a road transport forum which quoted your statistics for speeding trucks.

Your statement has been the subject of much heated debate. You have said that several 'LGV’s have been seen at speeds in excess of 100mph. Your list of speeding offences also mentions HGV’s. Have you got the terms LGV & HGV confused?

When the Road Traffic Act underwent its last reincarnation the term HGV was replaced by LGV (large goods vehicle). This still causes confusion to this day as under the old Road Traffic Act the term LGV meant Light Goods Vehicle.

Can you please enlighten us all by clearing up this confusion. If your 100mph+ LGVs were in fact Heavy Goods Vehicles we would be very interested to know what particular brand of truck the offenders were driving. Even with speed limiters disonnected most trucks will reach their engine governors in the early to mid 70’s. Whilst there are other methods available to increase this speed (e.g. a steep hill and neutral) we find 100mph a tall order. Anyone who has been on board a truck in excess of the limits will be able to testify that above 70mph it becomes a very nerve wracking experience on a three lane motorway never mind any other type of road.

And their reply:

Site Admin
joined: 30 May 2003
Posts: 295

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:22 am Post subject:

The information in the newspaper was misinterpreted by the journalist concerned. The full details can be seen in the press office section of the main site under the Speeding It’s Bad For Business release.

As you will see, the information we released was accurate and vehicle class specific. Unfortunately once we release information there’s very little we can do if someone gets it wrong.

Nice one Qhunter. Well done on getting such a good reply.

Here Here.


reids volvos maybe

Yeah I agree, with that firm but why oh why tarnish every driver with the same brush??

I know that they arent the best drivers, but Im a professional driver and so are MOST of my mates, ya wanna see the croations driving here for English companys■■? So Take it back, Im sick of Irish drivers getting a bad name on here, Rikki delete this , I dont care im sloewly but surely becoming very dissillusioned with this site, cuz the Irish get blamed on everything!!

I could go into the politics of it all but it doesnt do any good for a site that I frequent, but if ya wanna talk politics why are more drivers coming to Irish firms■■?

Not meant to annoy anyone or get there goads up but we have truck drivers in Ireland as well!


scania king kev:
…snip…I could go into the politics of it all but it doesnt do any good for a site that I frequent, but if ya wanna talk politics why are more drivers coming to Irish firms■■?

Not meant to annoy anyone or get there goads up but we have truck drivers in Ireland as well!


This months T & D (March) had a feature on Walton Transport. Take home pay quoted at approx £600 a week, 45-50 hours average per week and 5 stars in every category. That could be the answer Kev if this company are typical of Irish employers. :bulb: :bulb:

This months T & D (March) had a feature on Walton Transport. Take home pay quoted at approx £600 a week, 45-50 hours average per week and 5 stars in every category. That could be the answer Kev if this company are typical of Irish employers. :bulb: :bulb:

Unfortunately they are probably swamped with applicants already, any firm getting a bit of press for being any good, means every man and his dog gets the same idea and tries to apply. :wink:


It`s just complete nonsense.

Even without a limiter, an artic is only geared to do 70-75mph, absolute maximum. If she can show me an artic which will do 100mph, I will give her my house.

She has made it all up, and now she has been caught out, so she should now do what that Sky reporter did in identical circumstances.


Hey Vince, come to Arizona, I’ll show you 100mph trucks, plenty of them too. My truck while I was at DRPT hauling gas, which I still do, didnt stop, it was a train. I was comin back from San Diego to Phoenix one day, not paying any attention to the speedo as the road was long and flat and straight, I looked down and it was almost at 90mph, that was a basic spec Freightliner FLD. I know of many trucks at my new firm PRO petroleum, that will do in excess of 83mph easily. 75mph is the limit here in Arizona, but 100mph out in the desert is NOT unheard of and happens I’m sure every day.

I do remember back in '96 while visiting Phoenix, before I moved here, coming back from a game in Tucson, my cousins mini-van doing 90mph on Interstate 10 and we got overtaken by four semis running in convoy, they left us like we were standing still, 100mph is not really so impossible here. Although, the old bone shaker trucks, I know I would never go that fast, I like to stick to around 78-80mph on the freeways.



scania king kev:
reids volvos maybe

Yeah I agree, with that firm but why oh why tarnish every driver with the same brush??

One of Reids Volvo drivers has made an appointment with my iron bar after he tried to run my wife and son into the central reservation on the M6 several weeks ago. After the incident she followed and clocked him at 75-80 mph on the flat before she backed off.
Where is this firm of mongrels based, because I would sure like to make life difficult for them.

Reids of Minishant

Reids of Minishant

Thanks for the info Neil.
The Reids I’m after run in blue and white livery on Northern Ireland plates pulling fridges with new type FH 500’s, are these the same outfit.

Kev, no disrespect, but you wanna try driving on the English and Scottish roads (particularly A75 and M6) and see the speeds at which N.Ireland registered trucks fly past you at and then you’d probably understand why there is so much hatred of them amongst “British” drivers.

If I’d bet a fiver that the truck passing me at at least 60mph+ was of Irish origin I’d be close to being able to work part-time only at least, and that’s before seeing the company name or reg’n plate. As soon as they’ve gone past, there’s the tell-tale reg’n plate xxZ xxxx (3 letters ending in Z and then 4 numbers) and of course a N.Ireland phone number on the back.

It’s way time that the Ministry set up a regular stall along the A75 and nailed every one of these [zb] including a comprehensive past weeks’ worth of tacho checking and truck speed limiter checking, be it on road or on a rolling road.

You may well be a law-abiding N.Ireland driver Kev, but from what we see over here in Blighty, you must be the only one for sure, for sure! :confused:


ive been undertook by a german lorry southbound M42 3 miles heading toward tamworth services,iwas doing 80 and he accelerated away from me,he was loaded i was empty,cuz my convoy only did 80 foot to the boards,so he must have benn doing 85-90.
shcnell shcnell you english pig you should have bought german not british/dutch inbred van!!! :laughing: