This jobs getting more stupid by the day

I love sitting around doing nothing !!!
Especially on a Sunday on about £20 an hour !!
I had to wait four hours last Sunday for a trailer to be loaded ! How dare they keep me hanging around doing nothing, no I did manage a two course subsidised meal in the canteen.

I fully understand that. I’m not sure how old you are, but there comes a point in your life when you think life is to short to sit around doing nothing, no matter how much money is involved. In your case, waiting for a trailer a truck or whatever is unavoidable, you have to wait for it, thats understandable, longer the wait the more cash. In Adys case, he’s done his allocated work they are just making him sit for nothing. Big difference.

Sitting in a nice warm cab, watching a DVD, having a sleep, or reading a book waiting on getting unloaded, or waiting for a trailer fair enough.

But finishing a 9 hour shift then having to sit in a canteen or office watching the clock slowly tick by is soul destroying.

as many a good boss will say if if your that bored you can always pick up a brush and give the yard a sweep

i know what i would prefer tho

I’m 40 and work part time on the agency at certain times of the year.
I would not sit in a canteen for hours on end either. I have had to sit as a “spare” driver for eight hours one night. I went and slept in the car and set my alarm when I could clock out and never went back !!.
Ady should use his noddle and TALK to his manager sort his problem and then decide what he is going to do. The more you let somebody take the mickey out of you the more they will do it, they obviously think he likes being treated the way he is !! :smiley:

We have drivers sitting around for 7-9 hours quite often, what more could you expect we are British Bakeries :blush:

Have to say i’m with Ady & Mike C on this one personally I cant stand sitting arond doing nothing, I would prefer to be busy :open_mouth: :open_mouth: .

Having to sit around just to make your time up is taking the ■■■■ too, if they asked me to do that I would tell them to stick it.