I stick your head into my arse instead and ■■■■ so hard that your mouth wrap arround your head so you won’t be able to talk agai cos you talk sheyt you mug
I’m thinking of making this my new signature.
Bit hard to fit that on a cheque Contaflow
…good job not a professional footballer you would struggle to get that name on a shirt
Think its time we put this thread to bed as the OP is an obvious wind up merchant because IF he isn’t he sure isn’t giving any respect to experienced drivers who seem to be wasting their time and energies on TRYING to give sound advice.
regards dave.
I stick your head into my arse instead and ■■■■ so hard that your mouth wrap arround your head so you won’t be able to talk agai cos you talk sheyt you mug
I’m thinking of making this my new signature.
Bit hard to fit that on a cheque Contaflow
…good job not a professional footballer you would struggle to get that name on a shirt
Think its time we put this thread to bed as the OP is an obvious wind up merchant because IF he isn’t he sure isn’t giving any respect to experienced drivers who seem to be wasting their time and energies on TRYING to give sound advice.
regards dave.
I think he only posts when he’s been on the sauce mate. But of Dutch courage and all that.
Come on guys give the little fella a break, it’s the school holidays and they do get bored after a while and you lot would make anyone throw their sleeping bag out of the pram
You"ve missed the ferry mate by about 15 years by my reckoning,when the wall came down it was the beginning of the end for us british drivers on this kind of work
…Im standing by my original reply to his question simple true and to the point i think(At least he"s kept me amused for the afternoon)
You"ve missed the ferry mate by about 15 years by my reckoning,when the wall came down it was the beginning of the end for us british drivers on this kind of work
…Im standing by my original reply to his question simple true and to the point i think(At least he"s kept me amused for the afternoon)
You are just So So right !
The job is knackered here to for anyone contemplating being an OD now too !
It’s a BIG company game nowadays .
You"ve missed the ferry mate by about 15 years by my reckoning,when the wall came down it was the beginning of the end for us british drivers on this kind of work
…Im standing by my original reply to his question simple true and to the point i think(At least he"s kept me amused for the afternoon)
You are just So So right !
The job is knackered here to for anyone contemplating being an OD now too !
It’s a BIG company game nowadays .
…I love a reply that starts with your opening line,i just know we would get on really well
I stick your head into my arse instead and ■■■■ so hard that your mouth wrap arround your head so you won’t be able to talk agai cos you talk sheyt you mug
All this thread is so wrong i cannot beleive what blusheyt people talking eastern emigrants OMG SO HEARTBREAKING my gosh one big moan and things always be the same JOKE and bless you poor moaners
I’ll add my two penneth to this thread and say to the OP after a few more month you may well open your eyes and take your head from out your arse and realise a lot of good experienced lads have gave you some good advice about the euro game but yet you want to think they’re taking the ■■■■. Just look at all the Eastern European trucks over here on the motorways taking all the loads back over the water for a fraction of the price the British lads and company’s do it for and then you may realise what everyone has been telling you. Happy new year.
I stick your head into my arse instead and ■■■■ so hard that your mouth wrap arround your head so you won’t be able to talk agai cos you talk sheyt you mug
he wont last long drivibg uk let alown going over the water with that altitoooooooood
All this thread is so wrong i cannot beleive what blusheyt people talking eastern emigrants OMG SO HEARTBREAKING my gosh one big moan and things always be the same JOKE and bless you poor moaners
I’ll add my two penneth to this thread and say to the OP after a few more month you may well open your eyes and take your head from out your arse and realise a lot of good experienced lads have gave you some good advice about the euro game but yet you want to think they’re taking the ■■■■. Just look at all the Eastern European trucks over here on the motorways taking all the loads back over the water for a fraction of the price the British lads and company’s do it for and then you may realise what everyone has been telling you. Happy new year.
I stick your head into my arse instead and ■■■■ so hard that your mouth wrap arround your head so you won’t be able to talk agai cos you talk sheyt you mug
he wont last long drivibg uk let alown going over the water with that altitoooooooood
sixx mumf o go he cuddebt speel trucker now he iss one
Passed my licence in November im doing days at the moment taking circa £550 with Saturday,im leaving house sometimes at 4am and comming back 8-9pm so i was thinking about tramping how you guys finding this kind of life? What type of tramping you doing? 4 on 4 off or 5 days away and weekend at home? Whats better uk or over the water? Is it possible to earn about £700 on hand per week or its a myth cheers
Wtf hes only been driving a month,when i past my class 1 i was allways told to listen to any advice given and learn something everyday,not shout and ball back at older more experianced drivers and call them every name from a pig to a dog,god help us if this is the sort of driver coming thru,horrible ■■■■
Passed my licence in November im doing days at the moment taking circa £550 with Saturday,im leaving house sometimes at 4am and comming back 8-9pm so i was thinking about tramping how you guys finding this kind of life? What type of tramping you doing? 4 on 4 off or 5 days away and weekend at home? Whats better uk or over the water? Is it possible to earn about £700 on hand per week or its a myth cheers
Wtf hes only been driving a month,when i past my class 1 i was allways told to listen to any advice given and learn something everyday,not shout and ball back at older more experienced drivers and call them every name from a pig to a dog,god help us if this is the sort of driver coming thru,horrible [zb]
I passed my class 1 just under 3 years ago and I still listen to the older drivers for advice. Some are pleseant and happy to help,some deserve a whack in the chops but if I dont like what they have to say I just say “right ok then” and move on. No agrro or attitude. Having an attitude comes back to bite you when you REALLY need help and everyone tells you to (zb) off.
OP in this instance appears to be showing a level of maturity that is worrying for someone now licensed to pull up to 44 tonnes. Hows he going to act is someone annoys him for a non event on the road? Looking back at how he responded to someone telling him he missed the boat by 15 years tells me there is a catastrophe waiting to happen with a fiery temper like his.
seth 70:
,when i past my class 1 i was allways told to listen to any advice given and learn something everyday,not shout and ball back at older more experianced drivers and call them every name from a pig to a dog,god help us if this is the sort of driver coming thru,horrible [zb]
It’s the new breed of driver, we all know at least one, the one that shouts about what he knows but in reality knows ■■■■ all, the one who can’t find his own arse hole without the aid of a sat nav but says he’s a long distance trucker, the one who thinks he can ‘handle’ a truck…but only as long as it’s automatic the one who sits on the limiter 9/10 hours a day until he gets done and/or comes a cropper. You can’t teach this type anything, the reason being …you can’t educate pork
note to o/p. Don’t waste your limited brain power on me by coming up with another infantile badly thought out abusive insult, as it will be water off a duck’s back son, and you have already made a ■■■■ of yourself once already on here today.
You are just So So right !
The job is knackered here to for anyone contemplating being an OD now too !
It’s a BIG company game nowadays .
This Lad made a go of it till the DVLA put him off the road.
I know he got points and fine for insecure load but hats off to him for havin a go!!
Nice to see young blood coming into the job. … -1-7019016
Note to OP . these boys are spot on what they are tellin you. I ran over the water from 89 -97 mostly Spain. It was the best job I ever had! the good days are over. However things may be bucking up in Uk with Dcpc rules coming in.
I have been away from the lorries now for a few years but still keep licence up.
Passed my licence in November im doing days at the moment taking circa £550 with Saturday,im leaving house sometimes at 4am and comming back 8-9pm so i was thinking about tramping how you guys finding this kind of life? What type of tramping you doing? 4 on 4 off or 5 days away and weekend at home? Whats better uk or over the water? Is it possible to earn about £700 on hand per week or its a myth cheers
Wtf hes only been driving a month,when i past my class 1 i was allways told to listen to any advice given and learn something everyday,not shout and ball back at older more experianced drivers and call them every name from a pig to a dog,god help us if this is the sort of driver coming thru,horrible [zb]
…yes but dont forget he"s maybe had a fortnight off for christmas