You"ve missed the ferry mate by about 15 years by my reckoning,when the wall came down it was the beginning of the end for us british drivers on this kind of workThat’s not answer for my question have you got something constructive to say or not
With that remark you’d better stay in the UK, you won’t get far driving in Europe with that attitude matey…before even considering the continent you’ll need a few lessons in respect.
The good money went from driving in the 80’s
We did Malaga return in the early/ mid eighties with a tanker. Loaded both ways.
Double cabbed with the ex missus, we used to get £1200 per trip from the Old Man.
You would be lucky to get much more than half of that now with the Eastern Europeans working for 1800 Euro a month if the rumours are right.
I just thought it’s what all parent did ,set aside money for marriages/ house purchases / car purchases etc .
Bloody he’ll you think we’re all made of money ? In our trade there won’t be many who can give their kids money for a deposit on a mortgage, I am buying my daughter her first car next year sometime but we are only looking at no more than £2,000.
bald bloke:
I just thought it’s what all parent did ,set aside money for marriages/ house purchases / car purchases etc .Bloody he’ll you think we’re all made of money ? In our trade there won’t be many who can give their kids money for a deposit on a mortgage, I am buying my daughter her first car next year sometime but we are only looking at no more than £2,000.
We live quite comfortably on my wages ,new cars ,nice house ,holidays etc and save my mrs money ( £400 take home p.w ) so yes I can and do save plenty .
But as I’ve said ive only the one child ,ive always from the day she was born put money away put for.here as has grandparents ,family friends ( birthday ,Xmas money) ,she’s now 24 yrs old .
I’ve no mortage ,debts etc etc now so life is pretty easy ,but yes I not always had it easy but I’ve always every week put money in a savings account which even though she’s 24 I continue too do .
As for cars ,her car is a 13 plate fiesta St which cost 14,995 ( paid for with help from her dad ) ,I do enjoy driving it though ,it’s fun and makes me feel 20 again
Her mum doesn’t always agree with me ,says she should be paying board at 24
,putting fuel in here car etc etc ,but even though she’s 24 she’s still my little girl ,dad girl and if I can’t help her in what ever way I can I will .
I’d give my last penny too her ,surely that’s what dads,mums do
N.b she does work hard as a nurse ,so she far from scrounges of her dad / mum ,it’s just well she’s my little girl ,and if I want to spoil her I will ,no matter what her mum or anyone else says ,better to be like that than like a lot who don’t give too ■■■■■ about there kids ,and shouldn’t have had them in the first place .
Dads and there little girls eh .
Off to look at auto trader as we ( she) want a white st3 ,st2 is nice but not keen on red ,the Mrs will hang me when this turns up
Depending on who you work for and where they send you, expect to be away for a month or more.
The concert drivers can be away for six months.
The positives are free parking and better food.
Set price menus for drivers, you get a starter, mains and pudding with free cheese and wine thrown in.
Free coffee at some places.
The negatives are the court deposits that you pay in full at the roadside.
Expect to pay up to 20,000 Euros or more for something trivial in the UK
As stated the Basque area of Spain, and the French Gendarmarie like telephone number sized fines.
Some firms only pay £ 69 per day plus night out money.
seth 70:
You"ve missed the ferry mate by about 15 years by my reckoning,when the wall came down it was the beginning of the end for us british drivers on this kind of workThat’s not answer for my question have you got something constructive to say or not
With that remark you’d better stay in the UK, you won’t get far driving in Europe with that attitude matey…before even considering the continent you’ll need a few lessons in respect.
thanks for the support seth i"d like to think i know what im talking about after 30 years driving do mainly west and eastern europe, i was one of the royals on for bird"s groupage and as you"ll be aware there were no mugs on for the Levett family.Worked for 3 dutch companies then Arcese in italy.as stated earlier by another forum user at the end i was often the only british driver on the ferry/train.I cut my teeth doing italan groupage runs for ferry freighting 8/10 drops and 2/ clearances outward then half a dozen vineyards for reloading always out 10/14 days.i can speak italian to a good standard and im sure that i would struggle to find a worthwhile job over the water nowadays.Another problem that some dont consider is the £2000 per head immigrant problem.if i were caught with 10 i could pay the £20,000 fine as i have loads of collateral in my property and it could be ceased were as in a council house they cant touch you.after the childish petulant reply from the original poster i thought best left alone.I know what i know as do you you …
Wtf you talking about are you on [zb]drugs■■?
All this thread is so wrong i cannot beleive what blusheyt people talking eastern emigrants OMG SO HEARTBREAKING my gosh one big moan and things always be the same JOKE and bless you poor moaners
This is not too bad
That’s just agency, the same jobs on for Bellshill,Motherwell,Glasgow,Livingstone. no real job,
Sure Agency.
There’s only mrs at the moment without any foookin clue how to sort out 20k for mortgage so im thinking about tramping
By mrs you mean the wife? She probably won’t be much longer if you go tramping in Europe because you’ll never be home. Might be the same if you do it in the UK as well.
There’s a lot of divorced trampers about, that’s all I’m saying.
In regards to the £20k for the mortgage have you looked at the government help to buy scheme? What about relocating? £9-£10/hr driving trucks where I live but you can buy a house for £5k deposit and I’m not talking about crap ones either.
This is not too badThat’s just agency, the same jobs on for Bellshill,Motherwell,Glasgow,Livingstone. no real job,
Sure Agency.
The only joke in this thread so far is you unfortunately
You’ve got experienced drivers with many years behind them giving you their expertise opinions and all you can do is be rude and taking things the wrong way
what a shame
Wtf you talking about are you on [zb]drugs■■?
.when you"ve had a licence for a lot longer than a few weeks you"ll understand the replies that people with many many years of knowledge and experience have given.Most people with knowledge of euro tramping will know the companies mentioned and clearly see the points so eloquently made
All this thread is so wrong i cannot beleive what blusheyt people talking eastern emigrants OMG SO HEARTBREAKING my gosh one big moan and things always be the same JOKE and bless you poor moaners
People who did the job for decades are trying to explain to you why you will find it difficult to get a job tramping in Europe nowadays. Nobody is “moaning”, just trying to explain it to you. But if you aren’t interested in listening, there’s not much anybody can do about that. Good luck in finding the job you want.
Reading through the jokers other 100 odd posts id say he needs a lot more experience yet ,perhaps he should consider a sprinter van job going abroad first to get the jist of things .
Tramping Europe is a lot easier in my opinion, can be unsocial hours catching ferries and having split rests, but I prefer the long haul drives. There are some companies in the uk who take on newly passed drivers, but also employ east Europeans, I think you will be pushed to take home £700 a week, and if those jobs are available then its very hard to get on that company. Most euro tramping jobs entail 3 - 4 weeks away with a week off after. My job entails Uk - France at the moment but can be country to country, and weekends spend in the cab. I agree you have to be on the ball with hours and regulations etc, as they love to take money from you.
There are East Europeans working all over Europe for other European trucking companies, I have met Bulgarians working for Slovakian and Polish companies, all with one aim, to earn a higher rate of pay and a better standard of living for them and their families, the same as brits do working in Holland or Germany for eg.
Cigarette smuggling is finished now as the prices are not worth the killing, for eg a carton of ■■■■ are £80, which is still cheaper than the uk ( £5 a pkt ) but you only save by buying in bulk. A Bulgarian was recently fined £1500 for smuggling ciggies plus he lost what he had spent on them as they were confiscated…so beware ! and good luck with your search for there are companies mentioned on here who regularly look for drivers.
If your looking to make big money euro work isn’t going to get you it. You will probably earn more on for a supermarket.
These days you have to do euro work as a lifestyle choice unless you can get in to something a bit specialised which is highly unlikely as a newbie.
If your set on it perhaps call the much maligned on here Richard Long or s&k
Thanka for answers chaps really appreciated except of haters who forgot how they started will see what future shows all the best thank You
Don’t forget to have a power nap after your 1st 2 hours mate! I always do! Good luck[SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND SMILING EYES]
Dads and there little girls eh
As much as I don’t want to agree with Stobart’s Ambassador to TruckNet and general all round clueless cabbage Dozy, I do.
How many different usernames have you got?