Things on the up?

The acid test for me will be Christmas, last year and particularly the year before were very quiet.

We seem to be busier during the week than in previous years which is a good sign, no new drivers for a couple of years now, all agency and subbies it’s the same everywhere we are turning a corner without a shadow of doubt, fuel prices have dropped recently and inflation seems under control.

Before we get ahead of ourselves remember one thing, we actually owe nine times more money than the economy is worth.

good point. seems to be how alot of people are feeling about how things are, myself included, its hard to trust that things are going get better and be ok so to speak.

I’d be nice to have positive statements rather than doom and gloom all the time. Take away confidence you bring the house of cards down, which is as good as actually being bankrupt.

But yes debt levels must be controlled for all they are crazy. I can’t believe through the recession, I could’ve been give nearly 2 times my salary in credit cards alone.

That is all wrong and should never be allowed! :imp:

I wonder whether we will turn it all around or whether we’ll become like Japan and stagnant.

Its the new generation I worry about more, they have to take all this zb and deal with it, I’m already an old timer in my early 30s and did have some great years when I was working in my late teens to late twenties.

I won’t have to worry about it, as I’m already on the scrapheap in the eyes of many :laughing:


I’m returning to the industry tomorrow.
Will be working for a Southampton container company that has just increased it’s fleet by 8 trucks.
Hopefully I won’t be laid off after Christmas lol.

jrt I’ve sent you a DM regarding your enquiry.

jrt I’ve sent you a DM regarding your enquiry.

cheers slackbladder, i was just reading it thanks. i just sent a message back.

There seem to be a lot of new trucks about in yards I’ve been visiting, especially at the tighter firms that I know pay less than the benchmark £10ph, suggesting things might indeed be improving - at least for the firm.

Meanwhile, on the agencies, there seems to be plenty of work around at the moment. I’ve not been turning it down, because this time last year saw me getting about 6 shifts scattered around during the month of November, so best I cram at the front of the month in case that drop-off happens again methinks.
I don’t want to find myself picking up bum shifts at RM (ad hoc 7.5t flat 9 hour shifts) on the final run-up to Christmas like last year either… I’m a nights and weekends guy, and I need to stand by my guns, not grab these pram duties, and other lower-paid weekday milkman starting hours stuff… :frowning:
If I had my own way, I’d be happy to be working out of Dartford for the entire month of December this year… :wink:

We seemed to have picked up last few months and our work is related to the construction industury which is usually a good barometer of the economy.

Your not a brick and blocks driver are you kr? I was going to start a topic based on the fact I’ve seen a lot more brick lads on the road recently,and if that’s the case well,that’s a good sign that the economy is improving.