"The wire"

And I believe that is why 21 years later Scanias are still often voted as the favourite trucks by many people, including owner drivers. There cant be any other reason :stuck_out_tongue:

and i thought they was just damm fine good trucks :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I knew someone who had a M reg 500 MAN that if you turned the ignition key a little bit back that would knock off the limiter, 90mph plus :open_mouth: …so i was told :laughing: :wink: :wink:

I knew someone who had a M reg 500 MAN that if you turned the ignition key a little bit back that would knock off the limiter, 90mph plus :open_mouth: …so i was told :laughing: :wink: :wink:

flash,flash, whooooooooooooosh :wink:

Hope You All Got Paid Well■■?
Was It Realy Worth It.I Dont Think So.■■.....Looks To Me People Like Working For Nothing■■??..All My Drivers Wanted Paying...Where Were You ALL I Could Have Been A Multimillionaire By Now■■??. But I Payed My Way And Run Straight.... And Still Made It.. I Have Noticed Of The Bent Ones DID NOT. And Thier Are A Lot Of Worn Out Drivers Out There Still Driving. ■■?.I Wonder WHY.■■? I Feel SO Sorry For You■■?..I Don`t Realy You Just Make Me LAUGH…You Are So THICK. You Are No Different Than Them From The EAST??. Cheap And Cheerfull Well Defiantly CHEAP… Sorry No VACANCY At The Moment?? Or In The Near Future We Only Need Real MEN To Drive Ours. .But Have A Good DAY and NIGHT …May See You In A Ditch Later .Just Hope There Is No One Else With You■■?
BYE For Now All You Clowns Out There.See You Jimmy Keep On Trucking. BYE . BYE

and a happy and prosperous new year to you too. :unamused:

webby alpine:
Hope You All Got Paid Well■■?
Was It Realy Worth It.I Dont Think So.■■.....Looks To Me People Like Working For Nothing■■??..All My Drivers Wanted Paying...Where Were You ALL I Could Have Been A Multimillionaire By Now■■??. But I Payed My Way And Run Straight.... And Still Made It.. I Have Noticed Of The Bent Ones DID NOT. And Thier Are A Lot Of Worn Out Drivers Out There Still Driving. ■■?.I Wonder WHY.■■? I Feel SO Sorry For You■■?..I Don`t Realy You Just Make Me LAUGH…You Are So THICK. You Are No Different Than Them From The EAST??. Cheap And Cheerfull Well Defiantly CHEAP… Sorry No VACANCY At The Moment?? Or In The Near Future We Only Need Real MEN To Drive Ours. .But Have A Good DAY and NIGHT …May See You In A Ditch Later .Just Hope There Is No One Else With You■■?
BYE For Now All You Clowns Out There.See You Jimmy Keep On Trucking. BYE . BYE

Have you had a good night in the pub old chap?

To avoid coffee at Calais in the 111/141 turn the key and fuel would drop to a third. Large tanks snap on conecters wired up all day friday in Italy and around Paris for a break , no no no NEVER.

webby alpine:
Hope You All Got Paid Well■■?
Was It Realy Worth It.I Dont Think So.■■.....Looks To Me People Like Working For Nothing■■??..All My Drivers Wanted Paying...Where Were You ALL I Could Have Been A Multimillionaire By Now■■??. But I Payed My Way And Run Straight.... And Still Made It.. I Have Noticed Of The Bent Ones DID NOT. And Thier Are A Lot Of Worn Out Drivers Out There Still Driving. ■■?.I Wonder WHY.■■? I Feel SO Sorry For You■■?..I Don`t Realy You Just Make Me LAUGH…You Are So THICK. You Are No Different Than Them From The EAST??. Cheap And Cheerfull Well Defiantly CHEAP… Sorry No VACANCY At The Moment?? Or In The Near Future We Only Need Real MEN To Drive Ours. .But Have A Good DAY and NIGHT …May See You In A Ditch Later .Just Hope There Is No One Else With You■■?
BYE For Now All You Clowns Out There.See You Jimmy Keep On Trucking. BYE . BYE

SHUT UP YOU MUPPET!!! :smiling_imp:

Had a G reg Sudden Accident Strato

every time went over weighbridge in Dover the electric eye used to affect the fuel guage :smiley: :smiley:

Worked for months till old gendarme jonny sussed it

His words were “aaahhh mickey mouse guage you must pay!”

"Cafe monsier :question: "

The Actros was known to be hard to fiddle,anyone hear of a way.

Usually required a calibration on pram wheels.

webby alpine:
Hope You All Got Paid Well■■?
Was It Realy Worth It.I Dont Think So.■■.....Looks To Me People Like Working For Nothing■■??..All My Drivers Wanted Paying...Where Were You ALL I Could Have Been A Multimillionaire By Now■■??. But I Payed My Way And Run Straight.... And Still Made It.. I Have Noticed Of The Bent Ones DID NOT. And Thier Are A Lot Of Worn Out Drivers Out There Still Driving. ■■?.I Wonder WHY.■■? I Feel SO Sorry For You■■?..I Don`t Realy You Just Make Me LAUGH…You Are So THICK. You Are No Different Than Them From The EAST??. Cheap And Cheerfull Well Defiantly CHEAP… Sorry No VACANCY At The Moment?? Or In The Near Future We Only Need Real MEN To Drive Ours. .But Have A Good DAY and NIGHT …May See You In A Ditch Later .Just Hope There Is No One Else With You■■?
BYE For Now All You Clowns Out There.See You Jimmy Keep On Trucking. BYE . BYE

You say you ran straight and made it.
But you said you are not a multimillionaire.
So you havn’t made it.

Denis F:
In true Scrooge mood I’m going to have to mention

roadtransport.com/Articles/2 … nline.html

we really don’t want instructions on how to break the law on here :wink:

I know you guys are talking about days gone by when we were young and stupid at times and the odd dodge was a bit easier to get away.
But this story goes to show how these days one dodgy driver can ruin a haulage company.
It seems the owner made all resonable checks on his vehicles and drivers, but they still revoked his O licence.

I knew someone who had a 500 MAN Roadhaus, and if you turned the igition key a quarter back it knocked off the limiter :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Now that thing would FLY :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

webby alpine:
Hope You All Got Paid Well■■?
Was It Realy Worth It.I Dont Think So.■■.....Looks To Me People Like Working For Nothing■■??..All My Drivers Wanted Paying...Where Were You ALL I Could Have Been A Multimillionaire By Now■■??. But I Payed My Way And Run Straight.... And Still Made It.. I Have Noticed Of The Bent Ones DID NOT. And Thier Are A Lot Of Worn Out Drivers Out There Still Driving. ■■?.I Wonder WHY.■■? I Feel SO Sorry For You■■?..I Don`t Realy You Just Make Me LAUGH…You Are So THICK. You Are No Different Than Them From The EAST??. Cheap And Cheerfull Well Defiantly CHEAP… Sorry No VACANCY At The Moment?? Or In The Near Future We Only Need Real MEN To Drive Ours. .But Have A Good DAY and NIGHT …May See You In A Ditch Later .Just Hope There Is No One Else With You■■?
BYE For Now All You Clowns Out There.See You Jimmy Keep On Trucking. BYE . BYE

If I were so inclined my answer to this post would probably be quite insulting and get removed :unamused: by the powers to be, so I will limit myself to attempting to explain some things to the obviously unknowledgeable.

You cannot possibly compare modern day driving with what went on 20 and more years ago, regulation was less and control of thus was even less.
You went out and you got the job done end of story.
Cheap were we ? no way 25 years ago we were earning more for less work than anyone will earn doing international these days.
Time off we worked it out ourselves where and when and the weekends and bank holidays were spent parked where you wanted to be not on some parking area with no facilities.
And as far as I can remember I have yet to see a ditch from the inside.

well said basque english fella :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
some people think that if you walk wrong way down a street you should be hung drawn and quartered!!
old days were best even if they were a bit wild

We also had time to get to meet and know the customs of the local population wherever you went, these days you have an inordinate amount of ¨professional drivers¨ who have spent the last 85 years driving Spain most of with more than 800bhp and still can´t order a meal in the language, I suppose the same applies to Italy and other countries as well but this is not all the fault of the driver more the fault of the fact that customs no longer have to be cleared thus depriving drivers of the first chance of beginning to learn a language.
Did we run bent yes when necessary but due to the inefficiency of Italian, Spanish and other customs once you got to the border at Irun, Aosta or wherever you usually had stacks of time to get showered, shaved, fed and catch up on your sleep.

…but due to the inefficiency of Italian, Spanish and other customs once you got to the border at Irun, Aosta or wherever you usually had stacks of time to get showered, shaved, fed and catch up on your sleep.

And have a beer!!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Imports cleared in the morning, exports in the afternoon, and if you were to late■■?..well, you had to sit in the sun, grab a beer or three and wait until tomorrow!! :wink: :laughing:


…but due to the inefficiency of Italian, Spanish and other customs once you got to the border at Irun, Aosta or wherever you usually had stacks of time to get showered, shaved, fed and catch up on your sleep.

And have a beer!!! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Imports cleared in the morning, exports in the afternoon, and if you were to late■■?..well, you had to sit in the sun, grab a beer or three and wait until tomorrow!! :wink: :laughing:

Life was so tough :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and now they wonder why we were always in such a hurry to get there :unamused: :unamused:

Imports cleared in the morning, exports in the afternoon, and if you were to late■■?..well, you had to sit in the sun, grab a beer or three and wait until tomorrow!! :wink: :laughing:

LOLOL exactly what I said to a good friend recently. I was running the National from Valencia to Barca and it was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly and all was well. I asked him “Can you remember the days when we would have just pulled off the road and onto the beach and blamed it on the customs at La Jonquera?” Oh, happy days.

For some reason (well we have a good idea why), VOSA, after having left us alone for 2 years, have suddenly got it into their heads that some of our drivers are still using ‘wires’!!! Certain drivers have been pulled over and the first thing Mr VOSA has done is reach up under the throttle pedal. I have been pulled three times this year already yet they have not looked for one on me once!!! Just as well, cos they won’t find one.