The TN Guests thread!

You can’t get more anonymous that we are here, obviously a username like chrisarbon doesn’t achieve that and we know Bewick is Lord Dennis Smith of ■■■■■■■■■■■ windrush is Pete and I’m me, but there is no need to reveal who you are, where you work or worked etc. So if guests don’t want to comment in order to protect their identity then how much they reveal is up to them.

No photos are required like social media and you have to click on a particular topic in order to read it, unlike a news feed on Facebook, so there’s little chance of seeing things you don’t wish to see.

There is no racism or bigotry of any kind tolerated here, no ■■■■■■ or offensive images, apart from the odd picture of a Foden lol, so really there’s no reason for anyone not to join, unless they just don’t want to.

The like/dislike feature is, on the surface a good thing, however it can also reduce comments as people just click like or dislike instead of posting a comment.

:smiling_imp: :imp: :neutral_face: :cry:

I doubt that this thread is going anywhere so I reckon I’ll have to have another word in Dieseldave’s ear ! Cheers Bewick. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

I doubt that this thread is going anywhere so I reckon I’ll have to have another word in Dieseldave’s ear ! Cheers Bewick. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

On the contrary, this thread has been a most useful TN feedback tool, so much so that far from deleting it, parking it in storage or locking it, I could move it to the Feedback forum, where it will no doubt receive further attention! There’s life in this thread yet (like a Gardner 6LXB in a Chinese junk! :laughing: ).



I doubt that this thread is going anywhere so I reckon I’ll have to have another word in Dieseldave’s ear ! Cheers Bewick. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

On the contrary, this thread has been a most useful TN feedback tool, so much so that far from deleting it, parking it in storage or locking it, I could move it to the Feedback forum, where it will no doubt receive further attention! There’s life in this thread yet (like a Gardner 6LXB in a Chinese junk! :laughing: ).


As this thread quietly descends down the page, the more I think it will attract a new lease of life on the Feedback Forum, to which end I hereby consign it to said forum. I will continue to monitor it awhile yet, just in case!


Just doing a quick count up there are currently 10 times as many “Guests” logged on than registered Members ! :open_mouth: :wink: Bewick.

Hi Bewick,there’s a pic of your Scania on Paul gees thread pictured on the m54 loaded :smiley:


Just doing a quick count up there are currently 10 times as many “Guests” logged on than registered Members ! :open_mouth: :wink: Bewick.

Hi Bewick,there’s a pic of your Scania on Paul gees thread pictured on the m54 loaded :smiley:

This one: :wink:


Just a thought to attract more attention to this side of Trucknet, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to get some sponsors on board? More specifically the magazines that concentrate on the older and classic lorries?
That way the readers of said magazines might participate on here (as most might haven’t got a clue about the existence of Trucknet?) and thus create a bigger “flow” on here.

As some of the other sides on Trucknet have got some big names to sponsor them, why haven’t “we” got that too?

Just a thought to attract more attention to this side of Trucknet, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to get some sponsors on board? More specifically the magazines that concentrate on the older and classic lorries?
That way the readers of said magazines might participate on here (as most might haven’t got a clue about the existence of Trucknet?) and thus create a bigger “flow” on here.

As some of the other sides on Trucknet have got some big names to sponsor them, why haven’t “we” got that too?

If the “historical” mags got involved on TNUK they may destroy their readership ( and purchasers) following of their mags ! i.e. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas ! Cheers Bewick.

There are always plenty of Guests looking in so maybe they should have their own thread to get them started ! :wink:

Not feasible with the way current legislation works, in order to have the protection of the defamation act we need to be able to provide a contact address (that can be an e-mail address) so we can fulfill the requirements of the procedures that protect this website from anonymous people posting defamatory/libelous remarks- and yes I know there are numerous loopholes around this but I didn’t write the requirements in law - we just have to go with what we have got


Just a thought to attract more attention to this side of Trucknet, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to get some sponsors on board? More specifically the magazines that concentrate on the older and classic lorries?
That way the readers of said magazines might participate on here (as most might haven’t got a clue about the existence of Trucknet?) and thus create a bigger “flow” on here.

As some of the other sides on Trucknet have got some big names to sponsor them, why haven’t “we” got that too?

If the “historical” mags got involved on TNUK they may destroy their readership ( and purchasers) following of their mags ! i.e. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas ! Cheers Bewick.

Aye, fair point there Bewick. What’s more, it could attract a second “specialist”, I reckon one is more than enough?! :wink: