Born Idle:
I had a row on here a few weeks back with several members of the “I’ll pull over and whizz where I want” brigade.
As a rule I do go into the services to use the facilities, however if I wake up at 11pm busting to go, I’m not going to get dressed, put shoes on, stagger the half a mile to the building and then walk to the furthest point inside the building where the toilet is, I’m going up the wheel at the back.
I recently stopped at the HGV pumps at Corley services to see a driver taking a ■■■■ whilst filling up with fuel, then enter the forecourt shop having to walk right past the toilets to pay for fuel, its no wonder shop staff seem to have been instructed to throw your change at you without making any physical contact.
I recently stopped at the HGV pumps at Corley services to see a driver taking a ■■■■ whilst filling up with fuel, then enter the forecourt shop having to walk right past the toilets to pay for fuel, its no wonder shop staff seem to have been instructed to throw your change at you without making any physical contact.
Was he working the pump at the time?

Wasn’t there a post on here a while ago where someone had been given grief somewhere and he took a ■■■■ in their yard, in broad daylight? 
I’m with Ray, king of the truckers, who lives in the local dump in his decommissioned sleeper cab, he’s a ■■■■ jug man. Has swearing in!
& while we’re at it, WAY OF THE ROAD, BUBS>…
(This has swearing in as well).
Born Idle:
I had a row on here a few weeks back with several members of the “I’ll pull over and whizz where I want” brigade.
As a rule I do go into the services to use the facilities, however if I wake up at 11pm busting to go, I’m not going to get dressed, put shoes on, stagger the half a mile to the building and then walk to the furthest point inside the building where the toilet is, I’m going up the wheel at the back.
And that’s why lorry parks stink during hot weather!
Not if you use a ■■■■ jug…
I suppose we Magnum drivers are required to ‘■■■■’ where we park since the Magnum is the only lorry I know with a ‘■■■■■■■■ a convenient shelf which you can ■■■■ from
without climbing down, great French idea.
I really don’t know what people expect I don’t wake up 10 mins before I need a ■■■■, I wake up and I’m busting, if I have a container it will go in there and I’ll bin it if not im not going to ■■■■ myself. I truely do blame the services they put us in a different county and then the toilets are past every shop so you might buy something, at least if there was a toilet in the parking area it wouldn’t be so bad even if they charge you for it 50p or w/e
Ditto new lad. Welcome to 30 plus.
I think its disgusting as well, why dont drivers do what i do, ■■■■ in a bottle, then lob it onto the hard shoulder…

Born Idle:
I had a row on here a few weeks back with several members of the “I’ll pull over and whizz where I want” brigade.
As a rule I do go into the services to use the facilities, however if I wake up at 11pm busting to go, I’m not going to get dressed, put shoes on, stagger the half a mile to the building and then walk to the furthest point inside the building where the toilet is, I’m going up the wheel at the back.
Exactly this. And whenever I try to use a bottle I end up wetting myself and the contents of my cab - must be because my todger’s too big.
I don’t think there are any Motorway Services where the lorry park is anywhere near half a mile from the toilets. Probably more like 100 yards (which is admittedly a Very Long Way for your typical overweight, unfit truck driver, for whom the 50 metre waddle from cab to Goods In is the equivalent of a half marathon, judging by the sweaty, out-of-breath examples I see on a daily basis… ).
Born Idle:
I had a row on here a few weeks back with several members of the “I’ll pull over and whizz where I want” brigade.
As a rule I do go into the services to use the facilities, however if I wake up at 11pm busting to go, I’m not going to get dressed, put shoes on, stagger the half a mile to the building and then walk to the furthest point inside the building where the toilet is, I’m going up the wheel at the back.
Exactly this. And whenever I try to use a bottle I end up wetting myself and the contents of my cab - must be because my todger’s too big.
Or your brain is too small.
Who wakes up needing to pee, and can’t contain themselves for a few mins? Must be a lot of sodden mattresses in our posters houses at weekends. Pathetic excuses for lazy arsed truck drivers if you ask me.
Well born idle, there are many, many people who in later years have a sudden sometimes uncontrollable urge to go for a ■■■■, me being one of them. I truly hope you never get it mate as it is a pain in the arse.
Granted some blokes are just bone idle but if you have got a dodgy prostate or weak bladder, it’s every man for himself.