Quernhow used to be a great place to park up and eat, but that was back in the 80’s
It was always my Monday morning destination to have a full brekkie for almost 6 years 80 -85,
shame to hear it’s gone down the pan
Dave Penn;
Quernhow used to be a great place to park up and eat, but that was back in the 80’s
It was always my Monday morning destination to have a full brekkie for almost 6 years 80 -85,
shame to hear it’s gone down the pan
Dave Penn;
Yes it just seems such a shame,as just looking at the place it has so much potential.
Anyway,remembering how it used to be,you know how it could be in the right hands.
I’m not sure what it says about us Brits culturally when places like this are pretty common.
For example,if this was France,we would have a completely different situation.
In fact, I do,wish I was French!!!
The French rouitier network,always low prices,very good food,that make a top London restaurant look like MacDonalds compared to what French drivers have on offer,5 to 6 course meals,great service,it is quite common to share a table with the local Police and Town Council officials and families eat with truckers too in France.
I have had rabbit stew,beef tails or Oxtails,snails(With garlic butter inside.),Pigs trotters,and anything that can be hunted down and shot,goes in to the pan.Venison is popular too.
Aye in the 70’s-80’s Quernhow was the cafe everybody made for in that area mostly a queue to get served but well worth the wait. eddie.
Aye in the 70’s-80’s Quernhow was the cafe everybody made for in that area mostly a queue to get served but well worth the wait. eddie.
At the same time though the transport motel was open at Aberford wasnt it?
Wheel Nut:
Aye in the 70’s-80’s Quernhow was the cafe everybody made for in that area mostly a queue to get served but well worth the wait. eddie.At the same time though the transport motel was open at Aberford wasnt it?
micklefield, i remember that one.