The law

Clicked on title as I thought it may have something to do with trucks/Tacho’s etc.

Is their not a different section for this stuff ?.

Just saying like…

This is the health and family section of tnet pal,this is the different section for stuff other than trucks and tachos :unamused:

seth 70:

Clicked on title as I thought it may have something to do with trucks/Tacho’s etc.

Is their not a different section for this stuff ?.

Just saying like…

This is the health and family section of tnet pal,this is the different section for stuff other than trucks and tachos :unamused:

Post has been moved from Drivers forum to here Pal. :unamused:

Actually sometimes these injunctions don’t lapse when the child becomes an adult. A father was locked up for contempt a few years ago for posting a happy birthday message on his son’s FB, because an injunction had been issued that he not discuss his children in public, which was issued while the son was underage but persisted after he became an adult.

Shows how much the law is outta touch then :confused:
Remember this… If you want to leave anything in your will to any of your kids make the proposal that if you pop your clogs anything can only go to the kids and not be available in ANY circumstance to your x if that’s what you want mind .