del trotter:
When making a claim when have you ever been asked for your licence.
When you make a claim nowadays they ring up the DVLA and put you in a 3 way conference call whilst they check your licence, good luck getting a payout if you omit to tell them about your points.
NO they don`t!!!
Had a claim paid by AXA and they never check my licence once or asked to see it, or my logbook. Car was written off.
Is it worth the risk though? For me, no. But then I’m a Sod’s law type of chap.
del trotter:
When making a claim when have you ever been asked for your licence.
When you make a claim nowadays they ring up the DVLA and put you in a 3 way conference call whilst they check your licence, good luck getting a payout if you omit to tell them about your points.
NO they don`t!!!
Had a claim paid by AXA and they never check my licence once or asked to see it, or my logbook. Car was written off.
Had a claim with Admiral and they did, and have heard of many other companies who do, still if you want to defraud an insurance company that’s your choice, just don’t whine if they do you for fraud.
del trotter:
del trotter:
When making a claim when have you ever been asked for your licence.
When you make a claim nowadays they ring up the DVLA and put you in a 3 way conference call whilst they check your licence, good luck getting a payout if you omit to tell them about your points.
NO they don`t!!!
Had a claim paid by AXA and they never check my licence once or asked to see it, or my logbook. Car was written off.
Had a claim with Admiral and they did, and have heard of many other companies who do, still if you want to defraud an insurance company that’s your choice, just don’t whine if they do you for fraud.
Its only fraud if they catch you plus I don`t have any points thank you very much.
But NCB went from 11 to 4 years and I wasn`t even in the car when it got written off!!!
Renewal went from £350 to £750. Oh and it cost me my £1000 excess!!!
Now thats fraud in my book.
One thing I never do is opt for auto renewal, each year get a new quote using the comparison websites, they allow you to select the excess, cover and any additions. Also what you put down as your occupation can make one hell of a difference, the difference between LGV Driver and Warehousing and Distribution can be £75.
But I agree about the points, the insurance company always ask you if you have had any convictions within the last 5 years and if you say no, you have committed an insurance fraud
Got to admit its one of my pet hates,
IF I can show a perfectly "clean " licence LEGALY after 4 years how can they say there’s points on it !!!
No loyalty now and with the many comparison sites it’s so much easier, even one time I was cheaper with the SAME company as I was a new customer ■■?
Ps NCB had to be posted out and sent back to same place ! , even got a call to ask why I was “leaving” Got to love big company’s
Got to admit its one of my pet hates,
IF I can show a perfectly "clean " licence LEGALY after 4 years how can they say there’s points on it !!!
No loyalty now and with the many comparison sites it’s so much easier, even one time I was cheaper with the SAME company as I was a new customer ■■?
Ps NCB had to be posted out and sent back to same place ! , even got a call to ask why I was “leaving” Got to love big company’s
After 4 years your points are clear unless it is Drink Driving where they stay on for 11 years, but the question is; Have you had any convictions within the last 5 years?
No drink driving or anything like that just a speeding and a phone offence !
My point is if the LAW says I have a clean licence . Insurance Company’s shouldn’t be aloud to continue to penalise me/us for a extra year !
They have had my 4 years of extra penaltys plus the gov/courts have had my fines , I always declare them as not going to risk not having Ins or non pay out if a claim but it frustrates the life out me !
Sorry if someone’s already mentioned this but…
The points are valid for 3 years but stay on your licence for 4 years. However, you can request that DVLA remove the points from your record after the 3 years is up (best to do this in writing). The points don’t have to stay on your record for the fourth year.
I know, I used to be a DVLA Liaison officer in a previous life 
If i didn`t drive for a living then I would drive with no insurance. I would be very happy to do it after what happened to me. Crime does PAY !!!
I am an insurance ■■■■…
I give no loyalty to any particular company - as soon as I get my renewal reminder, I’m straight on a comparison website and sign up for the cheapest monthly payments. I don’t drive an expensive car so all that matters to me is the £££s I get to keep in my bank. Each year I find that a different insurer is cheaper. I don’t give a rats about their customer service or claims handling, I just want cheap and legal. I’m only fully comprehensive because it’s worked out cheaper this time. In the event of a serious accident involving only myself and my motor (assuming I’m still in one piece), I won’t even tell them about it and deal with it myself, whether that be repairs or buying a new motor.