The Harry Gill Fan Club!

grumpy old man:
LARRY…immediately attach a codicil to your will and strike the aforementioned grandson from the will. Lemonade in whisky ■■? the very thought of it has made me feel quite ill.
At the moment I’m on Glen Marnoch, a cheapy Islay whisky from Aldi. It’s a very dent drop, especially at £18 a bottle, I can’t get Islay anywhere any cheaper than that. … 2007396600

Well ,GOM.He did say it was ■■■■■■ I havent tried it yet, But If he says it ■■■■■ it is ■■■■■■ It was 4£ at the duty free place in the airport So I could allways use as a weed killer rather than waste it:( :frowning: :frowning: Regards Larry.Im having a very large single malt from Tain, Glenmorangie One of my faves Hic Hic, Regards Larry.

Aha…£4 a bottle eh ?’s worth a try. :smiley:

Not the lemonade bit, a grown man whisky drinker shouldn’t be even thinking about ‘mixers’ in whisky.
Although :blush: Glen Farclas 105 cask strength with just a couple of drops of cool water…that’s a mans drink. :smiley: … on-2610036

I had an enjoyable evening yesterday…Spain v. Portugal on the box +Glen Marnoch. Oh yes, that’ll do nicely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just popped in thought I’d just say hello surprised to see the HGFC is still
in existence, Nice to see Grumpy Old Man’s " Nursie" is still jogging away
merrily I hope you all realise she is the only ■■■ life I have left I flick to
GOM’s page when the missus says no yet AGAIN.
thanks harry, long retired.

Just popped in thought I’d just say hello surprised to see the HGFC is still
in existence, Nice to see Grumpy Old Man’s " Nursie" is still jogging away
merrily I hope you all realise she is the only ■■■ life I have left I flick to
GOM’s page when the missus says no yet AGAIN.
thanks harry, long retired.

Hi Harry, Of course its still going, The same as yours & my whiskey cravings :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: , I will toast your very good health Harry with a very large Glenmorangie, I hope you & your good Lady are keeping well , Regards Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:

Just popped in thought I’d just say hello surprised to see the HGFC is still
in existence, Nice to see Grumpy Old Man’s " Nursie" is still jogging away
merrily I hope you all realise she is the only ■■■ life I have left I flick to
GOM’s page when the missus says no yet AGAIN.
thanks harry, long retired.

Hi Harry, Of course its still going, The same as yours & my whiskey cravings :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: , I will toast your very good health Harry with a very large Glenmorangie, I hope you & your good Lady are keeping well , Regards Larry.

Thanks Larry the Missus and myself are just about as well as can be
expected I only get the odd snifter of the malts nowadays I have a
a few bottles but the tablets I take don’t let me imbibe like I used
to but I still get the odd wee dram when the back is turned or the
whole body is out shopping but get greeted with, you’ve been at the
malts again haven’t you ?, I’ve got the bottle marked, I’m blowed if I
can see any marks but they must be there. She knows you know.
thanks harry long retired.

Just popped in thought I’d just say hello surprised to see the HGFC is still
in existence, Nice to see Grumpy Old Man’s " Nursie" is still jogging away
merrily I hope you all realise she is the only ■■■ life I have left I flick to
GOM’s page when the missus says no yet AGAIN.
thanks harry, long retired.

Put all thoughts of satisfying Mrs Gills insatiable ■■■■ out of your mind Harry, at our age it’s an overrated pastime. :wink:
If ‘nursie’ gives you an occasional ‘twitch’…my mission is complete.
Whisky ■■
Myself , being fiscally challenged (skint) at the moment, :smiley: I have a litre of Black Grouse on the go, it’s a blend but it’s a decent drop.
Hope you are both in reasonable nick…keep smiling…live for the day…and every day is a great day. :smiley: :smiley:

How you doin’ GOM, hope all is well at your end Aye your correct about
the hanky panky better forgotten about at my age I get knocked back
more than the uninvited Jehova’s Witnesses here, I also keep a bottle of
“the blends” for medicinal purposes I find one at ALDI that is a decent
tipple and a fair price, that reminds me, I made the Missus a whisky and
hot lemonade using the last drop she was feeling a bit grotty after the
flu jab on Thursday, note to self, must replenish the blends bottle, don’t
want “her who must be obeyed” acquiring the taste for the really good
stuff, nice talking to you mate.
thanks harry, long retired.

As a long-term member of the “Fiscally-Challenged Club” can I point you chaps in the direction of your local Co-op? They have an own brand single malt which is surprisingly good and works out at about two thirds the price of a regular top notch brew. I’m going to call in to my local shop tomorrow as I’ve just sipped the last of my birthday Ardmore and it’s a long time til Christmas!

Retired Old ■■■■:
As a long-term member of the “Fiscally-Challenged Club” can I point you chaps in the direction of your local Co-op? They have an own brand single malt which is surprisingly good and works out at about two thirds the price of a regular top notch brew. I’m going to call in to my local shop tomorrow as I’ve just sipped the last of my birthday Ardmore and it’s a long time til Christmas!

Aye ROF there are some bargains if only you search them out they did
do a canny drop of single malt in ALDI and it was very nice but it had
gone off the shelves when I last looked, might just be sold out I’ll have
a look next time the Missus drags me out shopping, How are you these
days ? the Missus and me are going to have a few days in Blackpool at
the end of October we’ve had to give the holidays abroad the heav-ho
they ask daft prices for travel insurance sometimes as much as the
cost of the holiday age related in my case the Missus still having the
check-ups for her breast cancer, it’s becoming a racket and I begrudge
paying what they ask. only ever put one claim in for travel insurance I
tried to claim for damaged luggage a case fell of the transporter going
from the terminal to the plane and ran over it, they hummed and ah’d
that much I told them to shove the claim where the sun don’t shine.
thanks harry, long retired.

I’m OK thanks, H, upright & breathing- about all I can expect given the life I’ve led! If you’re going to be frequenting Blackpool for your holidays you had better apply for membership of the Macclesfield Breakfast Club. You could drop the Missus off in town- we’ve still got a few shops trading although it doesn’t look good.
Whatever you do, don’t come near Cheshire over this weekend; I’m planning on giving the van a wash and I wouldn’t like to be responsible for any downturn in your health!

Hope both of you are looking after yourselves. All the best,

Retired Old ■■■■:
I’m OK thanks, H, upright & breathing- about all I can expect given the life I’ve led! If you’re going to be frequenting Blackpool for your holidays you had better apply for membership of the Macclesfield Breakfast Club. You could drop the Missus off in town- we’ve still got a few shops trading although it doesn’t look good.
Whatever you do, don’t come near Cheshire over this weekend; I’m planning on giving the van a wash and I wouldn’t like to be responsible for any downturn in your health!

Hope both of you are looking after yourselves. All the best,

I presume the washing and polishing is in preparation for the aforementioned Breakfast Club meeting . I’ve already had the ageing limousine cleaned up , hoping it don’t rain and muck it up .

Aldi do a splendid Islay malt (Glen Marnoch brand) .
I haven’t checked the Co -oP…but I will

Where’s Larry ■■ he can usually be relied on to guide us to some decent stuff.

And it hasn’t gone unnoticed that yon Harry Gill fella is plying the lovely Mrs Gill with whisky and lemonade. There’s got to be a dodgy motive in that, I’m betting the old rogue was planning some ‘unsavoury deed’. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

And Harry… I’m 100% with you on holiday insurance, we’ve (reluctantly) called on end to going out of the UK. the travel insurance crooks see that we are old, a few medical ‘conditions’ and the bar stewards can only see £ signs, we’re a soft touch. I tried to get annual European Breakdown Insurance for the car…ye gods, I don’t think so.
We’re brassed off with the flying, my intolerance and airport departure lounges just don’t mix. “take your shoes and your belt off and stand in front of this full body X ray machine” :imp:
That ended badly, we barely made the flight. :unamused:

I’m OK taking my belt off but things could end very differently if I was required to take off the bracers as well! :blush:


Retired Old ■■■■:
I’m OK thanks, H, upright & breathing- about all I can expect given the life I’ve led! If you’re going to be frequenting Blackpool for your holidays you had better apply for membership of the Macclesfield Breakfast Club. You could drop the Missus off in town- we’ve still got a few shops trading although it doesn’t look good.
Whatever you do, don’t come near Cheshire over this weekend; I’m planning on giving the van a wash and I wouldn’t like to be responsible for any downturn in your health!

Hope both of you are looking after yourselves. All the best,

I presume the washing and polishing is in preparation for the aforementioned Breakfast Club meeting . I’ve already had the ageing limousine cleaned up , hoping it don’t rain and muck it up .

Not really, mate, I’m getting it ready for sale. Got myself a more modern and slightly smarter van now so the reliable old girl has got to go.

Retired Old ■■■■:
I’m OK taking my belt off but things could end very differently if I was required to take off the bracers as well! :blush:

All the above are reasons they can stick the air ports, in Brittany at the minute, straight on the boat with the car no problems, can walk about have a few pints then get you head down in the cabin which cost us £30 extra, probably the same charge as Ryan Air would charge so you could sit together on the plane! Thieving lice!

Retired Old ■■■■:


Retired Old ■■■■:
I’m OK thanks, H, upright & breathing- about all I can expect given the life I’ve led! If you’re going to be frequenting Blackpool for your holidays you had better apply for membership of the Macclesfield Breakfast Club. You could drop the Missus off in town- we’ve still got a few shops trading although it doesn’t look good.
Whatever you do, don’t come near Cheshire over this weekend; I’m planning on giving the van a wash and I wouldn’t like to be responsible for any downturn in your health!

Hope both of you are looking after yourselves. All the best,

I presume the washing and polishing is in preparation for the aforementioned Breakfast Club meeting . I’ve already had the ageing limousine cleaned up , hoping it don’t rain and muck it up .

Not really, mate, I’m getting it ready for sale. Got myself a more modern and slightly smarter van now so the reliable old girl has got to go.

ROF, howay lets see a picture of the new cart, I’m trying to talk the Missus
into letting me chuck the driving altogether my thirteen years old Toyota
Corolla although 100% reliable and only done 51000 miles is rarely used a
couple of trips to the bingo and the grocery shopping is just about it’s lot
for any week now and the bus stop a short walk from the house takes us
wherever and gets us back home no petrol no parking costs and no hunting
for a parking place Oh’ and the bus costs nowt, The good lady herself has a
licence but she beats me to the passenger seat every time must be nice her
having youth on her side anall, she’s (76) I think, I’ll have to make sure she
has a birthday this coming week, I’ll have have to consult the diary to make
sure to get get it right or I won’t need to think about hanging the keys up
cos she’ll kill me, I might just buy her a decent bottle of single malt she
won’t touch that and I might get the arduous task of having to drain it.
Decisions decisions Eh’ it’ a hard life.
thanks harry, long retired.

You may believe your missus has youth on her side Harry but when she is in the passenger seat she hasn’t got youth on her right hand side! :wink: No problem with travel insurance in our house, neither myself or Mrs Windrush have ever had a passport and we aint bothering with one now. :laughing:


At 76 Harry she’s a mere child. Wot about me? mine is 79. And last night the taxi driver threw her out at our front door because she was very much the worse for drink. She’d been to watch ‘HER’ team (Dewsbury Rugby League) and a miracle had happened, they’d stuffed the league leaders 52-6. :unamused:
5ft tall, weight? 7 and a half stone, and scary as hell after she’s been to a match.

I’ve told her this morning…“buck up or I’m listing you on Ebay” :unamused:

GOM, I’ve just been speaking to a mate of mine he’s 82 like me, his Missus
is pushing 80 and only the size of two pennorth’ of copper they have four
of a family and Charlie’s wife does all the maintenance on all their four
houses this includes painting and decorating any joinery work and all four
gardens, now Charlie isn’t bone idle either there’s always a meal on the
table the minute she walks in the house, true story, this is six days a week
she likes to be at home on Sunday’s to make sure Charlie gets his Sunday
lunch and attend to her own garden and other odd jobs, what a catch Eh’
PS Charlie is brilliant at quizzes and The Times crossword, but I show him
the way home when at the domino table I call him “Knocker”
thanks harry, long retired.

Charlie got a good un there :wink:

In fact…I think we’ve all got good uns, how the hell mine has put up with me for the last 59 years shows a certain amount of stamina. :smiley:
We’ve actually been together for 62 years, we were both still a school when I graciously decided to take her on. :sunglasses: