pete smith:
Well here is the deterrent gentlemen, a lovely example fitted with a few extra’s!
As I turned the page and spotted this heap the missus just asked me what I
fancy for my tea, and the sight of this prompted me to say I’m not hungry.
thanks harry, long retired.
Thelnetham Windmill
Historic Tower Mill in the beautiful Suffolk countryside
Open Days 2016
During the last year, visitors have been able to see the amazing progress made on restoration of the mill and improvements to the site. Whilst the enthusiastic volunteers continue to improve the site throughout the winter, the mill is now closed to visitors until 2016.
Thelnetham Windmill is open to visitors between 11:00 am – 4:00 pm on the following days in 2016:
March 28 (Easter Sunday)
April 17
May 14 & 15 (National Mills Weekend)
May 30 (Bank Holiday)
July 3
July 31
August 29 (Late Summer Bank Holiday)
September 10 & 11 (Heritage Open Weekend)
October 9
Please come to see the progress on the restoration of this historic mill.
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Hope this is what you wanted Jim.
Cheers Dave.
I’m depressed I’ve just been watching Youtube cab rides/road testing with a 2 stroke Foden, 12 speed box and I still after all these years can’t work out the gearchange sequence on that box. I only ever used one once for a 2 week period…I never once got a clean gear
The drivers on the video clips made it look so easy but I’m ashamed to say the ■■■■ thing had me beat.
jmc jnr:
That is what it’s all about Ang, Camraderie. Most of these guys would make the TV comedians look bland. I just nose in occasionally to show willing.
Harry - I had hoped to see you all this year, but things haven’t worked to plan. Another month before my pre-op and no idea when the op will be. Looks like a trip to the Toon is a pipe dream as the savings diminish - still - never say never. Jim.
Having a rough old passage at the moment Jim, but you’ve just got to stay positive
and keep telling yourself you’ll beat this, I’ve had a decent nearly eleven years and
gotten over the “C” thingy pretty well after a dollop of chemo and cut open from a
spot high up on my chest to my belly button, at the same time realizing that at the
ripe old age of nearly eighty I won’t go on for ever and regard every day as a bonus,
keep as well as you can Jim and lets hope we meet up one day for a little drink.
thanks harry, long retired.
Cheers to you all. I got a letter giving me a date for the Op. - 29th December. Light at the end of the tunnel at last. No silly comments like I have just done on Bewick’s thread about Corbyn.
Harry, you and the rest have kept my spirits high, and that means a whole lot to me that total strangers show compassion and share their own dreadfull experiences to help - not try the sympathy card.
Have a great day at tut Labour. Time to revive the Bah Humbug thread methinks. Jim.
jmc jnr:
That is what it’s all about Ang, Camraderie. Most of these guys would make the TV comedians look bland. I just nose in occasionally to show willing.
Harry - I had hoped to see you all this year, but things haven’t worked to plan. Another month before my pre-op and no idea when the op will be. Looks like a trip to the Toon is a pipe dream as the savings diminish - still - never say never. Jim.
Having a rough old passage at the moment Jim, but you’ve just got to stay positive
and keep telling yourself you’ll beat this, I’ve had a decent nearly eleven years and
gotten over the “C” thingy pretty well after a dollop of chemo and cut open from a
spot high up on my chest to my belly button, at the same time realizing that at the
ripe old age of nearly eighty I won’t go on for ever and regard every day as a bonus,
keep as well as you can Jim and lets hope we meet up one day for a little drink.
thanks harry, long retired.
Cheers to you all. I got a letter giving me a date for the Op. - 29th December. Light at the end of the tunnel at last. No silly comments like I have just done on Bewick’s thread about Corbyn.
Harry, you and the rest have kept my spirits high, and that means a whole lot to me that total strangers show compassion and share their own dreadfull experiences to help - not try the sympathy card.
Have a great day at tut Labour. Time to revive the Bah Humbug thread methinks. Jim.
Good luck for your operation Jim, we’ 'll be toasting your good health at the ‘do’, I’m hoping to be able to have a drink by then. It’s been a long dry year!! Regards Kev.
Kev please don’t have to much as you need to ■■■■■■ a lady home as will still have the crutches then
Jim hope all goes well ( that is date of my mate birthday the 1 whose grandson lost his battle 1/9/13 - 8/11/15 so sad ) sure will be fine & will raise a glass of course at the ‘do’
Jim, you KNOW we all wish you luck, chin up, you WILL be in good hands and they WILL do a good job.
and Kev, DO NOT try to take advantage of a lady on crutches, if she hits you at the back of the neck with one of those you might finish up in the next bed to Jim.
grumpy old man:
Jim, you KNOW we all wish you luck, chin up, you WILL be in good hands and they WILL do a good job.
and Kev, DO NOT try to take advantage of a lady on crutches, if she hits you at the back of the neck with one of those you might finish up in the next bed to Jim.
No need to worry on that score GOM, the lady in question knows I’m as " pure as the driven slush" And you know the old adage of not ■■■■■■■■ in you own nest, she lives far too close for comfort. Regards Kev.
I am having problems with my computer at the moment, it is rather ancient
and I have bought myself a new one but at the moment it isn’t quite usable
needing set-up I’ve installed Windows 10 but needs my stuff from this oldie
transferring over to the new jobbie, a bit too technical a task for me to try
to do, plus I don’t have the know how, my “engineer” who used to live over
the street from me used to do all my tweaking but alas the laddie has now
fallen in love and spends all his free time at his girlfriends home so I rarely
see him and he’s a whizz with computers, I’m just wondering if my usual aid
of a tap with a big hammer will work, somehow I don’t think so having about
five knackered laptops lying about.
thanks harry, long retired.
i’m having a fe problems with my laptop of late , it seems to be running slow . is this due to the age of the computer or the age of the operator ■■ dave
Got myself a new laptop but not yet set up my setter-upper friend who normally
looks after my stuff has fallen in love and spends all his non working hours at his
girlfriends house but has promised to sort things out for me when he gets a spare
minute so I’m still struggling on with the “oldie” which is running at snails pace, I
hope to get fixed up soon though and back to normal, there’s also a connection
between machine and screen so if I move the thing it cuts out.
thanks harry, long retired.
come on harry , cut the lad a bit of slack . surely you can remember what it’s like to fall in love ( again ), nothing is more important ! . i the meantime just soldier on and do your best with the tackle at hand , lorry drivers are used to doing that aren’t they ? hope you get it fixed soon though , it’s too quiet on here without you . all the best to you and your ever-loving for xmas and the new year . dave
come on harry , cut the lad a bit of slack . surely you can remember what it’s like to fall in love ( again ), nothing is more important ! . i the meantime just soldier on and do your best with the tackle at hand , lorry drivers are used to doing that aren’t they ? hope you get it fixed soon though , it’s too quiet on here without you . all the best to you and your ever-loving for xmas and the new year . dave
Well “Riggers” the young lady in question is quite a looker so I’m sure the lad
is happier doing things with her rather than spending time looking after my
computer my daughter is a whizz with computers but all I get is, you should
be able to sort it yourself the time you’ve been using the things, I told her if
I hadn’t been baby sitting her two kids for the last thirteen years I might’ve
had time to do a course on the things, she usually gets the last word saying
she doesn’t know why I bother with computers at my age.
thanks harry, long retired.
Windows 10 responds well to a big hammer Harry, the larger the better from what I have heard tell by folk who have had to suffer it!
Never a truer word spoken, it went in onto my machine and caused endless problems, It has now come out and as far as I am concerned…binned.
Cost me a tenner with my local man to put Windows 7 back in.
Windows 10 responds well to a big hammer Harry, the larger the better from what I have heard tell by folk who have had to suffer it!
Never a truer word spoken, it went in onto my machine and caused endless problems, It has now come out and as far as I am concerned…binned.
Cost me a tenner with my local man to put Windows 7 back in.
Just removed windows 10 gone back to windows 7, I just googled [ How to uninstall windows 10 and downgrade to windows 7 ] easy took no more than half an hour, if I can do it anyone can, nice to be back to normal, thought windows 10 was crap .Les.
The only person I know who is happy with windows 10 is someone who upgraded from windows 8!
I bought a new desktop last year - My man wouldn’t put windows 8 on it. I phoned him when I started getting those nagging windows 10 free upgrade messages. His advice was don’t touch it, stick with windows 7.