The Bi-i-ig Question?

I would assume those were drug induced hallucinations… very common to have, and most of us have had them in one way or another. My fathers experience wasn’t. He was clinically dead… no mind altering substances to blame it on. And I know the mind plays tricks sometimes… all I’m saying is that maybe its not always a trick… its just something easy in which to attribute the unexplained.

One question though… was your mate clinically dead? or is that just what he saw after taking the drugs? Or is there really any way to know? How bout your wife? Any problems with the cesarean, or was it just routine? I had 2 cesareans where I was awake… both with complications. I lost my blood pressure due to a freak reaction to the anesthetic. I wouldn’t call it a near death experience, but it did alter my perceptions… Drugs can do bizarre things to people. But it can’t really be compared with a clinical death. And I’m in no hurry to experience one for myself.

With as many religions as there are, there are bound to be some aspects that are disproved. They can’t all be accurate. But if you remove the socially constructed traditions of these religions, and compare their stories related to the origin of the earth… in regard to the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and even many Native American religions, the theme is always the same… strange how so many different religions can be based on the same principle of origin if its not based in truth.

Everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. There are people in this country that believe George W Bush has inteligence for instance and that he should be re-elected (even though he was not elected the first time) they believe he is a good christian leader.
This ‘Good Christain’ has just started a programe to build new “More useable” Nuclear weapons, how can any christian kill so many in the name of God :question: He has also just begun a programe to supply 25 million US citizens with anti biowar and anti radiation drugs in preparation for any attack.
Which 25 million will get this protection :question: … the rich 25 million, thats who.
To wage war in the name of some imaginary God and think he would be on your side is so arrogant and shamefull :angry:

Pat Hasler:
Everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. There are people in this country that believe George W Bush has inteligence for instance and that he should be re-elected (even though he was not elected the first time) they believe he is a good christian leader.
This ‘Good Christain’ has just started a programe to build new “More useable” Nuclear weapons, how can any christian kill so many in the name of God :question: He has also just begun a programe to supply 25 million US citizens with anti biowar and anti radiation drugs in preparation for any attack.
Which 25 million will get this protection :question: … the rich 25 million, thats who.
To wage war in the name of some imaginary God and think he would be on your side is so arrogant and shamefull :angry:

A good Christian would as the man says "denounce evil " and fight the wicked and deviant mind of terrorists.

Hail Hail Mr Bush I may be the only one but i believe he is doing a good job where it concerns world freedom, and killing those who kill innocent people for no apparent reason other than the fight for powerand hide it under the name of religion.

Pat Hasler:
Everyone is entitled to his or her beliefs. There are people in this country that believe George W Bush has inteligence for instance and that he should be re-elected (even though he was not elected the first time) they believe he is a good christian leader.
This ‘Good Christain’ has just started a programe to build new “More useable” Nuclear weapons, how can any christian kill so many in the name of God :question: He has also just begun a programe to supply 25 million US citizens with anti biowar and anti radiation drugs in preparation for any attack.
Which 25 million will get this protection :question: … the rich 25 million, thats who.
To wage war in the name of some imaginary God and think he would be on your side is so arrogant and shamefull :angry:

Patrick Patrick Patrick!!!. YOU know I’m no fan of George Bush… but to put him on the same level as fundamental religious terrorists■■? Give me a break! As distorted as his motives may be, he has not waged war in the name of God. He’s never stood up in front of the world and said “I’m doing this in the name of God, to protect our Christian nation and spread the word of the Lord”… this isn’t JUST a Christian nation, and his personal religion played no roll in his decisions. He’s not only trying protect the Christian Americans, but also the Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Pagan, and even atheist Americans. Praying for guidance is alot different than waging a religious war. That is NOT what he did. As public as he makes his religious beliefs, and as much as they should not play a roll in political decisions, as an American, he still has the constitutional right to express his beliefs, so long as they aren’t used as the foundation for policy, which they are not. And I can’t believe your making me defend the jackass!

I believe in what’s left of the old ways, the pre-christian religions, I worship old Gods, and celebrate the changing seasons.

Like those people in the film, The Wicker Man?

Do you do ■■■■ dances like Britt Ekland? phwoar! :wink:

I could get into that,… where do I sign? :grimacing:

I think we’re all a bunch of pagans really. :slight_smile:

Watched a programme last night not sure whether it was ch4 or 5;

Apparently anyone that celebrates Christmas;- :wink:

The festival of the winter solstice, tree worship, yule log and gift giving were hijacked by the ‘christians’ who renamed it ‘christmas’.

Anybody called Smith was considered a ‘wizard’! :slight_smile:

Merlin Smith :question: :grimacing:

The festival of the winter solstice, tree worship, yule log and gift giving were hijacked by the ‘christians’ who renamed it ‘christmas’.

and there was me thinking it had something to do with a guy called Christ`s birth.

Whats tree worship got to do with Christmas and Christians?.

I don’t know :exclamation: :question:

But we stick one in the living room and put decorations on it :question: :slight_smile:

And a ‘log’ on the fire :question:

And December 25th time was the winter solstice eons before the christians came apparently :question:

The christians hijacked the festival and called it christmas :question: :question:

I don’t know :exclamation: :question:

But we stick one in the living room and put decorations on it :question: :slight_smile:

And a ‘log’ on the fire :question:

And December 25th time was the winter solstice eons before the christians came apparently :question:

The christians hijacked the festival and called it christmas :question: :question:

I can answer this for ya…

WAY back centuries ago, the times of celebration between the different religions interfered with methods and schedules of doing business together. (Kind of like today, where all the businesses are closed on Christmas,… its inconvenient for people who are Jewish or Muslim ect; except nobody cares now haha.) Some genius decided that, since killing each other wouldn’t be good for business either, the best way to solve the problem was for all religions to celebrate at the same time. So they made adjustments. Christians, who had traditionally celebrated the birth of Christ in the autumn, moved it to December to coincide with the Pagan celebrations, since their celebrations were based on seasonal changes and couldn’t be moved. That way they all closed business at the same time, and no one was inconvenienced and businesses didn’t suffer. The tree and log were evenutally adopted by the Christians. I believe it was originally to demonstrate respect and a sense of community between the religious groups…though there is no Christian basis for it. A similar thing occurred around easter… thats where the easter bunny and easter eggs come from… they have nothing to do with the religious celebration of easter, they came from the Pagans as well. So… Christians aren’t Pagans… its the reasons we celebrate, not the methods of celebration that defines the difference.

And the gift giving is a symbolic gesture, in reference to the gifts that the wise men gave to Jesus on his birth… was not taken from the Pagans, though the tradition did have a later start.

LOL I knew that college course on the history of religion would come in handy at some point. Now,… any questions about witchcraft or zombies■■? Or why no fish on friday, or how come Hindu’s don’t eat beef? Don’t ya just love useless knowledge? :wink: :laughing:

As usual in polls, I needed an “other”. Ive been both believer and non believer, both positions proved over time to be as untenable as each other when logic is applied, the fact is, there are parts of this actual planet that no-one knows anything about, so logically it reveals our lack of knowledge in the known realm, never mind the unreachable.

Theories are all over the place, are they are just that, theories calculated in human minds and brains, they are interesting, but they are not fact which is altogether a different thing. Because some of them have attained a pseudo status of being sold as fact does not alter the fact they are all theory and offer no concrete proof whatsoever.

Different beliefs also abound, but like theories, they do not attain hard fact, so the only choice rationality provides is to join in whatever belief, or reject it, as there is no way to either prove or disprove them in an absolute and decisive way.

The fact is, theres just no way I can “know” if God or gods or whatever actually exist or not. I can choose “believe” waht I want, be it a theory or a religion just as can everyone else, but theres just no way of knowing for sure.

So I voted not decided, which was the closest to my preffered answer, which would simply be, I dont know, and cannot know, it is ludicrous to really suggest otherwise. However, Im as certain as I can be that if ,like all religions suggest, that there is a chance of their being a life after death, and maybe a meeting with a creator, im going to find out as death in the physical sense is a known reality!