make sure you have reserved your place on that fence, because on the whole that is where we are staying. :wink:

Good, because I have a kind of groove worn in the fence now and it is very comfortable. :wink: :smiley:

I think the response from Truck-Net was spot on, in fact I would say that it is the first time we have had an organisation giving the view of the Lorry driver first hand on a current news programme. In the past why is that the RHA or the FTA turn up on TV giving their opinions on me they represent the bosses and I would like to think that TN represent us, I just hope in the fucture when the news mediums are looking for a view from the drivers cab that it is TN giving our view.

Two: After a number of trial interview technique role playing exercises this morning it was obvious that Lucy could put together a coherent arguement whereas I was slightly lacking in this dept

Thats just a woman thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there should be a study of the amount of airline pilots and newsreaders with sleep aponea