11 November 1914. NonnesBoschen .Ypres The Gremans launched a massive overwhelming attack. Facing it a few remains of 1st King’s Liverpool Regt, Ox & Bucks Light Infantry, 5th Field Company Royal Engineers. B company 1st Cameron Highlanders.
Lyn Macdonald. “1914 The days of Hope”
"A little later the powers- that- be, with some imagination, to posterity, chose to name the fighting that day the Battle of Noonesbosschen. It was here that the battle was won. It was here that the battle - and the war itself- was nearly lost.
"There was nothing behind nonnessboschen, Only the the few men who had been kept back in reserve, only the headquarters detachments, only the cooks and signallers, the drivers, the transport men, the sappers, the quartermasters, the grooms, the walking wonded, the sskrimshankers, the unfit…the guns had fallen silent because the gunners were out in front and they were shooting now with rifles to beat the Germans back. In the valley behind nonnessboschen every man who could raise a rifle was firing , and he was firing rapid, reloading, and firing rapid again- and again - and again.
The enemy faltered hesitated and turned back.
And then the Tommies counter attacked, caherged into the wood and beat the Germans out… The attack dwiindled away the Kaiser’s Prussian Guards gave up."