Tattoos of trucks

Some right crazy bastarts going about

I love good tattoos , got one myself , but whoever did that one needs to go back to art school thats a terrible artist !!

I suppose on a womans back its like a newspaper. Gives you something to read while your in the ■■■■■■■ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Very Sad !!! :blush: :blush: :blush:

So while we all getting are naff tatts out who’s next :smiley: :open_mouth: :grimacing:

daf tat :laughing: :laughing:

daf tatoo.jpg

daf tat :laughing: :laughing:

Is that the guy from Hull as per my earlier thread ■■

Im sure it is, as i remember thinking at the time, tat is a Super Space, and all D&Ps Dafs were Space Cabs.

Im sure it is, as i remember thinking at the time, tat is a Super Space, and all D&Ps Dafs were Space Cabs.

It was in Truck & Driver i remember it!!!

Wing and a prayer:

daf tat :laughing: :laughing:

Is that the guy from Hull as per my earlier thread ■■

sure is fella

mine, not a truck but hay hoo :grimacing: :grimacing: 3.5hrs - 1 sitting :smiling_imp: