Hi moose/windrush, is there a usual route how an o/d may get rid off his truck if he’s upgrading, is there a notice board, is it word of mouth etc, maybe a page on lafarges website? Or do most of them die before being replaced? (The truck-not the O/D) Only reason I ask is iv considered Tarmac or Midland quarry products and if a lorry with life that was spec’d came up I think I’d do it
Kind regards
Matt woodIf you are an actual Tarmac/LaFarge contract o/d I understand that you can only sell the vehicle back to them, that is how it used to be under the ‘old’ Tarmac regime. They will offer you a price lower than what you could sell it privately for, rest assured, and then sell it on to another contract haulier (possibly just starting out) at an inflated price! I know a few lads locally who were caught out like that, however things MAY now have changed for the better and I am totally wrong in what I say. Moose might know more.
Hello Pete
I sold a lot of Ford 6 wheelers to Tarmac and these were for owner drivers and painted in Tarmac livery.The chap I dealt was Bill Willocks at Buxton.Tarmac arranged for the bodies to be built.I suppose you could say the vehicles were leased so they would go back to Tarmac.Can’t believe it is about 25 years ago.Correct me if I’m wrong but I’ve been retired 14years so one tends to have to be reminded of thingsTony
Matt Pm me if you want, i spend a fair bit of time with a Tarmac chap who’s pretty well up with the maintainence and buying and selling trucks on the fleet, a couple of weeks ago i heard they were going to start pressurising drivers with trucks over a certain age to renew, It doesn’t help that they have no new young OD’s entering ‘the game’.
i was 1/2 was through my contract when i bailed out and a bloke i worked with took the payments over, They were just shy of a grand a month quite a few years ago.Bill Willocks retired 6 years ago, but still bobbing about the place, can still sup like a fish and still on the same old golf course
Yes Bill was a good bloke and did like his golf etc.
I remember him saying that he only dealt with one dealer for which motor he wanted which was good for both parties as it saved a lot of work provided of course you didn’t take advantage of the fact.
He must have retired early.