One example I can give is when leaving Junction 3 of the M18 to go into Doncaster. It’s 3 lane shared single, with 2 lanes going into Donny, one lane out - held to one lane by double white lines.
The two lanes in are pretty much standard or slightly more narrow width. There’s an abundance of poorly fitted storm grates/drains close to the kerb on the very nearside. I often run with my offside wheels over the dividing line to avoid the bounce and bump, but keep a good eye for cars in the outer lane, easing left as required. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to be pulled in, should there be a copper following.
We’re taught by my firm to " drive with sympathy to both vehicle and load "
Due to the poor state of roads in this country i spend most of my time on the centreline 
Back to to Rob’s tailgater, deffo shop the guy but what about the numpty car drivers…is it me or does anyone else here think cars should be fitted with an indicator similar to a truck cab height indicator, but specifically for vehicle width 
I’m sick to death of going through Avg Speed Roadworks with 2 normal lanes and 1 restricted width, usually 6’ 6" or 2m in new money, only to see the outside lane completely empty 
They seem terrified to use the outside lane…is it a mental block thing ( oh dear my poor little car won’t fit in there ) or is it an education thing ( I can’ t go in the outside lane unless i doing 70 ! )…Numpties 
While i’m ranting…Congratulations to the young ( of student age ) female and her 2 friends in the yellow VW Fox, N/b M6 from Jct 15 yesterday. They managed to stay in the middle lane doing no more than 55 ALL THE WAY to Jct 21 
Amazing driving for a blind driver and 2 passengers who could’nt see all the cars and trucks flashing or passing on the inside 
Disclaimer: No offence is meant to anyone who is Blind, Drives a VW Fox, Is Female or Currently a Student or is overly concerned that their vehicle may have put on a few pounds during the festive break and may now have exceeded the manufactures width specifications…unless of course the cap fits !!