Tail gater

no now after reading the full story i dont blame the car driver, more the driver of the RED SCANIA, you could see the situation arising in the lane ajacent to you but instead of EASING OFF, flashing the car in, you left him to bail out into lane 3 .[not prepared to loose a few seconds by knocking it off i bet].
poor driving by 2 so called profesional drivers in my opinion

This from a man who recently posted to ask if it was ok to flatten the odd cyclist if he thought they were taking up too much road… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

This from a man who recently posted to ask if it was ok to flatten the odd cyclist if he thought they were taking up too much road… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hitting a car can cause delays to a journey but squishing a cyclist is probably just like going over a speed bump :wink: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


no now after reading the full story i don’t blame the car driver, more the driver of the RED SCANIA, you could see the situation arising in the lane adjacent to you but instead of EASING OFF, flashing the car in, you left him to bail out into lane 3 .[not prepared to loose a few seconds by knocking it off i bet].
poor driving by 2 so called professional drivers in my opinion

This from a man who recently posted to ask if it was OK to flatten the odd cyclist if he thought they were taking up too much road… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


can i ask for some advice?

when i was driving back from heathrow after dropping my mate off ( sort of a bloke i am and i did not even ask for fuel) i came across loads of lane hogger doing 55 in the middle lane, i also came across dippy’s in Lorry’s who just pull out with no warning etc.

so what i am asking is what should i do in future as you are the best driver in the world and you care about other road users so much?.

I was on that section of M25 yesterday when there was very little freight. Needless to say one individual had to overtake me. Odd because most supermarket lorries don’t normally rush about.

On my return I was again overtaken so presumably the cameras do not work.

snip . . . . i actually watched a car on the m1 the other day and as a car ,truck came up behind him ,indicated into lane 1 then when they passed him he indicated and moved back out into lane 2 , he did this 6/7 times , why he never stayed in lane 1 is beyond me, . . /snip

Was this in the roadworks ?

Whether yes or no, perhaps he just didn’t “like” being in the inside lane. Maybe (if in the roadworks) it unnerved him running so close to the edge. Or so close to the metal temporary barrier. Let’s not forget, we ride pretty much above/higher than most street furniture. I know it sometimes unnerves me when I’m in the car - mainly because I’m not used to it I suppose.

But if he was pulling in with plenty of time to allow others to use Lane 2, I can’t see an issue.

One example I can give is when leaving Junction 3 of the M18 to go into Doncaster. It’s 3 lane shared single, with 2 lanes going into Donny, one lane out - held to one lane by double white lines.

The two lanes in are pretty much standard or slightly more narrow width. There’s an abundance of poorly fitted storm grates/drains close to the kerb on the very nearside. I often run with my offside wheels over the dividing line to avoid the bounce and bump, but keep a good eye for cars in the outer lane, easing left as required. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to be pulled in, should there be a copper following.

Oh - for tailgaters . . . . .

:blush: I have been known, particularly when empty/very light loaded to drop from 8 to 7low and hit the exhauster.


snip . . . . i actually watched a car on the m1 the other day and as a car ,truck came up behind him ,indicated into lane 1 then when they passed him he indicated and moved back out into lane 2 , he did this 6/7 times , why he never stayed in lane 1 is beyond me, . . /snip

Was this in the roadworks ?

Whether yes or no, perhaps he just didn’t “like” being in the inside lane. Maybe (if in the roadworks) it unnerved him running so close to the edge. Or so close to the metal temporary barrier. Let’s not forget, we ride pretty much above/higher than most street furniture. I know it sometimes unnerves me when I’m in the car - mainly because I’m not used to it I suppose.

But if he was pulling in with plenty of time to allow others to use Lane 2, I can’t see an issue.

One example I can give is when leaving Junction 3 of the M18 to go into Doncaster. It’s 3 lane shared single, with 2 lanes going into Donny, one lane out - held to one lane by double white lines.

The two lanes in are pretty much standard or slightly more narrow width. There’s an abundance of poorly fitted storm grates/drains close to the kerb on the very nearside. I often run with my offside wheels over the dividing line to avoid the bounce and bump, but keep a good eye for cars in the outer lane, easing left as required. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to be pulled in, should there be a copper following.

I doubt if hard shoulders were designed for the constant pounding they are receiving these days.

I must admit I hate using HS when there is no barrier and a drop. These lunatics that must overtake in roadworks don’t take this into account.

One example I can give is when leaving Junction 3 of the M18 to go into Doncaster. It’s 3 lane shared single, with 2 lanes going into Donny, one lane out - held to one lane by double white lines.

The two lanes in are pretty much standard or slightly more narrow width. There’s an abundance of poorly fitted storm grates/drains close to the kerb on the very nearside. I often run with my offside wheels over the dividing line to avoid the bounce and bump, but keep a good eye for cars in the outer lane, easing left as required. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to be pulled in, should there be a copper following.

:sunglasses: We’re taught by my firm to " drive with sympathy to both vehicle and load " :wink: Due to the poor state of roads in this country i spend most of my time on the centreline :open_mouth:

:sunglasses: Back to to Rob’s tailgater, deffo shop the guy but what about the numpty car drivers…is it me or does anyone else here think cars should be fitted with an indicator similar to a truck cab height indicator, but specifically for vehicle width :exclamation:

:imp: I’m sick to death of going through Avg Speed Roadworks with 2 normal lanes and 1 restricted width, usually 6’ 6" or 2m in new money, only to see the outside lane completely empty :exclamation:

:smiling_imp: They seem terrified to use the outside lane…is it a mental block thing ( oh dear my poor little car won’t fit in there ) or is it an education thing ( I can’ t go in the outside lane unless i doing 70 ! )…Numpties :exclamation:

:imp: While i’m ranting…Congratulations to the young ( of student age ) female and her 2 friends in the yellow VW Fox, N/b M6 from Jct 15 yesterday. They managed to stay in the middle lane doing no more than 55 ALL THE WAY to Jct 21 :exclamation:

:imp: Amazing driving for a blind driver and 2 passengers who could’nt see all the cars and trucks flashing or passing on the inside :exclamation:

Disclaimer: No offence is meant to anyone who is Blind, Drives a VW Fox, Is Female or Currently a Student or is overly concerned that their vehicle may have put on a few pounds during the festive break and may now have exceeded the manufactures width specifications…unless of course the cap fits !!

sharky the shredder:
:imp: While i’m ranting…Congratulations to the young female student and her 2 friends in the yellow VW Fox, N/b M6 from Jct 15 yesterday. They managed to stay in the middle lane doing no more than 55 ALL THE WAY to Jct 21 :exclamation:

Just out of interest, how did you know she was a student?

did you stop her and ask her?

:laughing: Well she looked like a student…post amended to avoid distressing any student types :laughing:

:grimacing: On a positive not she was very good looking from what i could see when they ended up next to me in the roadworks :grimacing:

sharky the shredder:
:lol: Well she looked like a student…post amended to avoid distressing any student types :laughing:

:grimacing: On a positive not she was very good looking from what i could see when they ended up next to me in the roadworks :grimacing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i must admit though, that does boil my ■■■■ too :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

If the car has no where to go then there is no excuse for the tailgating, yeh it’s frustrating sometimes when you come up behind a slower car in the roadworks but if lane 1 is busy then there’s not alot you can do about it til its clear, then I usually find if they stay out in lane 2 but still going slow a flash of the lights and putting my left-hand Indicator does one of two things, they either pull in or most likely go ‘zb you lorry’ and floor it, then realise it’s a 50 limit and they have to slow right down and pull in anyway :smiley:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Give his details to the police let them deal with him

eddie snax:
better to pull over and then if possible slot in behind and ring the police

and reported him to the police.

sharky the shredder:
Back to to Rob’s tailgater, deffo shop the guy

:unamused: Have you heard yourselves? Pathetic.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Give his details to the police let them deal with him

eddie snax:
better to pull over and then if possible slot in behind and ring the police

and reported him to the police.

sharky the shredder:
Back to to Rob’s tailgater, deffo shop the guy

Rob K:
:unamused: Have you heard yourselves? Pathetic.

How would you deal with it then Rob ?

Well now i am out of work i will hold my hands up to M25 moving into the third lane then pulling back into the second to get one of those centre lane owners club fools out of the way and put them down the slip road for the M11. Yes i was big and it was clever so what do i care.

(sits back, dons helmet and awaits the flack)


26 years an Lgv Trainer:
Give his details to the police let them deal with him

eddie snax:
better to pull over and then if possible slot in behind and ring the police

and reported him to the police.

sharky the shredder:
Back to to Rob’s tailgater, deffo shop the guy

Rob K:
:unamused: Have you heard yourselves? Pathetic.

How would you deal with it then Rob ?

Minded my own business and got on with life, just like any normal person would do.

Similar thing happened to me earlier in the year, can’t remember the company but it was a ‘big one’ he was weaving from lane to lane, being an absolute bully. I too considered taking his number and reporting him, but apathy took over as usual :blush:

Rob K:
Minded my own business and got on with life, just like any normal person would do.

And if they tailgated the next driver who happened to be someone you cared about and that tailgating caused death or injury to that person then you would be happy about the fact that you did nothing to prevent it then ■■?

Perhaps we should all ignore it and do nothing until the worst happens but of course that will be too late…


Rob K:
Minded my own business and got on with life, just like any normal person would do.

And if they tailgated the next driver who happened to be someone you cared about and that tailgating caused death or injury to that person then you would be happy about the fact that you did nothing to prevent it then ■■?

Perhaps we should all ignore it and do nothing until the worst happens but of course that will be too late…

OK, Now i’m concerned!!! Firstly, I didn’t report this event to the authorities. I fear that what you say is right Rog. But whats more worrying than anything else is that i decided that other than my post on here that i would take the Rob k attitude!!! Even more worrying, Rob k thinks he’s just like any other normal person!!!

Don’t sell yr self short Rob, we all think yr special.

sounds like a breakfast cereal ! :laughing: