Tag axles

Seems I have unintentionally opened up another can of worms, but a double drive still only makes sense, if you’re running heavy all the time, as in 50+ ton gross. As shown from the pic by the owner of the first truck. And I’m willing to bet they still dump the air from the 3rd axle once in a while, as a 6x4 is not omnipotent.

As I said anything running with more more than half the axle weight of a single drive multiplied by two drives means a net gain in traction on firm ground and obviously almost half the axle weight applied to soft deep snow etc.While it’s obvious that a system which allows weight transfer in the case of a lightly loaded 6 x 4 is about as good as it gets assuming firm ground. :bulb:

double drive everywhere here bit bouncy tho when unit only

Isn’t that the case when driving any tractor unit on its own? Always been my experience.

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transportoperator.co.uk/2015/10/ … ve-volvos/


Apart from a bit of extra weight that sounds like a game changer.