Tachograph Pictures Please!

so if your doing multi drop work do you just put the destination thats furthest away ?

I assume that you’re referring to the finish place ?

The finish place is where you take the chart out (well if you’re running legal it is anyway :laughing: ).

My boss only writes “michel” on his discs,but he owns the firm.

Oh well perhaps you have different rules in France but I don’t think he would get away with it in the UK :wink:

I believe it also says - or used to say - that you can use a nickname if you are known by that :exclamation: :question:

No, it must be your full name with no nicknames or shortened forms. In your case it must be Roger and not Rog while a Steven cannot put Steve or an Andrew Andy.

If you have a long name and fitting it in the space provided is an issue then you can use an initial or shortened form but you must then write the full version on the rear of the chart.

That will probably make sense to me in the morning :laughing:

End Daily Rest and Start Daily Rest. Now for 10 bonus points do you want to have a go at what EWR and SWR stands for each of which are normally used once a week? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:


That will probably make sense to me in the morning :laughing:

End Daily Rest and Start Daily Rest. Now for 10 bonus points do you want to have a go at what EWR and SWR stands for each of which are normally used once a week? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

“End Weekly Rest” “Start Weekly Rest”

Well I did say it would all make more sense in the morning :wink: