If those are your correct weekly rest periods and the reduced weekly rest periods were at-least 24 consecutive hours, there’s nothing wrong with it, the software is wrong.
What analysis software are you using ?
That is what I am thinking, just wanted some clarification.
Globofleet CC Plus
I’ve no personal experience of Globofleet but what you’ve posted is definitely legal.
Yes but read the rest as you have to compensate the next by taking a 45 weekly rest
It says: “a driver can take a reduced weekly rest period of a minimum of 24 consecutive hours. If a
reduction is taken, it must be compensated for by an equivalent period of rest taken in one block before
the end of the third week following the week in question. The compensating rest must be attached to a
period of rest of at least 9 hours — in effect either a weekly or a daily rest period.”
The reduced weekly rest period was compensated for in line with the above.
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row, forget the dates and the days in this situation it’s the 6 shifts
Look at section 22
I am showing a weekly rest violation on my tacho report which i cant get my head around.
Here is what I did:
Friday 20th June - Wednesday 25th June - Rest
Thursday 26th June - Saturday 28th - Driving
Sunday 29th June - Rest
Monday 30th June - Saturday 5th July - Driving
Sunday 6th July - Rest
Monday 7th July - Driving
Tuesday 8th July - Thursday 10th July - Rest
The software is saying that I should have had a full (45 hour) rest period on 6th July when I only had a reduced (24 hour) rest. I think what I did was correct, as in any 2 fixed weeks I had one full rest period and one reduced rest period. Can someone please clarify?
If those are your correct weekly rest periods and the reduced weekly rest periods were at-least 24 consecutive hours, there’s nothing wrong with it, the software is wrong.
^This, no offence has been committed.
The rest period from 20th June to 25th June will serve as a regular rest for week ending 22nd June and a regular rest for week ending 29th June. You had a reduced rest 29th June which serves no purpose other than to reset the 144 hours between weekly rest counter and doesn’t need compensating as it is more than the minimum weekly rest requirements. You then had a reduced for week ending 6th July and that is okay as you had a regular rest for the previous week, w/e 29th. You had a regular weekly rest for the week ending 13th July from the 8th to the 10th and you don’t state the start finish time for that rest period but it probably compensated for teh one reduced rest that needs compensating for, the one on the 6th July. Everything is legal and the software is broken.
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row
Yes you can. The requirements are a minimum of one regular and one reduced in any two consecutive weeks. That’s nothing to do with when the rest is triggered.
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row, forget the dates and the days in this situation it’s the 6 shifts
Look at section 22
You can have 2 reduced weekly rest periods in a row, and he worked Monday to Saturday so unless he actually start on the Sunday rather than the Monday he couldn’t have gone over the 144 hours between weekly rest periods.
I may well be wrong however that’s the way I understand the rules
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row
Yes you can. The requirements are a minimum of one regular and one reduced in any two consecutive weeks. That’s nothing to do with when the rest is triggered.
Agreed, VOSA even shows an example of 2 consecutive reduced weekly rest periods is their drivers hours book.
Page 23
The following tables are examples of how a driver’s duties might be organised in compliance with
the rules on weekly rest, which allow two reduced weekly rest periods to be taken consecutively.
This complies with the rules because at least one regular and one reduced weekly rest period have
been taken in two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks.
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row, forget the dates and the days in this situation it’s the 6 shifts
Look at section 22
I may well be wrong however that’s the way I understand the rules
I don’t think following your system will get you into trouble, and sometimes if you have normal work pattens it’s easier to keep it simple.
But with some jobs knowing the finer points of the regulations helps and looking at the OP work schedule it a bit all over the place.
I have posted about 3 replies to this all not showing up argh!
Its the 6 shift that triggers a week in rest terms its not about making it up you can’t do 2 reduced in a row
Yes you can. The requirements are a minimum of one regular and one reduced in any two consecutive weeks. That’s nothing to do with when the rest is triggered.
Agreed, VOSA even shows an example of 2 consecutive reduced weekly rest periods is their drivers hours book.
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Page 23
The following tables are examples of how a driver’s duties might be organised in compliance with
the rules on weekly rest, which allow two reduced weekly rest periods to be taken consecutively.
This complies with the rules because at least one regular and one reduced weekly rest period have
been taken in two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks.
Agree however in the OP’s case the 2 reduced are in separate fixed weeks
I may well be wrong and therefore this thread should continue so as to iron out any disparities, we I included will learn from this thread so please do keep it going
yes they are correct 2 reduced breaks in a row, fixed weeks for tacho regs sunday 0000 to sunday. that’s the problem it appears both breaks started before midnight on the 2 sundays
Where does it say in the regulations that you are not allowed 2 reduced weekly breaks in a row? All it says is
"In any two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks a driver must take at least:
- two regular weekly rests; or
- one regular weekly rest and one reduced weekly rest."
I have done that.
my mistake getting tired you are correct soft wear wrong sorry
Agree however in the OP’s case the 2 reduced are in separate fixed weeks
I may well be wrong and therefore this thread should continue so as to iron out any disparities, we I included will learn from this thread so please do keep it going
See if this clarifies it for you
You’ll see that the OP has had a regular weekly rest period in weeks 2 and 3 and a reduced weekly rest period in week 2, actually either of the reduced weekly rest periods could be used for week 2 but I’ve shown the most obvious one being used.
The other reduced weekly rest period just acts to reset the six 24 hour periods between weekly rest periods.
Tachograph thank you for your post and your attachment
I can only see in the regs 2 consecutive reduced rests when they fall within the same week not when they are in 2 separate weeks
In any two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks a driver must take at least:
two regular weekly rests; or
one regular weekly rest and one reduced weekly rest.
The following tables are examples of how a driver’s duties might be organised in compliance with
the rules on weekly rest, which allow two reduced weekly rest periods to be taken consecutively.
This complies with the rules because at least one regular and one reduced weekly rest period have
been taken in two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks.
Quote rules on weekly rest, one reduced weekly rest period may be taken in any period of two consecutive weeks under ‘normal’ circumstances.
I’m not trying to be argumentative one of us is correct I really want to know who is right and who isn’t
I for one wish the rules were clearer
Fwiw, I had exactly the same situation a few months back, and globofleet also showed an infringement. I got it checked at novadata, both manually and with their software, and it was all fine. Globofleet doesn’t seem to like two consecutive rest periods of between 24 and 44:59 hours, regardless of how they’re arranged - in my case one if them was a day off to let me run out at the weekend, but gf didn’t like it.
Tachograph thank you for your post and your attachment
I can only see in the regs 2 consecutive reduced rests when they fall within the same week not when they are in 2 separate weeks
In any two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks a driver must take at least:
two regular weekly rests; or
one regular weekly rest and one reduced weekly rest.
The following tables are examples of how a driver’s duties might be organised in compliance with
the rules on weekly rest, which allow two reduced weekly rest periods to be taken consecutively.
This complies with the rules because at least one regular and one reduced weekly rest period have
been taken in two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks.
Quote rules on weekly rest, one reduced weekly rest period may be taken in any period of two consecutive weeks under ‘normal’ circumstances.
I’m not trying to be argumentative one of us is correct I really want to know who is right and who isn’t
I for one wish the rules were clearer
I think what you’ve been reading is the VOSA guide to the regulations and the illustration you’re referring to is just an example of how the weekly rest periods can work out, it would take several pages in that guide to show every possible scenario so they’ve just shown a few as examples.
The weekly rest requirement for any 2 consecutive weeks is either:
At-least 2 regular weekly rest periods
At-least 1 regular and 1 reduced weekly rest period
(It doesn’t say you cannot have more than what’s legally required … you can)
The regulations give legal requirements for the minimum weekly rest periods that must be taken, you can have more than the minimum requirements but you cannot legally have less.
In the OPs case he meets the minimum requirement because he’s had a regular weekly rest period in week 1, a reduced weekly rest period in week 2 and another regular weekly rest period in week 3.
The other reduced weekly rest period, which I believe crosses over weeks 1 and 2 (Sunday night Monday morning), isn’t legally needed apart from to allow the OP to start a new set of six 24 hour periods.
Fwiw, I had exactly the same situation a few months back
I thought this problem looked familiar.
Tachograph thank you for your post and your attachment
I can only see in the regs 2 consecutive reduced rests when they fall within the same week not when they are in 2 separate weeks
In any two consecutive ‘fixed’ weeks a driver must take at least:
two regular weekly rests; or
one regular weekly rest and one reduced weekly rest.
Which the OP has done, at no point has he not met the minimum requirement of at least one regular and one reduced. The fact in his case the two reduced are in separate weeks doesn’t matter. One us for the week it is in while the other is more than the minimum requirement as the week in question already gas a regular rest period.
You could have a situation where say any agency driver who has different start time and doesn’t dirk every day could have several two reduced rest periods in a row but still meets the minimum requirement. He could have a full at th start if week 1 plus a couple of reduced through the week. Week 2 he might have 3 reduced and week 3 another couple if reduced with a regular at the end if the week. That could be 7 reduced in a row but he would still have met the minimum requirement of a reduced and regular in any two consecutive weeks and must of those reduced would require no compensation.
I will concede to say that I am wrong in my understanding, I think I will stick to being over cautious but thanks for all the posts.
So the conclusion being for the OP the software company have got a programming issue in their software.