Tacho in Police vehicles

Dave wrote:-

years ago did,nt the old police range rovers (motorway patrol cars) come fitted with a calibrated tachograph.■■?

They were calibrated tachometers - different animal altogether, just for very accurate measurement of the vehicles speed.


Hi there something slightly off track but I do need Help?

The answer to this is yes, you do :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Don’t be offended, but c’mon…you got arrested for acting the pratt…now you want to make a complaint against the police…really, dude, get a grip of yourself!
If you’re gonna make a ■■■ of yourself on 'ere…expect to get ribbed a bit! :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink:

I dont want to seem to be a ■■■ on ere but do you think its fair for a copper to abuse his power and speed / drive reckless with someone in the back with no seat belt and banger their heads when they slam on

Surely a black box or tacho thing could possibly stop police officers abusing their power and causing accidents. As i have no chance I am not going to complain because they wouldnt take the complaint serious with no evidence to back it up.

If anyone has driven between Wallasey and Birkenhead north they will know its not the softest ride and down Corperation road is like being on a ship its up and down. At 30mph its bad enough but at 30mph + it takes the P**s. I got arrested last year and taken to the same station but by a driver who obeyed the speed limit and didnt come off my seat once.

The question I have about this thread is : -
When you almost got knocked out, DID YOU LEARN ANY SENSE■■?

The question I have about this thread is : -
When you almost got knocked out, DID YOU LEARN ANY SENSE■■?

I got arrested to calm down they thought I was drunk but I was sober. I live here but have nowhere to go (around here) thats why they locked me up.

Stop getting nicked then! :wink: (like I can talk :laughing: :wink:)

Double standards it may be but how many law abiding citizens do you know that would try to kill themselves with seat belt? Next people will complain that when put in a cell you either remove your laces or your shoes alltogether, Why because some half wits try to kill themselves with them. Oh no they already do that.

Can you imagine locking up some 20 stone bloke who doesn’t take too kindly tooo it, having to scrap with him to get him in the van in the first place, and then you want someone to put a seat belt on him■■?


Sorry but as you can give (allegedly) an example of good police driving you don’t learn.

It is simple, Don’t get yourself locked up. End of.

As far as I know the black box is only activated when the lights or sirens are used.

Why do they call it a custody suite?

It is like an RDC describing the drivers facilities as luxurious :wink:


The question I have about this thread is : -
When you almost got knocked out, DID YOU LEARN ANY SENSE■■?

I got arrested to calm down they thought I was drunk but I was sober. I live here but have nowhere to go (around here) thats why they locked me up.

Cool. I have been drunk dozens of times, I didn’t realise I could get a quick lift home with the boys in blue :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as I know the black box is only activated when the lights or sirens are used.

It’s an absolute nonsense…I spent 7 years driving police vehicles and not a single one of them had a “black box”. I have never heard of run-of-the-mill police vehicles having any kind of recording device.

Wheel Nut:
Cool. I have been drunk dozens of times, I didn’t realise I could get a quick lift home with the boys in blue :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s very expensive though…80 quid usually…oh and they take forever to get you there too! :wink:

I’m sure Mr Adams can vouch for the service though, he seemed quite satisfied!


As far as I know the black box is only activated when the lights or sirens are used.

It’s an absolute nonsense…I spent 7 years driving police vehicles and not a single one of them had a “black box”. I have never heard of run-of-the-mill police vehicles having any kind of recording device.

traffic-answers.co.uk/forum/ … ic=7725.30

You might want to read the whole thread, but basically there is a news article with indicates the Police Black Box failed to record the required information…

OK then…some forces may have them fitted to some vehicles (most likely the traffic cars), but I’ve not heard of it before.

BTW, the subject of that post is quite emotive don’t ya think? …just one of the reasons I refused to go tearing around after petty criminals in cars. In fact I don’t think there’s any need to go too much over the speed limit at all when responding to emergency calls…you get there just as fast by going at a sensible rate (in my humble experience as a response driver).

97% of Met vehicles have IDR’s fitted. (Incident Data Recorders). They are activated when there is excessive acceleration/braking, coarse steering or a collision (impact stop)

97% of Met vehicles have IDR’s fitted. (Incident Data Recorders). They are activated when there is excessive acceleration/braking, coarse steering or a collision (impact stop)

I stand corrected Stevel :blush:

Just out of interest, what’s the source on that info? Do you have a link or is it personal experience?

Maybe if you didn’t get yourself locked up in the first place then you wouldn’t have a problem mate! At least if you were sober then there was no risk of puking in the van when they sped you into custody!

‘…they thought I was drunk but I was sober…’

How many pints sober?
But seriously …I hope you soon get digs sorted, dude.

97% of Met vehicles have IDR’s fitted. (Incident Data Recorders). They are activated when there is excessive acceleration/braking, coarse steering or a collision (impact stop)

Just like Tesco trucks then. (used to be anyway a few years ago)

I would think all Police vehicles are fitted with black boxes to record all data.If you made an official complaint,the data would have to be analysed.I get the impression that if the officer is a decent copper,it will go no further but if the officer is a troublesome one,they will use any excuse to get rid of him.
But surely,no seat belts in a van raises serious health and safety and your rights to be safe whilst in transit to custody.If a builder drove down a road with someone sitting in the back,they would be nicked for it.Whats the difference?
Just another double standard that makes normal law abiding citizens question Police actions.

The problem with seatbelts in the cage area, who’s to say the detained person doesn’t try to commit suicide in police custody by hanging themselves with the seatbelt. That’s why there’s no belts in the back.