Tacho Card Software

heres the update i promised …software works well… all i do is put card in reader, wait til red light stops flashing and goes green. DDD file is now on pc. i can email it to my employer or to any company i have worked for… one or two of these companies have remote depots with no downloading facilities , so this is the best and cheapest solution for me.

Can all the companies open a .ddd file and add the data to their own records though :wink:


heres the update i promised …software works well… all i do is put card in reader, wait til red light stops flashing and goes green. DDD file is now on pc. i can email it to my employer or to any company i have worked for… one or two of these companies have remote depots with no downloading facilities , so this is the best and cheapest solution for me.

Can all the companies open a .ddd file and add the data to their own records though :wink:

DDD seems to be the standard for the UK … if i used tachomaster to do the same, the downloaded files are still DDD… i don’t think there is any problem

heres the update i promised …software works well… all i do is put card in reader, wait til red light stops flashing and goes green. DDD file is now on pc. i can email it to my employer or to any company i have worked for… one or two of these companies have remote depots with no downloading facilities , so this is the best and cheapest solution for me.

Yeah, I’m happy with it too - it is quite easy to use.

AND best of all, there aren’t any monthly or annual subscription costs either! :slight_smile:

good to hear that Richdad… I have a few friends who are using it as well now…

Just wondering if anyone on here is using the PLUS version and whether they think it was worth the extra cost?

Hi Richdad, I’ve got the CC Plus package but because of a problem with the card reader I can’t give a review of it. the whole package looks good and the company have promised to sort the problem out but with being away all week I have’nt had the opportunity to give them remote access to my laptop, as soon its sorted I’ll report back.

Dave Penn;

Thanks Dave, I’d be interested to hear how you get on with it all, especially those extra bits like analysis of the driver data.

You’d better get that issue sorted before they take off for Christmas hols! :unamused:

I discovered two great things on that website globofleet.co.uk -

  1. Although I had the Card Control software already, I was able to down load the CC+ version and play around with the extra features. Even though I don’t need half of the extras of the Plus version, it looked as if I should have bought that one instead.

  2. I then found that they let you UPGRADE from Card Control to Card Control Plus and just pay the difference rather than having wasted the cost of the basic version. I think that works too if you bought the software on its own or in one of their starter sets.

Happy Bunny!

Hi Richdad, sorry I haven’t come back to this thread sooner with a better review of the Globofleet software :blush:
I can only say that in the 2mths I used it it was very useful and did exactly what I needed it to do. I’ve not been on the road since the 1/2/2012 and I’m not sure yet whether I will be returning, so for the time being the card reader and my digi-card are safely stowed with all my work-gear until I am able to get back behind the wheel.

Dave Penn;

Ash the upgrade option sounds good with globafleet :slight_smile: