Tacho card says break why?


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

Why put it on break Nick ? I never have done and have never had problem it beats me why so many people do this. :confused:

bald bloke:


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

Why put it on break Nick ? I never have done and have never had problem it beats me why so many people do this. :confused:

Chap I know and it happened to me a few times put the card in tacho had a head fit and wouldn’t allow man entry’s. so it thought i’d been working all weekend and when it was downloaded threw out a mega infringement so by setting it on break / rest before removing and inserting the card it registers rest /break and you don’t get an infringement if the head has a hissy fit

bald bloke:


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

Why put it on break Nick ? I never have done and have never had problem it beats me why so many people do this. :confused:

The Siemens instruction manual for type 2 tachographs says you should leave the tachograph on the relevant mode when ejecting the driver card.

If you do manual entries it definitely won’t make any difference to you, if you don’t do manual entries and just let the tachograph do it’s own thing when you insert the card, I’m not sure what the rest period will be recorded as if you leave the tachograph on work when ejecting the card.

bald bloke:


At the end of my shift I press the eject button and go through the process of ending my shift like 24 hour day and end country I do all that correct everything else the tacho machine does it for me. But I can not understand why it says break sometimes it’s happened twice, not sure if my card is fuilty

Top Tip Put the Tacho on rest before inserting and removing your card …
Trust me it helps :wink:

Why put it on break Nick ? I never have done and have never had problem it beats me why so many people do this. :confused:

Same as this. Do the manual entries properly and no need to put it on rest

Do the manual entries properly and no need to put it on rest

I couldn’t agree more, but for some reason some people won’t :frowning:

There have been several posts on these forums from people who basically say they tried it once messed it up so gave up and will never do manual entries, to me that’s like saying I can’t be bothered to learn my trade properly.

Have to say guys u are helping me out. I am going to place my card on break before I eject and when I start my shift in the morning will have a look at the manually entire to see if it has registered it as brake from the last time I took it out to
When I placed it in again. But again thanks for helping me out. I will be doing this from now on

Have to say guys u are helping me out. I am going to place my card on break before I eject and when I start my shift in the morning will have a look at the manually entire to see if it has registered it as brake from the last time I took it out to
When I placed it in again. But again thanks for helping me out. I will be doing this from now on

Right when you put it on rest /break then eject your card all it does is prevent one thing …and that is when you shove your card in next time it has been known to skip the input of manual entries which can give you an infringement that’s all it does.
Theres no right or wrong In it to be honest but in the last how ever many years I had 1 infringement where I went from one type of tacho to another and the head had a hissy fit and I couldn’t input manual entries. this guy then looked up and said shove it on rest before you remove or insert your card and it wont happen and for the last how ever long I have always done this and never had a infringement .
Its just something I do …
Yes when I put my card in its always on rest and I immediately do manual ent.
I have been told that sometimes if you’ve done M/E then turned the ignition on /off then on SOME units this causes a Power interruption (same as some units will change tacho from break to work etc ) which in turn doesn’t record the M/E how true that is I don’t know .

When you put card in, and it comes up with “manual entry” and then it flashes either “yes” or “no”.
If it’s flashing yes, and you do nothing else with the tacho, it (I’m told) continues from where it left off the last time it was ejected and books the whole time as whatever the tacho was/is (not sure which) set to.
Sorry if that sounds a bit vague, but I’ve only recently heard it, and haven’t tested it yet.
I know of someone that was adamant they had taken their card home with them one night, but the tacho record (on tachomaster software) showed it (looked like it) had been in the tacho all night.
Either they screwed up their manual entry, or the above offering is correct.


Have to say guys u are helping me out. I am going to place my card on break before I eject and when I start my shift in the morning will have a look at the manually entire to see if it has registered it as brake from the last time I took it out to
When I placed it in again. But again thanks for helping me out. I will be doing this from now on

Right when you put it on rest /break then eject your card all it does is prevent one thing …and that is when you shove your card in next time it has been known to skip the input of manual entries which can give you an infringement that’s all it does.
Theres no right or wrong In it to be honest but in the last how ever many years I had 1 infringement where I went from one type of tacho to another and the head had a hissy fit and I couldn’t input manual entries. this guy then looked up and said shove it on rest before you remove or insert your card and it wont happen and for the last how ever long I have always done this and never had a infringement .
Its just something I do …
Yes when I put my card in its always on rest and I immediately do manual ent.
I have been told that sometimes if you’ve done M/E then turned the ignition on /off then on SOME units this causes a Power interruption (same as some units will change tacho from break to work etc ) which in turn doesn’t record the M/E how true that is I don’t know .

So you have put it on brake before ejecting your card and when you start your shift u do a manually entry. How come ?

I would always put my card onto rest immediately prior to ejecting it.



Have to say guys u are helping me out. I am going to place my card on break before I eject and when I start my shift in the morning will have a look at the manually entire to see if it has registered it as brake from the last time I took it out to
When I placed it in again. But again thanks for helping me out. I will be doing this from now on

Right when you put it on rest /break then eject your card all it does is prevent one thing …and that is when you shove your card in next time it has been known to skip the input of manual entries which can give you an infringement that’s all it does.
Theres no right or wrong In it to be honest but in the last how ever many years I had 1 infringement where I went from one type of tacho to another and the head had a hissy fit and I couldn’t input manual entries. this guy then looked up and said shove it on rest before you remove or insert your card and it wont happen and for the last how ever long I have always done this and never had a infringement .
Its just something I do …
Yes when I put my card in its always on rest and I immediately do manual ent.
I have been told that sometimes if you’ve done M/E then turned the ignition on /off then on SOME units this causes a Power interruption (same as some units will change tacho from break to work etc ) which in turn doesn’t record the M/E how true that is I don’t know .

So you have put it on brake before ejecting your card and when you start your shift u do a manually entry. How come ?

Read my posts its all there .I do manual entry’s because,
When I exit the vehicle I then have to de-brief ie return paperwork etc.
when I log on next time I simply put the card in pres to enter man entry’s put my actual finish time in ie 10 min other work then End shift. then enter my actual start of new shift with the activity’s ie work poa etc.

The reason I place it on rest at the end and beginning of shifts is…
On SOME units its been known for a driver to enter his details, then turn the ignition to open a window or move the vehicle slightly so as to do a walk round check with more room around the vehicle. In doing this the tach head may NOT have finished processing the information that was input as a manual entry. in doing so the tacho will think that since you removed your card on other work 3 days ago and put it back in on other work 3 days later you have been on duty for 3 days … Its An ARSE covering exercise :unamused: