TACH:TRAK Manual scan needed

I’ll happily put the Scanned files onto our website for Free Download if you want, just email them to me at davey@capitol-enterprises.net I suppose having them with the Hour Guard instructions makes sense really and I wouldn’t want someone feeling obliged to purchase our product because they cant find a manual for an old Tach Trak :wink: :wink:

:confused: I didn’t realise that my TakTrak was so out of date! It still works perfectly well, and although I no longer have the instructions, (never relly understood them anyway) It can still keep me on the right side of legal. My problem is that when the 15min alarm goes off I’m alway 20mins from where I NEED to be! :blush:

: My problem is that when the 15min alarm goes off I’m alway 20mins from where I NEED to be! :blush:

Our driving hours laws are stupid.
I’m now on Recovery work, so no tacho again & it makes all the difference.
I still keep an eye on time & wont drive for stupidly long periods, not that I would be allowed to, but 5-6 hours with small stops gets the miles covered without stress or tiredness, but still gets most people home in one go.
5 hours continuous driving extended to 8.5 hours, if you take 45 min non driving time is legal on UK passenger regs & if it’s coincided to be safe when I’m driving PSV then I see no seisable argument against doing it on HGV, especially when you conceder that if I’m driving under 16 seats PSV or recovery, (both of which I currently do), then I am exempt ALL driving hours rules, so can drive as many hours as I want untill something goes wrong & then it’s up to others to prove that I’v been a total zb before anything can be done about me, but by then it could be too late to prevent a death.
Yet you can’t drive an extra 20 minutes within your daily driving allowance.

I will keep a sopy oif the TachTrak scans here in case anyone needs a copy,
Thanks again everyone.

I wouldn’t mind a copy - just to remember how the old thing works :exclamation: I use a hourguard and it’s definitely much better :wink:


I am exempt ALL driving hours rules, so can drive as many hours as I want untill something goes wrong

and without some kind of regulation, everyone would have the same opinion. the rules are there to be used for the drivers benefit, who wants to work 15 hours without the chance of a cup of coffee.

Somebody has to set the rules and if we were allowed to drive 10 or 20 minutes more, the boss would say you can drive for 4h50 minutes and you only need a ten minute break.

I very rarely drive for 4 hours. I do 2 or 3 and then take a break

Denis F:

I wouldn’t mind a copy - just to remember how the old thing works :exclamation: I use a hourguard and it’s definitely much better :wink:


Visit grabbitt-now.co.uk/catalog/produ … cts_id=334 and click on text saying webpage just above blue buttons

It’s funny how I nearly bought a Tach Trak some years ago,but never did.I thought the cost of them a little too expensive,to be honest.When I look at them now,I see a similar resemblance to the first mobile phones,insofar as they are about the size of a house brick.

However,I did buy an Hour Guard in late 2003 from Davey,and I have to say,they are a superb piece of kit.No driver should be without one.Mine is still on the original batteries,and for the last 3 months,hasn’t really been used due to me being in our traffic office,and the fact I couldn’t be bothered to take the batteries out.

That’s the Hour Guard from Capitol Enterprises.Your not legal without one,and you know it makes sense. :smiley: :smiley:


(Payment for this endorsement can be made in the form of stotties and pease pudding Davey. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )



Lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Davey Driver:

Denis F:

I wouldn’t mind a copy - just to remember how the old thing works :exclamation: I use a hourguard and it’s definitely much better :wink:


Visit grabbitt-now.co.uk/catalog/produ … cts_id=334 and click on text saying webpage just above blue buttons

Dennis, really sorry Im so late getting back to you mate, been away and looking for a decent job and hadnt been back to the forums 'till now.
Please let me know if you havent got the scanned docs and i will email them stright back to you.

I gotta say I havent found any decent work yet, I havent come accross any of the legality issues I had 10 years ago, but there is still a wage problem. Im not greedy and remember I love the job, but Im not having the taken out if me. HGV driving must be the most undervalued job on the planet, all the comitment comes from the drivers. I really do understand new drivers and how keen thay are to get the experience, but what kept the rates down years ago was the newly qualified driver who would work 24 hours a day, 8 days a week if he was given the new shiny Scannie, it doesnt seem to have changed. It affects owner drivers and legal companies too, as they have to compete with the bent ones who consequently have lower wage overheads.

Hey freebird…your not the only one running 1960s stock..i mean tach-trac.ive still got an 8 track machine…a radio that runs with its own transformer…log books…air wipers…floor driven range change…air over servo brakes…ratchet hand brake…and a blanket to keep me warm when it gets cold…twin front windows…most of the engine in the cab…dip headlight switch on the floor…road springs…and all leather seats…my wages are 10 shillings a day and 2/6d for a night out…but theres change out of that for your digs…and a couple of beers and some fish and chips afterwards…so all is not too bad…
welcome back to the wonderful world of lorry driving…and note the changes…
have a nice day

Hey freebird…your not the only one running 1960s stock..i mean tach-trac.ive still got an 8 track machine…a radio that runs with its own transformer…log books…air wipers…floor driven range change…air over servo brakes…ratchet hand brake…and a blanket to keep me warm when it gets cold…twin front windows…most of the engine in the cab…dip headlight switch on the floor…road springs…and all leather seats…my wages are 10 shillings a day and 2/6d for a night out…but theres change out of that for your digs…and a couple of beers and some fish and chips afterwards…so all is not too bad…
welcome back to the wonderful world of lorry driving…and note the changes…
have a nice day

Hi truckyboy, not too sure what your point is here mate. I was driving wagons in the late '60s and yes it was a better job then, not as comfortable, a lot tougher and much harder work, but a lot more cameraderie. But I dont want to go back to those days, things move on and I dont have a problem with progress. In 1990 I was earning £250 pw+ tramping portacabins and containers with a drawbar, I did it for the experience but that seems better than whats being paid today. I used to travel with my old dad in the '50s when he hauled timber, 20mph speed limit and wooden cabs (blimey I am getting old reading this) and those guys had a good time and worked hard.
So, whats my point then? I always regarded myself as a prosfessional as my dad taught me, the wages paid today dont encourage profesionalism in the job, and as somene rightly said on here once ‘You work to live, not live to work’. I regret saying this, and its said with regret and I expect some flak, but its true.