TruckNetUK . Old Time Lorries . Street & Road Scenes .24 Wednesday,22nd March,2023. VALKYRIE .
A Car From The Then Future…
The first photograph below is of a spectacular traffic jam at Hyde Park Corner,London,on Monday,6th May,1935,during King George V’s Silver Jubilee celebrations.A fascinating
variety of largely square boxed-shaped motorcars,with cliff-hanger backs,such as taxis,private cars,limousines,etc,can be seen,including AEC Renown,6x4,LT Class,AEC NS Class,4x2,
AEC Regent ST & STL Classes,4x2,Double Decker Buses of London Transport,one lone open sports tour car,a lone Bedford or Ford Lorry,and a motorcoach in the the distance…
BUT! Standing out from this motor vehicle crowd on the lower left-hand section of the photograph,surrounded by taxi-cabs,and one taxi-width away from an AEC Renown LT
Omnibus is: a then futuristic beautiful Chrysler Airflow Aerodynamic Streamlined Sedan Motorcar! It must have stopped a lot of people in their tracks who were caught up in that
traffic jam! This Airflow model was introduced in 1934 and was America’s first mass-produced aerodynamic motorcar,and was imported into the United Kingdom at Chrysler’s
Kew,Surrey,Division. Anyway,this beautiful Chrysler Airflow was,is and always will be,a real headturner!
I seem to think that I’ve seen another version of this photograph years since,more of a close-up view and you could see the top half of the Airflow’s waterflow radiator grille;this other
photograph was in a British published book about road transport,published about 1964-1965.The photograph was a Radio Times Hulton Picture Library print.
Chrysler Airflow Streamlined Aerodynamic Sedan Motorcar in the Hyde Park Corner traffic jam during the King’s Silver Jubilee celebrations,Monday,6th May,1935.TN.OTL.Street&RS,24,3-2023.Hulton,Getty.1#
And a wonderfully evocative and delightful street scene with the beautiful star of the show:Chrysler Airflow Aerodynamic Streamlined Fastback Motorcar,1934 model
Chrysler Airflow Aerodynamic Streamlined,4-Door,6-Light,Fastback Sedan Motorcar,1934.Wonderfully evocative paintings of Harry Anderson.AmericanGallery20thFiles.TN.OTL.Street&RS,24,3-2023.4#