Steering Wheel Knobs legal or not?

Brilliant piece of kit, especially when manoeuvring. If i had my own motor again, definitely would not be without.
Even had one on a mini-van in 1977!

I’d suggest that drivers who decry them don’t do a great deal of reversing in a shift or manouvering in tight spaces. That quite possibly the manoeuvring aid has not been fitted in the correct position and that they do not ensure the wheels are straight & therefore the aid out of the way before leaving the cab.

The manufacturers give you a manouvering aid for free, they call it a steering wheel :open_mouth: If you need to turn that faster than you can just by using your hands then you’re not doing it right, even reversing through a slalom course, spinning from one lock to the other can be done without one as long as you don’t go tearing back at 100mph, I agree that they make reversing easier, but it’s not meant to be easy, it’s supposed to sort the men from the boys :lol I’ll leave it to you to decide which category you fall into :laughing: :wink:

The manufacturers give you a manouvering aid for free, they call it a steering wheel :open_mouth: If you need to turn that faster than you can just by using your hands then you’re not doing it right, even reversing through a slalom course, spinning from one lock to the other can be done without one as long as you don’t go tearing back at 100mph, I agree that they make reversing easier, but it’s not meant to be easy, it’s supposed to sort the men from the boys :lol I’ll leave it to you to decide which category you fall into :laughing: :wink:

Thank you. Good night.

Personaly i like mine would’nt be without it. Mine has passed its mot 3 yrs running with it on.
At least it has a use unlike all the crap people hang in their screens or put on their dash etc.

I’ve had them over the years and thought I couldn’t do with out one, but like everything in life as you get older you lean to do without.

Been ten years now :wink:

Can I just clarify something. When you say steering wheel knobs are you talking about the ones behind the wheel or the ones you attach to the wheel? :wink: Although the two usually go together.

LMFAO :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Classic!!! One for the tipper boys :wink: :wink:

Apparently its makes it easier when driving “onsite” :question: :question: I have never used one, and I go “off-road” ALOT!!!

I’d suggest that drivers who decry them don’t do a great deal of reversing in a shift or manoeurving in tight spaces.

I probably do more reversing and tight manoevres in one shift than most of you do in a week, but I still wouldn’t entertain a steering-wheel knob. On anything approaching rough ground they’re a liability; hit a pot-hole on a rough track and if you’re only steering with the knob, it can either wrench your thumb or rip out of your hand causing you to lose control altogether. I speak from painful experience having suffered this on a FLT some years ago. Furthermore if you do lose your grip the knob comes round and clouts you on the elbow or wrist, and it bloody well hurts!

If you look at agricultural tractors, and a lot of those Manitou front-loaders, you’ll notice that they don’t have 'em fitted as standard even though the driver tends to do a helluva lot of reversing and one-handed driving, and now you know why.

In other words they’re strictly for motorway posers. :wink:

i don’t like them. i can’t lay the newspaper out on the wheel properly when they’re fitted :smiley:

Our artic unit has one fitted, I take it off if I have to drive it for more than a day. I keep getting the sleeve of my overalls caught up in it.

…it’s supposed to sort the men from the boys :lol I’ll leave it to you to decide which category you fall into :laughing: :wink:

PMSL…:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I use mine everyday,I,ve grown very attached to my knob over the years, cant imagine life without it :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

I use mine everyday,I,ve grown very attached to my knob over the years, cant imagine life without it :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

same here and the misses thinks its a great asset too :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :blush: :blush: :blush:

We used to call them suicide knobs. Not sure what you would call them today as you cant have two suicide knobs in a truck can you. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: