
ffs have you had a bad day too ian??

whats with the personal attacks

i dont claim to be wise just not as foolish as some

At least your honest :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No personal attack intended just used quoting to offer different opinions on individual points thats all

and as for the restā€¦I was being SARCASTIC as I thought YOU would have recognised :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

You need for each 1000kg one Strapp

paul b:

I have never been given chains to use so i would never comment on them

i think that maybe that ends this particular conversation, donā€™t you?

Muppet :unamused:

Not true Lovelyperson - see explanation above. It also depends on the weight rating of the strap - and, perhaps more pertinantly, the ratchet. Many a time people have been caught out by using a strap rated to 5 tonnes without realising the ratchet is only good for 3 (or whatever). They should be marked somewhere - if they are too old for that, donā€™t use them.

montana man:
and as for the restā€¦I was being SARCASTIC as I thought YOU would have recognised :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Yeah ok fair point :stuck_out_tongue:


montana man:
and as for the restā€¦I was being SARCASTIC as I thought YOU would have recognised :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Yeah ok fair point :stuck_out_tongue:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: Surely you have heard of my club REEF :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The MDF is on bearers is it not and the trailer should have floor mounted internal strapping points on or fiitted exterior ratchets. that may well be the case with flatbeds,but the old stobbie trailers we use dont have either,so have no choice in middle of trailer but always use the chassis where poss,by the legs and between the wheels,as for MDF yes full packs have bearers,not when they shove them on a mixed stack of boards.
old rule always applies,if it looks iffy double the straps to be safe and slow round the bends and roundabouts is the norm.


paul b:

I have never been given chains to use so i would never comment on them

i think that maybe that ends this particular conversation, donā€™t you?

Muppet :unamused:

muppet eh boy? iā€™m not on here trying to give an inexperienced driver advise on securing a load that i know nothing about!
i see the likes of you everyday flying down the motorway with two straps over a 28t load and the further away from me you are, the better!
itā€™s not a personal attack but those whoā€™ve done steel on a regular basis know exactly how dangerouse it can be, theres only one way and thats the right way!

So what do you think of my way posted above then Paul? Is it any good? Have I missed anything?

seems fine to me ,and to help the ladies you can use a bearer to tighten the ratchet up one more notch,but its not the recommened thing to do,i have seen some with home made crow bars with cross plate to give them an extra tweek,
personally i find three shredded wheat does the trick. :open_mouth:

So what do you think of my way posted above then Paul? Is it any good?

I doubt it lucy coz its apparent he hasnt read any of my posts properly if at all so i can only assume he is just saying stuff for the sake of saying it and im amazed that he knows for a fact that i fly down the motorways with two straps on a 28tonne load careful though lucy coz you mentioned not overtightening straps too that must mean your as likely to kill out on the road as me :imp:

i like it, although in my opinion it should become a reg that all steel is carried on posted trailers ( at least beems, billets, bars and prefab) but sometimes youā€™ve got to make do with what youā€™ve got.
as you know yourself chains are always better than straps but i can think of dozens of steel loads that chains wouldā€™nt be any good!
of coarse itā€™s a different ball game if your actually loading the trailer yourself when you can dictate what goes where, weā€™ve all picked up trailers that look like theyā€™ve been loaded by stevie wonder on a bad day and have had to make the best of it.
golden rule, you can put to few straps/chains on, but itā€™s impossible to use to many.

paul b:


paul b:

I have never been given chains to use so i would never comment on them

i think that maybe that ends this particular conversation, donā€™t you?

Muppet :unamused:

muppet eh boy? iā€™m not on here trying to give an inexperienced driver advise on securing a load that i know nothing about!
i see the likes of you everyday flying down the motorway with two straps over a 28t load and the further away from me you are, the better!
itā€™s not a personal attack but those whoā€™ve done steel on a regular basis know exactly how dangerouse it can be, theres only one way and thats the right way!

Before ret. i drove heavys all over uk and eu for 34yrs and in that time carried a good amount of steel and m/cs.Im with you on this straps on these kind of loads is a deffinate no no use only ,CHAINS AND TENSIONERS.

Well, for what itā€™s worth IMO Paul has it right but he could have been much more diplomatic without laying into Reef who was only pointing out the dangers of overtightening straps. Perhaps he made a small error in relying on side raves but so what? It was easy enough to put right without going overboard.
As an oldie who was brought up on chains and sylvesters before straps were invented I would go for chains everytime, and use a tube extension, and keep my face out of the way. :wink: However I did operate after straps arrived and treated them with caution. The advice about regular checking and sharp edge protection is well made. A driver of mine once lost a full load of sheet steel because he didnā€™t follow the above advice. On a city street we were lucky no-one was killed and not a little bit fortunate that it was all handballed back on before the old bill arrived. :unamused:

fair comment mate, consider me suitably humbled :blush:

since TDG took over the corus steel distribution contract they have banned the old ā€œsnapā€ type warwicks, only the twisty types allowed now. still a few people using them but risking a bo*****king if caught, i,ve listened to all the above arguments and it seems every one has there own way of doing things, at the end of the day as long as i,m happy the loads gonna stop on & not move about then thats alll that counts, and as for the poor fella who started all this, if you need to know anything in particular just drop me a pm and i,ll do my best to give you a sensible answer . ding dingā€¦seconds outā€¦round 2 :laughing: :laughing:

hows it panning out now tdg are running the show? i finished just as they were taking over but the word was they were going to route wagons to cut out the empty running etc which wouldā€™ve been sound for me on a load by load rate.

The answer here is for all the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  and personal insults to stop and try and give the driver some honest advice as that is all he was asking for! :angry: :angry: :angry:

If you can,t give sensible answers then don,t waste space throwing insults at each other! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I would say when he gets where he is going to load to ASK someone for advice on how to secure the load properly no one is to clever to know ALL the answers at least he is sensible enough to own up to not being sure how to do it ā€œSAFELY & SECURELYā€ :unamused: :unamused:

Just sensible advice is all he wants you had to learn just like he will have to do and hopefully without the risk of being injured himself or injuring someone else (maybe an innocent bystander or motorist) ! :unamused: :unamused:

Ad Infinitum :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

paul b:
hows it panning out now tdg are running the show? i finished just as they were taking over but the word was they were going to route wagons to cut out the empty running etc which wouldā€™ve been sound for me on a load by load rate.

they arnt perfect paul, but i do hardly any emty running at all now, they really do look after the little man as well which is surprising with the likes of prestons, stilers, clugstons, truswells etc all after the same work