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The only thing needed in the RTD is the 6 hour workbreak rule as all others are covered by the tacho rules rest and break requirements

All of them? I’m pretty sure it is easily possible to exceed the average 48 hours work per week (RTD requirement) or the 60 hours limit in any one week by quite some margin without falling foul of tacho rest and break rules.

What matters is the shift times not the work done so a driver can be within the averages but be on shift for far longer so the RTD is pointless on that issue

I think people need to check weather thay are opted out or not id lay money most of you have been opted out without you knowing



The only thing needed in the RTD is the 6 hour workbreak rule as all others are covered by the tacho rules rest and break requirements

All of them? I’m pretty sure it is easily possible to exceed the average 48 hours work per week (RTD requirement) or the 60 hours limit in any one week by quite some margin without falling foul of tacho rest and break rules.

What matters is the shift times not the work done so a driver can be within the averages but be on shift for far longer so the RTD is pointless on that issue

Disagree. One of the things that matters is the shift time (i.e. Driving + Other Work + POA + Breaks). POA itself is a monumental fudge, it has to be said - But even if POA (a concept introduced by the RTD, and worthy of debate on its own) didn’t exist, it would still be dead easy to grossly exceed the 48 (or 60) hour RTD weekly limits without falling foul of tacho break/rest rules - which is the point I was making.

I suppose it makes a difference whether you regard the RTD restrictions as working in favour of the worker or the employer.

An agreement across the workforce must be signed to opt out. Otherwise, yes, you are limited to 10 hours if your shift commences between 00:00 & 04:00.

What is the definition of ‘the workforce’?

I work at a small ‘satellite’ depot. The main depot has opted out and the drivers at our small depot were never consulted.

My small depot contract is different to the main depot contract due to the workplace address and the small depot drivers are denied usage, (by order of the management), of certain facilities at the main depot, so I think as we are treated differently to the main depot drivers…we are in fact a completely different depot and can opt out. Is this right? or not??

Is an agency driver part of the agency workforce or part of the workforce where they go to? … or both? … or neither?

It really baffles me why people want to opt out of laws put there to protect them.
I never sign them and I very rarely work more than 10 hours in a night, every time I have it seems I am the idiot loosing out in the equation. :neutral_face:

Agree entirely mate,not only that but some are that thick that they can’t see that they could use it for their own benefit, ie rather than opt out and go along with it, try and negotiate a better rate for it or othewise stick to it.

Is an agency driver part of the agency workforce or part of the workforce where they go to? … or both? … or neither?

I would think that an agency driver is part of the agency workforce ROG. He’s employed by the agency and paid by them. I think almost all agency’s have opted out of the night time rule because how could they cover their contracts for the likes of the supermarket RDC’S if they didn’t?