Starter class 1 jobs

Oh ffs Frangers…seriously ? ? :roll_eyes:
Give it a rest man.
You know what mate ?
I’m resisting the strong temptation now to tell you to go and ■■■■ yourself, but I’ll raise above it. :grinning:
You could start an argument in an empty room.
I’m assuming your nickname in your home town is ‘Pothole’.
ie …Everybody avoids you. :smile:

I wonder if OP’s rose-coloured glasses have allowed through the facts that drivers get fined for not doing their jobs according to the (ever evolving) rules?

I helped another TM friend out recently with a toolbox talk for his new client’s drivers, covering DH, WTD/RTD, load securing, all the standard stuff that shouldn’t really need to be repeated. One guy did nothing but disagree with everything that was said, he wasn’t going to do any of it, no manual entries, no strapping his load, no defect checks…

You should have seen him kick-off when he discovered that the company, now it had been taken over by a new owner, wouldn’t be paying his fines, and he would therefore be “automatically enrolled on the DVSA training-via-the-wallet scheme” if he got done for anything. He spat his dummy and stormed off with a “stick your job” sentiment. He was back three days later expecting to get his job back without question. He’d already been replaced. Ain’t no driver shortage round these parts.

The possible problem with saying “I want to get my class 1” is that by implication you probably want to go straight to class 1 driving, whereas the reality is that an agency would probably want you to do 7.5 tonne, class 2, then eventually class 1 if you keep bringing the vehicles back in one piece and without attracting the attention of the likes of @zac_a with any lack of adherence to the various rules requiring following.

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He could go car to bus. Bus driving is good experience and makes hgv much easier. Plus you’ll be paid from day one of training. Then he could go straight to class 1 with more confidence.