Stagetruck, home bargains, Doccombe

if its the ones from feltham middx,[concert trucking]the owner is/was a diehard cyclist,started talking to me about cycling and why most people dont take it up instead of driving into work,bit of a strange guy i thought and apparently its only seasonal work,as and when

Bands tour all year round just summer more busy with festivals


if its the ones from feltham middx,[concert trucking]the owner is/was a diehard cyclist,started talking to me about cycling and why most people dont take it up instead of driving into work,bit of a strange guy i thought and apparently its only seasonal work,as and when

Bands tour all year round just summer more busy with festivals

who you on for chester?



if its the ones from feltham middx,[concert trucking]the owner is/was a diehard cyclist,started talking to me about cycling and why most people dont take it up instead of driving into work,bit of a strange guy i thought and apparently its only seasonal work,as and when

Bands tour all year round just summer more busy with festivals

who you on for chester?

I work for C&H in Tilbury mate

In response to Toby’s " post "

If you are insinuating we run bent , we do not .

If you are saying we drive all night for peanuts … Let me assure you , we do not . I left a pretty good salaried job and Im earning more on R&R .

Hope your hangover’s not too bad ! :laughing:




Doccombe are based in Downton wilts, just outside Salisbury. I think they mainly do stuff for one of the pallet carriers. All Merc fleet of around 10 vehicles, smartly turned out and a tie is a must. Never heard any of their drivers complaining and I think it’s a bit of deadman’s shoes to get on there.

i live opposite doccombes they are part of a religious thing like mormons sort of thing no smoking swearing music etc all the drivesr wear office type clothes tie etc as for wages and what there like to work for i couldnt say

If Mormons run the show then prob [zb] as Mormons are tight arses :unamused: :laughing:

this wat im led to belive they are Plymouth Brethren didnt know how to spell it also one of there drivers was responsible for killing his family and him self but there was many other factors involved in that

Yep, if you can stay on your best behaviour I wouldn’t be put off by it they’re not really like a cult but won’t be chatting to you about last night’s telly or likely to have an issue with anything you post on here.

If concert work is mostly running at night what mode is the tacho on while on a daily rest period while working on lights or sound systems.If it is on rest mode that is fraud and is running bent.If it is anologue tacho then assume it has been pulled out.
If the money is so fantastic why do drivers need to earn extra by helping out at the venue.?How can the wording of daily rest mean to do what you want when the drivers should be resting for the next night shift and not ■■■■■■■ flight cases and all the gubbins and kit all day.

Pointless post by Dan who said pay is poor but wants work them.
If you drive all night on tour work and in the day when you should be resting and tacho on bed how do you explain doing other work and faffing about with P.A and lighting.£250 a day.What a to say that. Then one post says his mate on concert work will not reveal what he earns as it is peanuts driving all night.

Toby, please have a read of Rule #3.
Have a go at the post by all means, but NOT the person. dd.

most of your posts are pointless toby!

I said the rates are poor because its what i have read on here, climb back in your hole.

You questoned my comment about earning up to £250 a day Toby on as i said “some” ( not) all jobs & that’s fair enough. Although i now push fruit juice about i worked in the entertainment side for my last firm for 18 years so have some experience of this extra money.
As i said on some tours from the day you go out these production companies pay the driver (& again not all of them do) what is called a “hotel buyout”. this is basically being paid to sleep in your cab, the rate varies from company to company normaly around the £60 per day for every day you are out on the road. Also on a lot of tours you will spend anything up to 4 or 5 days parked at one venue so legal breaks are always met! Never have i said about pushing roadboxes about! No R & R drivers do this kind of work unless on for the Staging side of the buisness the only jobs a driver will do is during the show either follow spotting, cable bashing or helping out on the merchandise side. Now through experience of being out on a 3 month tour before with lots of time being legally parked up for days at a time i seemed to recall as a day taking my £100 a day wages, adding me £25 night out + my £60 hotel deal totalling £185 then on the days of shows after positioning the truck before the show starts(& starting my card) doing a followspot for an extra £100 making my total earning for that day of £285!
Remember not every overnighter is a full on 15 hour slap. On a major UK tour you will be lucky to drive 10 hours a bleedin week!!!

Ha ha !! Toby !! Pushing flight cases and gubbins around all day ■■ Are you insane man ? ( don’t answer that )

To add to the above , as an example , for the last two days I have driven 3 hours roughly , loaded in and then done pretty much nothing . Im typing this on my bunk and wont load out till 11 tonight and then drive maybe another 3 hours . All hours paid , buyouts and pd’s on top . Am I legal ? Am I earning peanuts ? Must dash , going out for lunch :grimacing:

Shady you on for fly by night? Just looking at your pics on facebook.

Yes mate

Nice i wouldnt mind doing tour work a long with the other things i would like to do ha!

Having a toddler and a new baby in 5weeks probs not the best idea to emailing people just yet oops lol.