speed limiters

No need for these things easy thing to get off though speed limiters [sorry but we can’t let remain, regardless of how factaully accurate :wink: K] and your off especially in a 144 530 cruising up the m1 doing roughly 65-75 on the way to do two chesterfields or down the a303 doing exeter to bristol and back to canterbury overtaking an erf up an hill round a tight bend at 44ton while hes empty! :slight_smile:

No need for these things easy thing to get off though speed limiters [sorry but we can’t let remain, regardless of how factaully accurate :wink: K] and your off especially in a 144 530 cruising up the m1 doing roughly 65-75 on the way to do two chesterfields or down the a303 doing exeter to bristol and back to canterbury overtaking an erf up an hill round a tight bend at 44ton while hes empty! :slight_smile:

You’re a naughty boy Clyde, I may have to get the cable ties out again!!!


No need for these things easy thing to get off though speed limiters [sorry but we can’t let remain, regardless of how factaully accurate :wink: K] and your off especially in a 144 530 cruising up the m1 doing roughly 65-75 on the way to do two chesterfields or down the a303 doing exeter to bristol and back to canterbury overtaking an erf up an hill round a tight bend at 44ton while hes empty! :slight_smile:

You’re a naughty boy Clyde, I may have to get the cable ties out again!!!

I think he should be ashamed of himself there because that is no way to carry on as i’m sure you would agree with me Mr newmercman.
no cable ties i think a muddy puddle

I have asked the owner of the aforsaid L reg 143 450 and he admits it can pick its feet up if asked to,but it can,t have been 70 thomo1709,s disco must have been spinning on the patch of ice that the acused driver saw. :smiley:
Plus he was running a bit late. :sunglasses:

If his Disco speedo is anything like my Landrover one he was probably only doing 65 when it read 70 :wink:



No need for these things easy thing to get off though speed limiters [sorry but we can’t let remain, regardless of how factaully accurate :wink: K] and your off especially in a 144 530 cruising up the m1 doing roughly 65-75 on the way to do two chesterfields or down the a303 doing exeter to bristol and back to canterbury overtaking an erf up an hill round a tight bend at 44ton while hes empty! :slight_smile:

You’re a naughty boy Clyde, I may have to get the cable ties out again!!!

I think he should be ashamed of himself there because that is no way to carry on as i’m sure you would agree with me Mr newmercman.
no cable ties i think a muddy puddle

DaveFluffy, forewarned is forearmed, Clyde should be very afraid :smiling_imp: