South Wales Hauliers sixties and seventies onwards (Part 1)

Tam tipping Bark at Knights of Old yard loaded in Western Log at Cwmavon

on the road from Dumfries to Beatock after tipping at Dalbeatie

Gouldings crossing the dreded Piccadilly in the Abbey

hi all, seen this nolans on friday by margam park ,the tangled mess on the pavement is his roof, he drove under a 12,9 bridge by kenfig ind est,he got to the lay-by where they cut the roof off

Looks like a new trailer too…ouch!!

pete 359:
hi all,
a few from a.t.b. davies carmarthen.

hi all,
this new daf was also in a.t.b. davies’ yard.

Not sure if you are still using this site, but my dad drove for Morris - Tony

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