Sorry boss , I won't be driving that!

If I wasn’t going to be sleeping in it, I’d stick a hosepipe into the cab…Did this earlier, much quicker than a hoover :laughing:

, I’d stick a hosepipe into the cab…

Whoa! It’s bad but that’s no reason to try and commit suicide :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

that is taking in cab cooking to a whole new level :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
maybe he had to brake very sharply and the meal he was cooking went everywhere

Whilst travelling in reverse ■■?

Come on think mate, for things to be splattered on the rear of the cab it would have required the opposite, awesome acceleration, ie being hit from behind maybe, or a sub 1 second to 100mph, braking forces would have thrown the crap on the screen eh mate :smiley:

Or as the OP said at the start of the thread, “hit a caravan”, which could explain how all that stuff is on the back wall it if he just piled into the back of a burger van/caravan, see above :wink:

Pat Hasler:
You would be suprised :open_mouth:
A lot of drivers (or Tossers rather) don’t give a damm about the interior or exterior of a truck, I have had people ruin the inside of my cab in te past just to spite me for keeping it clean,

Thats so true mate :imp:

There is something on the bunk, but the yellowy stuff above seems to be on the camera lens.

Even as an agency driver I would refuse to drive that, pointing out various health and safety stuff. Afterall, I don’t even know what it is!

I have seen trucks in similar states. A company I worked at previously had the footwell just full of rubbish, the truck was well used, tired and worn and the gearbox was a nightmare. But I got the job done and after I had a 2nd day in it I did actually clean the cab up enough for me to use it and not feel dirty when leaving. ie bagged up the rubbish and binned it.

But for the above picture, that is a vile state to leave a truck!

i reckon that the driver was an east european who was cooking his dinner, scalded himself and rolled the lot over and the photo was taken by the wrecker driver!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

i reckon that the driver was an east european who was cooking his dinner, scalded himself and rolled the lot over and the photo was taken by the wrecker driver!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Closest so far for me! :grimacing:

Looks like he tried re-painting the cab in eggshell… :laughing:

Maybe he had a dodgy curry, woke up during the night couldn’t get out of bed fast enough and his arse just exploded

Probably the drivers reaction after being told he had to drive a daf…

That is shocking , imagine leaving a truck like that !
only excuse he/she can get away with is if they was took to hospital

Anybody who works as a vehicle cleaner for a truck (or car) rental firm will tell you that’s not unusual. Any yes, we are lucky we can’t smell it, although one of the worst smells is spilt milk that has soaked into any fabric surface or sponge floormat backing. I defy anybody not to heave when opening the door of a vehicle that’s been parked in the sun with that.