Some of our stock got stolen

mr lordi:
I heard ( not sure if its true)Apparently a brand new jcb telescopic load shovel was taken from the jcb stand at the great yorkshire show,right under everyone’s noses. They just pulled in with a low loader and claimed to be picking it up. That takes some balls.

A mate off mine who’s a builder off hired his 1.5 mini digger a couple off years back left the key with the house holder. An hour later a transit flat bed turns up they knocked the door asked for the key loaded it on and off they went. An hour later the hire company turned up! This was on a main road if you got the balls you can have anything.

Just to make the op feel slightly better I read the Ricky hatton autobiography, he was a carpet fitter. He fitted carpet throughout a caravan once the nice lady said her husband was on his way with the money but gave him a tenner tip to go grab some lunch whilst he was waiting for him. Half hour later he calls bac guess what no caravan now that’s gotta be the most obvious scenario going but to him he obviously never saw that one coming :slight_smile: .

Hi-viz the invisablity cloke. Its amazing where you can go with one of these on

That is so true.

Containers have been driven out of ports with high value loads.How do they get sway with it.In a paper you see a poor quality photo of a cctv image of a driver that nobody has ever seen.Like a ghost wearing a hi viz.?

My dad always says you have got to always expect the unexpected

Now learning this is a very True saying