This is turning into a 3 ■■■ thread.
It always makes me smile when drivers who smoke in their cabs get defensive stating ‘I smoke in my cab and it doesn’t smell, I do this that and the other, window down, 25 air fresheners in and it smells sweet’! What they don’t get is that they are used to the smell, you can’t mask the smell, the stink on the steering wheel either. If your the only driver who is likely to drive that truck, then smoke away, if you share then be considerate and smoke outside the cab and wash your hands. I used to share with my brother who is a really heavy smoker, nicotine stains on his fingers, got to the point where I was driving with a wet wipe on the steering wheel .
To those smoking ■■■■, THINK ABOUT IT!
No need to resort to name calling
I’m a none-smoker, gave up at 16-17yrs old when I had to start paying for them myself (used to flog them at school so never really paid for them myself)
My missus was a smoker until around 5yrs ago, my family all smoked, never bothers me.
I’m asthmatic and smoking doesn’t bother me, if we’re going somewhere in the car and someone smokes, go ahead, no problem, even in my car where the 2 main occupants don’t smoke. Don’t make anyone leave the house to smoke either, just pass them an ash-tray.
I used to smoke in my cab, until I had a heart attack in my cab. A heart attack beats e-cigs, patches , gum ETC ETC, going cold turkey is a doddle !!!
Confession Time I have smoked a pipe for well over 40 years! Started when I worked for George Read.And yes I smoked in my cab and other drivers cabs when I drove nights for RMC in Birmingham.In their cabs I kept the roof open a Leyland/Dafs and sprayed the cab when I had finished.If I had been pulled for smoking in the cab I would have informed whoever that it was my cab/office and did not have insurance for passengers.Richard Read has given me loads of baccy out of his tin
Confession Time I have smoked a pipe for well over 40 years! Started when I worked for George Read.And yes I smoked in my cab and other drivers cabs when I drove nights for RMC in Birmingham.In their cabs I kept the roof open a Leyland/Dafs and sprayed the cab when I had finished.If I had been pulled for smoking in the cab I would have informed whoever that it was my cab/office and did not have insurance for passengers.Richard Read has given me loads of baccy out of his tin
I think there’s some loophole in the smoking legislation that allows pipe smoking. Possibly connected with burning incense in churches. Not sure if it has been closed or if it still exists.
Confession Time I have smoked a pipe for well over 40 years! Started when I worked for George Read.And yes I smoked in my cab and other drivers cabs when I drove nights for RMC in Birmingham.In their cabs I kept the roof open a Leyland/Dafs and sprayed the cab when I had finished.If I had been pulled for smoking in the cab I would have informed whoever that it was my cab/office and did not have insurance for passengers.Richard Read has given me loads of baccy out of his tin
Do you also have a beard & a pair of sandals by any chance?
I used to smoke in my cab, until I had a heart attack in my cab. A heart attack beats e-cigs, patches , gum ETC ETC, going cold turkey is a doddle !!!
That’ll do it I’m sure!
Silver Surfer,No and No
I smoked for about ten years then stopped I think in 2007 when the smoking ban came in.
I worked for a firm using a different unit each day and trust me, you can stick all the magic trees in there you want,if you smoke in your cab it reeks.
Ten mins down the road and my hands would stink too. I shamefully started again about 2 years ago but bought a vape stick last Friday and haven’t touch a real cig since.
I like a drink - but I keep my recreational usage separate from the workplace, and I certainly would never dream of spraying the insides of a shared cab with nice, stale beer slops just so that anyone following me can also savour the aroma. So why is it OK for a smoker to do this with the by-products of his chosen drug? If you really cannot physically cope with a few hours without nicotine, then get yourself some gum/patches etc or use an e-cig.
And don’t get me started on the joys of having a face-to-face conversation at close quarters with someone who has been smoking. “Dog breath” just doesn’t do it justice…
I don’t smoke and had to use a unit last week who the main driver of that unit is a chain smoker bu the end of the shift my clothes were stinking of the smell of ■■■■ not nice
Stink bomb under the drivers seat see what happens
some dirty barstewards would not notice
Stink bomb under the drivers seat see what happens
some dirty barstewards would not notice
Some I’ve worked with would probably try to eat it, or light it.
i’ve had to tell a driver at work to stop smoking in his cab.
first is because other drivers use it & they had complained about the smell of stale tobacco as they are non smokers & secondly because when his first motor went back to the dealers he had dropped his ■■■ 1 day & burnt the seat,we got a bill for £350 for a new seat squab & fitment.
he is the only driver in 15 we have that smokes.he does regular runs & is only in wagon for 65 mins to his first collection,so i don’t know why he can’t wait an hour or just pull in a layby for 10mins if he is that desperate for a ■■■…
As far as I know, nobody ever smokes in our cabs, but I have noticed as a non-smoker that my hands always smell of smoke after driving. The smell gets picked up from the steering wheel.