Slow cooker … ck-pot.htm

Simple recipe.

Needs a quick trip to the supermarket.
Half a Raw chicken or a small one, or a couple of thigh/breasts.
chicken stock cube x 2
1 pint water/boiling.
Few potatoes.
Few carrots.

Chuck it all in the cooker, switch it on, do a days work ! (8 hours min)
Voila’ Yummy slow cooked Chicken !

You can also get slow cook packet mixes in the supermarkets, just add meat & a few veg.

Box of Dried Lentils & Dried Barley is handy to have in the cab Kitchen as well to bulk the stews out a bit.

Lamb shank with potatoes.
Pork Ribs.
Beef stew.

It all falls off the bone or melts in the mouth after being slow cooked for a few hours.

I’m bloody hungry now !!! Lol.

Good find on That site fella

I tho about Dessert in the slow cooker but haven’t tho what but that site has one … ker-90.htm