Size sensitive speed cameras?

A gatso flashing you from the opposite of the road is in fact illegal and no conviction can be processed …
The only camera that can do you facing towards you is the truvello thing .Which is why it has an infa red filter for its " flash" …


I will confirm that it is the loops taht provide the information on the vehicle… Its footprint or weight. They are then checked manually if there is an element of doubt. ie unladen to laden weight, but the computers can generally tell.

All this talk about how to check which camera it is and how to avoid it…Isnt it easier just to stick to the speed limit?

PS Dont ask about Royal Mail Waggons!!! The comments are currently not very favorable…

the weight ones dont just weigh one axle they infact weigh all axles,that is how they can tell what class of vehicle(by the way they dont weigh,as has been said its air pressure in a sealed tube) which is relayed to the camera which in turn can reset its speed down to the trucks legal speed for the road,thats how it gets you when you think its ok it’s the national speed limit,then the bugger gets you for doing 50 and not 40

A gatso flashing you from the opposite of the road is in fact illegal and no conviction can be processed …
The only camera that can do you facing towards you is the truvello thing .Which is why it has an infa red filter for its " flash" …

Correct, and its such a good feeling doing an adequate speed on the road from Ilkeston to Derby on a motorcycle :smiley: Its called making progress :stuck_out_tongue:

A gatso flashing you from the opposite of the road is in fact illegal and no conviction can be processed …
The only camera that can do you facing towards you is the truvello thing .Which is why it has an infa red filter for its " flash" …

Does this mean that you don’t actually see a big white flash as per standard speed cameras? I ask because last year when those flaming road works on the A1 (near Stamford I think?) were in place and there was a 40 or 50 limit, don’t remember now, they had a speed camera there facing towards the windscreens and every day I’d go down there, someone would over take me and the thing would give off an almighty flash and surprise the hell out of me, one time more than most as I was giving my appreciation to this invention by showing the one finger salute, when a car overtook me, causing the thing to flash and quite possibly showing a certain van driver next to this car giving a rude geasture!!!

the tabley by pass on the a556 has a hgv scamera on it well it did any how i know it got me :blush: :cry: :cry: i kkow someone will say should not be speeding got me at 43mph for gods sake not as if i was doing 20mph over the speed limit just belive in watching the road and not the speedo .later all

Rob K:
The ones on the A14 at Cambridge don’t have them but I did see a Dutch wagon get flashed today going the other way; must have been going some! :confused:

By 'eck. He must have been shifting some.!!! You can comfortably get through those at 85 in a car without them going off. :sunglasses:

Mind you, having been on nights when the boats come into felixstowe and being nearly blown off the road by some of the flower wagons that come past ! :wink: