Silverstone ! it's a disgrace

no not me pat i stole the link of another site


Do you really respect this type of trait in people Paul? Or, have you just given up on decency like a majority of people seem to have done in recent years, and in consequence believe everything is ok as long as a big profit is made?

Not at all. I don’t like him and I don’t think it’s right, but unfortunately that is how it is and there’s not a right lot we can do about it other than find some more $ to throw at him (and perhaps some bricks).


Believe it or not Paul, there is summat people can do. Even the likes of Ecclestone has to heed public opinion, enough registered disgust in letters ect, makes people sit up and take notice.

they could threaten to boycott the ones that give dull procession type races,

that’ll be all of them boycotted then :wink:

Mal wrote:
they could threaten to boycott the ones that give dull procession type races,

that’ll be all of them boycotted then

lets just change the name to “follow the red ferrari around for 60 laps”

“pits stop challenge”

lets face it its dull as dish water and btcc is well ahead in the excitment stakes

and another thing at least you’ll be able to drive down the a43 in july :wink:


It seems TruckNet has done the job, The little poison dwarf weasel ferret like character has backed down and is allowing the race to be run with the consortium of Nick Cockburn and Nigel Mansell.

Little ferret has said he will not charge them for hosting the GP :stuck_out_tongue:

Eddie Jordan is more upset with Ford renaging on an an engine deal. He says that he got 7 minutes warning that Ford were closing Cosworth Engineering before they told the media. Although Eddie is not near the front recently, the F1 still need him to run the team.

Its a crying shame.
Cosworth. Gone
Jaguar. Gone