Silly nit picky question

This has to be a joke or a wind up
Beam me up scottie
Theres a right way and there’s a obsessed way of doing things and this is the latter

If that is directed at me, please explain.
These days the workplace is increasingly intolerant of that kind of thing and especially large corporate workplaces. Can I not point that out?
I don’t think the member is in one of those workplaces mind.

Decide what you want mate, up to you.
And what am I ‘protesting’ about exactly?

We all have our own ways of dealing with things, my way is to take stuff in my stride, not get fussed about stupid bloody things, and on the whole not take anything too serious in life,…and especially work related stuff, that does not merit it.
So far in life it has worked quite well for me.

If your way,(or anybody elses) is different to mine, then crack on with it, but dont expect me to give a second thought or a flying f to what people think of me, or of my ways of dealing with those things.
Hope that clarifies.

I was a driver not the firm’s transport manager.Why would I have had anything to do with compliance.
What I do know is that the first time I needed to keep drivers hours records on the council I was instructed in no uncertain terms that it needed to be a 24 hour record including my daily rest period and accurate start and finish times.
That’s how I continued.What’s your problem with that ?.

I think I’m 99% legal, I don’t worry about showing collecting keys time on my tacho, I often don’t show mythical 15 mins other work every morning, sometimes I don’t change country codes at the border crossing occasionally but a few Km’s down the road instead when I park up.

Obviously this site is full of people driving longer then me but when I have been stopped by DVSA, BAG the Slovakian equivalent etc I have not been fined or jailed yet.

Apparently things are done differently there. Here, everyone in the chain has to comply with rules and legislation, covering their role. At anytime their adherence to compliance may be checked.

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Can you imagine the fun to be had as CF’s TM :joy:
Everyday reminding him of the actual rules in the real world versus the rules in his alternate reality

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Further reason for him only lasting five minutes in the industry.