Silencing the Veteran

the maoster:
My Facebook account is in a false name, never had to verify who I was. According to my profile I am principle dance teacher at the London School of interpretative dance and movement!

You only get asked for ID if others have complained about your posts. Since I neither swear nor troll individuals - the ones making the complaints are clearly those diametrically opposite me politically, eg. Momentum Trolls.
They are complaining about me, because I’ve given voice to “why Labour are unelectable” or “momentum have been behaving like Brownshirts” etc. These days anyone in the center of the Labour Party is considered “Right Wing” by the “Hard Left” of course. It’s all relative. :unamused:

Funny how no one ever seems to get their accounts closed for “swearing” though eh? If accounts were closed for such a thing - there would be a whole lot less trolling, bullying, or intimidation going on that now seems to have become endemic to social media in general. :frowning:


It seems that Facebook has received complaints from various loony left tossers that are using the complaints procedure for “having my account deleted”.

I would ask where I stand on this board with regards to “demands to produce my personal ID - or have my account closed”.

I write this as an open request to the moderators of this board please…

If my accounts are about to be deleted everywhere, because I refuse point-blank to be a conformist and hand over my personal data - then let’s go out with a bang. :imp:

Hi Winseer,

There’s no need for such drama on TN. :wink:

As Rikki has said, we don’t ask for proof of ID and I’ll add that it’s extremely rare that TN deletes anybody’s posting account.

Let’s have a look at the bigger picture and do a comparison…

For the most part, it seems to me that FB doesn’t do very much by way of moderation, so I’d imagine that most other people would have realised that too. It also seems to me that it therefore automatically follows that a poster on FB should be careful what they choose to say or to get involved in.

The law of the jungle is that posters sometimes have to take responsibility for what they post, otherwise various wolves will get them in various ways.

BTW, that’s non-judgemental, it’s just an observation of the way it is.

On the other hand, TN does what it says on the can.
It’s a truckers’ forum.
:bulb: The idea is that its focus is on all matters trucking-related.
Within that, there are various sub-headings such as Newbies and Euro etc, but TRUCKING RELATED.

You’ll probably be aware that TN is moderated in a completely different way to FB, and that’ll be quite simply due to choices made by the management of the two. There’s no right or wrong here. TN has focus, that’s why we move/delete non-trucking stuff or pre-mod those who can’t read (or don’t understand) what it says at the top of the main forum index page.

There are various places out there on the Net where a person can freely post various things, but TN isn’t one of them.

:bulb: Focus should not be confused with censorship, they are completely different animals.

It’s all quite simple really, cos the guideline is that TN does what it says on the can and the rest belongs elsewhere!!

Thanks for taking the trouble to point this stuff out.
I’m impressed by the policy here of “No personal attacks allowed” either. In a way, what is happening to me on FB right now is a “Personal Attack” in the form of “Let’s all hit the report button, and get rid of this senior who keeps throwing our own arguments back in our faces”. Meanwhile, I don’t attack individuals, and I avoid using swear words, even though as you say FB doesn’t moderate or censor them out.
On another note, it’s a shame that I couldn’t have been a bit more entertaining when having a beer-glasses rant once in a while. :blush:

let me check on how much we are worried about what you do on Facebook- we have an inbuilt facebook checker

and the results are zero we dont give a crap… someone called you nasty names over there? not our problem

we have our rules and guidelines here- breach them the mods will take action, be an arse on facebook we don’t care


I would ask where I stand on this board with regards to “demands to produce my personal ID - or have my account closed”.

I write this as an open request to the moderators of this board please…

We would not demand this.
The only case we would “ASK” is if we received a complaint about something you posted that conformed to the provisions of the Defamation Act . In that case it is so we can point the lawyers suing in your direction. The law lays down strict procedures we have to comply with, and time scales. However under the act there is no compulsion for you to provide those details. If you didn’t we would remove the comment permanently. This would only apply to your comment not to your account.

If your account is disruptive we do not ask for ID, we simply pre-mod or in extreme cases delete.

The only time this might change is if the law changed to compel us to collect such information.

This is the only concern I have with regards to FB policy crossing over to this, and other boards.

Trump & Zuikenberg are mates now. That means “The next set of laws being created out of thin air” are going to have the pair of them stamped all over such laws…
If you think about it - how hard would it be to drive every other form of social media out of business by simply passing a law that forces all public board operators to demand ID from their members, get refused by those members for the same reason I refuse, and then die away to nothing - because there are not enough idiot members left to keep the boards going…
A billionaire who’s just made extensive use of Social Media to win an election against a Corporate and Media backed candidate was funny on 9th November, but the moves made by FB since (as far as I’m concerned) are worrying for the wider on-line communities out here. The transport industry might want to fear another possible ramping-up of fuel prices as happened in the Bush Jr Era… John Kerry “warned” the voting public in the run-up to the 2004 election that “A vote for bush is a vote for $100+ oil”. The public voted against Kerry, and Oil duly went up to $147 at it’s peak. The prospect of an Oilman being the replacement for Kerry as Secretary of State - should worry everyone on the planet that operates a fleet of any description. Who’s talking about it though?
Am I just a voice crying in the wilderness, or am I pontificating again?
Does anyone really care if their employer goes ■■■■ up because of pre-warned things coming to pass?
I do - on behalf of all of us, if no one else gives a ■■■■. :frowning: :bulb:

Maybe “they” are “complaining” about your “overuse” of quotation marks?
That’s enough to get on anyone’s ■■■■.

The lad means well but there’s little we can do about it all anyway.

Anyhooo - if you want a laugh go on Youtube and punch in Saturday Night Live - it’s got Alec Baldwin ripping the ■■■■ out of Trump.

It’s absolutely brilliant. :laughing: :laughing:

Lee Camp’s “Redacted” has been quite funny of late too…

I love political humour, me.

If we’re gonna look back on 2016 and get any smiles and laughs from what’s been a divisive year for so many - let’s look back and laugh rather than cry (…or do it bigly, and do “both at the same time”!)


I would ask where I stand on this board with regards to “demands to produce my personal ID - or have my account closed”.

I write this as an open request to the moderators of this board please…

We would not demand this.
The only case we would “ASK” is if we received a complaint about something you posted that conformed to the provisions of the Defamation Act . In that case it is so we can point the lawyers suing in your direction. The law lays down strict procedures we have to comply with, and time scales. However under the act there is no compulsion for you to provide those details. If you didn’t we would remove the comment permanently. This would only apply to your comment not to your account.

If your account is disruptive we do not ask for ID, we simply pre-mod or in extreme cases delete.

The only time this might change is if the law changed to compel us to collect such information.

still wondering WHY? I’m on pre mod, from three and a half years ago because some cyclist didn’t like MY OPINION! On smoking and cyclists. Lol

This has gone well off-topic now, so… click!!