Sick as a chip, C+E fail!.. Update.. I've passed!

well done mate…have a few beers & hopefully all goes to plan on your wedding


Well done!!
Now you can relax and look forward to your wedding - and honeymoon…
then coming back and working yourself into the ground :laughing: :laughing:

Nice one mate!!!

Congratulations! Hope you have a great wedding etc. too :slight_smile:

Congrats. I too have not long passed my test. I am getting agency work okay and enjoying it. I am sure you will too.

thanks for the comments!!..

i’m sat by the phone eagerly waiting a phone call from the agency… :smiley:

probably send me somewhere to drive a 7.5 tonner :open_mouth: :unamused:


Congratulations ,Russ :smiley:

Well done, that man.

Have a great wedding. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Leaves you with plenty of scope. :laughing:

knew i’d be in a 7.5 tonner today… Manchester, Leeds, Bradford & back to Manc… :unamused: :laughing: