the nodding donkey:
.Pictures are also covered by the rules on language. Colingl
Spelling mistakes are not allowed - even in pictures.
By order of the Grammar Police.
the nodding donkey:
.Pictures are also covered by the rules on language. Colingl
Spelling mistakes are not allowed - even in pictures.
By order of the Grammar Police.
had a muppet shunter shouting at me one day and waving his arms in all directions,i could not hear what he was saying,eventually comes up to my cab and still shouting say’s can’t you understand English,i replied yeah I can but not sign language you fat barsteward,if you got something to say come and say it and stop waving your arms about from across the yard you pxxxk,he did not like me raising my voice to him and stomped off,i had a good mind to go in his office and complain but me being me i’m not a grass,still he got his answer
Meanwhile on shuntnetuk.comHad some half wit pull into my yard tonight and he’s only gone and parked up on a bay without checking.
I asked him if he was stopping there to which he said “yep”
Told him I’m not having that and locked his trailer off and said he better report to the office in the morning.
Drivers know they are not allowed to park under trailers on the bay overnight.
Anyone else had the pleasure of dozy drivers like this?
{BigMac69 [Moderator] Auto Censor Dodge Removed} Grammar Police Dodge: “Half-Wit” must be written with a hyphen.
I’m sorry guys, I’ve tried to translate the OP into readable English but couldn’t do it.
I’m sorry guys, I’ve tried to translate the OP into readable English but couldn’t do it.
There is no need. Dozy uses garbled English to convey his thoughts, but we all understand. He has the mind and emoticon use of a ten year old.
the nodding donkey:
Got to love these shunters, yard speed limit 5mph, trucks hazard lights on, but Shunter flies around flat out burning rubber like Jenson Button first off the grid .
Some act like they own the company .
Welcome to Shuntnet.UK.I love hitting 25mph+ whilst chasing a driver to tell him to slow down… As long as we don’t speed in front of the offices, we get away with it.
Can’t park that there drive.
Don’t forget to unclip those curtains drive.
And don’t ask me where a particular trailer is parked. They all have a number on the front and back. For you to look for.
I do particularly enjoy plotseling van taal te veranderen, as er weer zo’n Engelse vrachtauto binnenkomt, met een chauffeur die geen Engelse spreekt. Het kantoor is dan altijd aan de andere kant…
as er weer zo’n Engelse vrachtauto binnenkomt, met een chauffeur die geen Engelse spreekt. Het kantoor is dan altijd aan de andere kant
your Dutch ain’t bad lol
God verdomme.Nog een keer!