seat belts

i must admit i can not recount a situation when i would have said by god good job i had seat belt on

Of course, if you do end up in that situation and you’re not wearing your seatbelt, you might not be around afterwards to say “good job I had seat belt on”…

I can think of one situation - bouncing down the roads in Kosovo/Serbia - we need the seatbelts to keep us in our seats… :wink:

How about:

  1. Head-on collision with a car coming the other way. Yes, the truck has a lot of mass, but the car would probably cause the truck to slow down enough to give you a head injury.
  2. Roll-over - better to be held in your seat than bouncing around inside the cab.
  3. Hitting a pillar/telegraph pole/tree/etc. on the passenger side only. Without a seatbelt, you get thrown through the windscreen.
  4. Truck starts to pull out of a side-road on the left just as you’re passing; only the passenger side hits.
  5. Because airbags are designed to be used with seatbelts. If you’re not wearing a seatbelt, your face can be too close to the steering wheel at the time the airbag deploys, and it explodes into your face, causing you injury, rather than cushioning you from the impact.

For me, it’s an automatic reflex action when I get in any vehicle. It doesn’t feel right when I’m not wearing one.

Is it not the law that if they are fitted to the vehicle they must be worn ■■? :question:

if it was your " privates" going throgh the windscreen rather than your head would you wear one then. Oh no of course you would’nt it will never happen to you will it ? You are far to good a driver.

So you always wear a cricket box too I suppose. :question: :unamused:
Whatever happened to freedom of choice? You kill no-one but yourself by not wearing.
My God, the next thing will be they’ll ban smoking. :open_mouth: :laughing:

BTW, no need to be mealy mouthed about what you call us. The Auto Censor can be very accommodating. :wink: :laughing:

Is it not the law that if they are fitted to the vehicle they must be worn ■■? :question:

Yip am sure your right the law says you MUST wear it IF fitted(obvious quote) only way you dont need to is , iff your doing “multi drops” and IF i remeber corect there idea of multi drop is every 200 yards! basicly its only for posties/bin men/parcel dells etc

Now i do multi drop but not the extent they require , so if caught no excuse,
yet the funny thing is i ALWAYS wear seat belt in car !


i must admit i can not recount a situation when i would have said by god good job i had seat belt on

Of course, if you do end up in that situation and you’re not wearing your seatbelt, you might not be around afterwards to say “good job I had seat belt on”…

I can think of one situation - bouncing down the roads in Kosovo/Serbia - we need the seatbelts to keep us in our seats… :wink:

How about:

  1. Head-on collision with a car coming the other way. Yes, the truck has a lot of mass, but the car would probably cause the truck to slow down enough to give you a head injury.
  2. Roll-over - better to be held in your seat than bouncing around inside the cab.
  3. Hitting a pillar/telegraph pole/tree/etc. on the passenger side only. Without a seatbelt, you get thrown through the windscreen.
  4. Truck starts to pull out of a side-road on the left just as you’re passing; only the passenger side hits.
  5. Because airbags are designed to be used with seatbelts. If you’re not wearing a seatbelt, your face can be too close to the steering wheel at the time the airbag deploys, and it explodes into your face, causing you injury, rather than cushioning you from the impact.

For me, it’s an automatic reflex action when I get in any vehicle. It doesn’t feel right when I’m not wearing one.

i aint seen a truck fitted with air bags yet :open_mouth:

i wheremine most of time but take it off for a little while to give my neck a rest as cant adjust it and it rubs accross.

Is it not the law that if they are fitted to the vehicle they must be worn ■■? :question:

Sure your’e right. I know EU tends to have varying views on the rule, but I got stopped in Germany 3yrs ago after I was spotted not wearing the seatbelt in my DAF. I found that it used to cut into my neck. The fine was 85euros. I now have a crocodile clip on the belt, just to give it some slack. Cost 45p.


Is it not the law that if they are fitted to the vehicle they must be worn ■■? :question:

Sure your’e right. I know EU tends to have varying views on the rule, but I got stopped in Germany 3yrs ago after I was spotted not wearing the seatbelt in my DAF. I found that it used to cut into my neck. The fine was 85euros. I now have a crocodile clip on the belt, just to give it some slack. Cost 45p.

There is a safe legal device on the market that will reduce the tensioner height and it can be transferred to different vehicles - saw it on Dragons Den and I believe that Halfords stock it - not sure on that though.

There is a safe legal device on the market that will reduce the tensioner height and it can be transferred to different vehicles - saw it on Dragons Den and I believe that Halfords stock it - not sure on that though.

Yep. I’ve seen them somewhere too.

I’m sure it was Halfords that had them.

This is the closest thing I could find… … ryId_38235

I wear a seat belt but every item of upper clothing I wear to work has a hole worn in the right-hand shoulder where the seat belt rubs the stitching away. I’ve got one of those fluffy sleeve things which helps a little but I can’t help feeling that this is a design that could be improved…


There is a safe legal device on the market that will reduce the tensioner height and it can be transferred to different vehicles - saw it on Dragons Den and I believe that Halfords stock it - not sure on that though.

Yep. I’ve seen them somewhere too.

I’m sure it was Halfords that had them.

This is the closest thing I could find… … ryId_38235

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Also available here >>>[u]THIS MUST BE A WIND UP DOT COM[/u]

i saw that device on dragons den rog i thought it looked a good idea mine digs into my neck and is real pain mine can not be paded because it will not recoil through seat there has to be room for improvement

Always wear a seat belt except when reversing.

Is it not the law that if they are fitted to the vehicle they must be worn ■■?

I weasr one all the time even though being shorter than your average driver I find most of them uncomfortable. I usually resort to one of those velver belt covers that pad them out a bit for comfort.
But I would rather be uncomfortable than dead.
…and yes, they do help you stay in place on the seat.

Just out curiousity who does wear one?
never really wear mine unless cops are about or the winds blowing a gail !

Me now!
A couple of our guys have been "spoken to"by the Old Bill,and it’s company policy now to use them.
It doesn’t take long to get into the habbit,something like wearing one in your car really!

Also available here >>>[u]THIS MUST BE A WIND UP DOT COM[/u]

I didn’t mean that exact one!! :laughing: I just put it up as it was the closest thing I could find.

There’s no way I’d pay a tenner for something I could make out of a bulldog clip!!

i wear mine all the time ever since the day i braked for lights in an old merc and the whole cab flew forward because the mechanic never locked the cab in place,not fun hanging upside down watching the road flying past under you,but still its days like that u appreciate not flyin through the windscreen and under a truck