Scottish independance

If we get a vote on scottish independance. we need to know…

  1. will fuel duty be cheaper in the north?
  2. will cigarettes be cheaper?
  3. will brothels be legalised?
  4. will i need a visa?
  5. will it be a republic or monachy?

anyone got any more questions■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Why would you get a vote :question: the only reason this is taking so long is lizzie has a couple of castles and a holiday cottage up here. :laughing:
me i took an oath to the queen so .id rather things stayed the same.
better a royal family than a president. some say the royals are outdated ,
well im used to them ,and as the young ones are showing a bit bottle there ok

We are supposed to get a vote as it will affect us just as it will affect the scots.
As for the royal family. they can sod off back to germany where they belong. just because they changed their name to windsor from saxe-coburg they think that makes it all ok.

Should note as well if there was a referendum on independance the yes vote for independance wouldn’t win with current opinon polls.

Most polls recon would be about 25% for independance.

So even if a vote does happen unlikely to gain independance from it unless things change dramitically.

Should note as well if there was a referendum on independance the yes vote for independance wouldn’t win with current opinon polls.

Most polls recon would be about 25% for independance.

So even if a vote does happen unlikely to gain independance from it unless things change dramitically.

What have the polls got to do with it■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I think the speed limits must have already changed in Scotland. I have been in Inverness for most of the week and on the A82 and the A9, only one truck was doing less than 60mph … the police must be seriously lenient in the Highlands?

I think the speed limits must have already changed in Scotland. I have been in Inverness for most of the week and on the A82 and the A9, only one truck was doing less than 60mph … the police must be seriously lenient in the Highlands?

I wouldnt say they are lenient as such and let people get away with murder.

But i would say they are maybe more realistic and less black and white about certain speed limits that are out dated like the 40mph on single carriageway roads. Espec on roads like the A9 which is pretty good quality for a single carriageway road and the main route between Inverness and the south.

Maybe other forces could take note and follow their example.

I am sure someone will jump on and say well my mate got done for doing 42mph on the A9 at some point. But when i traveled up there regulalry ive passed the traffic cops whilst going over the 40mph limit, didnt plan to just came round a corner and saw them too late to slow down. Been going along that road on the limiter middle of the night and a traffic cop has overtaken me.

If Scotland becomes independant does this mean all the jocks in England will be returning to Scotland? Not that I’ve got anything against jocks but the reason I ask is that if they all return to Scotland, that’ll be half the population of England gone :open_mouth: and who will replace them? Poles? Romanians? Iraqi’s? the French! I would rather have the jocks here, I might not understand a word they say, or get to grips with blokes prancing around in skirts :wink:, or understand why they hunt haggis’s (or is that haggi)?

So I say to all you jocks living in England - dont abandon us - we need you! (except Gordon Brown, he can [zb] off back to Scotland if you’ll have him)


:wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They would be replaced with all the English that would be kicked out of Scotland as there seems to be millions of them up here.

Scottish independence is coming.

Scottish independence is coming.

I thought it was here? Different standards for education/health/housing. A vote for Scottish Mp’s on what happens in England but not the other way around (regarding ‘Scottish matters’) No wheel clamping. It looks like taxation and traffic laws maybe the only parallels with England?
Oh, and is it just me thats noticed the connection with men in beards wearing long robes and stuff and oil?!!

Mike-C wrote.

A vote for Scottish Mp’s on what happens in England but not the other way around (regarding ‘Scottish matters’)

Short memories ,I think. How many of you guys from south of the border were moaning when Thatcher and all her southern mp’s were ruining,sorry ruling Scotland. The only thing any of these stuck up prats new about Scotland was how much money they got from north sea oil and how much a bottle of scotch cost.

Yeah in the late 1980’s Scotland didnt have a single tory MP.

They used to do Scottish Question time in the House of Commons and it was all english tories in positions over scottish issues.

But i do agree tho the situation isnt fair when Scottish MP’s can vote on English issues and English MP’s can’t vote on scottish issues. I don’t know why Wales, Scotland and NI got their own devolved parliments but England never.

why do you think the ENGLISH goverment has disbanded some many scottish regiments?

don’t worry we’ll still let you wear your skirts, sorry kilts.

ok il take the bait when i joined the army in 1984 there were 16 scottish regiments, i served with the QOH at the time they were disbanded/merged
a good few more were mereged at the time.
the funny thing was though there were only 6 regiments of foot left ,
by the 90s those regiments were always in the front…
as posted earlier due to social conditions/economie.

alfa man:
Mike-C wrote.

A vote for Scottish Mp’s on what happens in England but not the other way around (regarding ‘Scottish matters’)

Short memories ,I think. How many of you guys from south of the border were moaning when Thatcher and all her southern mp’s were ruining,sorry ruling Scotland. The only thing any of these stuck up prats new about Scotland was how much money they got from north sea oil and how much a bottle of scotch cost.

The Thatcher government stiffed most working people, it was only the wide-boys and the spivs in the city that benefitted … and of course those in the building trade during the last boom, the dodgy ‘loadsamoney’ brigade charging telephone numbers for simple jobs. The Poles put a stop to that kind of nonsense. Shame they can’t replace the ■■■■■■■ footballers and make football an affordable game for the working man once again.

The industry of the north of England was decimated during Thatchers tenure in No10, as were many unionised industries. They used the excuse of powerful unions to put the cause of the working man back 75 years or more.

Scotland wasn’t the only place to suffer under the Thatcher government, most working people felt the effects in a worsening of pay and conditions. The problem was, they were too wrapped up in the greed of the property boom of the 1980’s to realise they were being fleeced. They soon found out in the early 1990’s though.

Somebody mentioned earlier that there were a lot of English people in Scotland now and that is certainly true. Living in London as I do, I know exactly why English people are heading north of the border. The term ‘displacement’ is useful in this regard.

I aint really in favor of independance or a split of the union but on the other hand the english will prob vote in the tories at the next general election, then after letting them screw up the country even more for ten years vote in labour again for another ten years of screwing up the country.

**I laugh when people talk about the tories now as if they are some kinda saviours,**as if the tories would do somthing about the likes of fuel duty. The tories claim labour shouldnt have stoped the fuel duty escalator after the fuel protests. The tories stated in 2005 they would re-introduce the fuel duty escalator and hammer up the price of fuel. They will be our saviours, well only if you fancy not being able to afford to get to work if you even have a job to go to.

The last thing the country needs is another dose of the Tories.
Sadly,there are a lot of people on here and in the country at large who have very short memories.
The LibLabCon-Artists abandoned white working class Britons years ago.
The SNP only look good because the opposition are so woeful.
If you look at the amount of our money they are throwing around on the usual P.C. projects you will see nothing has changed for the better.

alfa man:
Mike-C wrote.

A vote for Scottish Mp’s on what happens in England but not the other way around (regarding ‘Scottish matters’)

Short memories ,I think. How many of you guys from south of the border were moaning when Thatcher and all her southern mp’s were ruining,sorry ruling Scotland. The only thing any of these stuck up prats new about Scotland was how much money they got from north sea oil and how much a bottle of scotch cost.

not sure how short memories fits in with the anomaly known as the west lothian question?

I think independence would be a disaster for Scotland. Can they really maintain the standard of living that they have now without all of the billions that they get from England?

I’d support independence, so long as they took Brown and co. back.

Derv Head:
I’d support independence, so long as they took Brown and co. back.

I’d support Hearts to avoid having that marble eyed turd back up here. :smiling_imp:
If you don’t want him you can dump him off the coast where the sewage goes. :sunglasses: